Abandoning Public Goods (2024)

Abandoning Public Goods (1) https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780197674284.003.0002

Journal: The Myth of the Community Fix, 2023, p.17-38

Publisher: Oxford University PressNew York

Author: Sarah D. Cate


Abstract Chapter 1 begins by laying out the relationship between juvenile justice policy and broader social policy. The overview of several major themes of post–New Deal policy developments—devolution, privatization, individualization of social problems, and punitiveness—provides the important context for understanding the effects of the community-based reform movement today. Each of these shifts in social policy marks a substantial departure from the idea of government for the public good. Leveraging this historical institutionalist approach helps to explain why the community-based reform movement mirrors these broader policy developments, and it also helps illuminate why the reforms are largely failing to improve the experiences of youth caught up in the justice system. Pursuing devolution, privatization, and individual solutions within the context of decades of austerity politics and the retrenchment of public goods makes the current community-based reform movement particularly inadequate and ineffective.

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Number of works in the list of references 676
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Abandoning Public Goods (2024)


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