Dwight Star and Herald from Dwight, Illinois (2024)

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DWIGHT LOCAL NEWS a in CUAKLTON promptly igh or day 4 11 40 4:411 MX MODthS HTM DSOOthS WH I HI TV A Kent or Sale We have a good second hand gaso line stove in good repair for sale cheap Sargent Son jEwterM at the ostoffiee tn Pvtgtt' a soeood class atoll matter 5:01 am 1" a in 7:34 a am pin am am £rTOGETHER by the PUIPAnil JAITHN eery taken in exchange for good at I urniture Baaar (ur own make single harness at 12 is the very best value ever offered in Illinois at Leach A I lech's or carpet weaving see Karl Horn at 4 10 Dela ware street The best of work done every job guaranteed Miss Hattie erguson and Miss Net tie Gardner of Atoona are visiting in the family of 1 Boyer If you want the neatest cheapest and best buggy (for the money) you ever saw call on McLane Mr and Mrs Geo Goodman were re cently made happy by the arrival of a bouncing baby boy at their home Dr Lonigan is at the Glasgow Mo Keeley Institute while the physician in charge there is taking his vacation Who wants to buy a very nice porta ble soda fountain for 835 It can be taken out to the races to a picnic or to day when they will return to Chicago and visit the fair for another week I Capt Hlfl of Wanpansie was in town on buslneaa this week The cap talnandhis daughters were on btiil dm in Dwight tor some time and made many warm friends who wish them success in the future Yes it is a faet that you will find the largest and finest assortment of wall papers borders and decorations in Dwight Our stock is larger than all others combined We meet prices urniture Bazaar Round trip Chicago to air grounds Jackson Park 95 cents These tickets are good on Illinois Central trains or boats either way or both wayg at option of holder and are now on sale at the A ticket office Dwight You can get the best home made bread at Geo Kern's Cakes pies etc everything always fresh and nice A inn headquarters for nice cooling temperance drinks candy nuts and fruits of all kinds Next to treatment hall Mr McKensie and John Brown will make application to connect business property and private property with the sewer Both these men worked on the sewer and understand all about laying pipes in first class shape and will do the work well The sewer is finally signed sealed and delivered Every one that possible can should connect their outhouses and houses with the sewer so that all filth may be taken away and the sanitarycondition of the village Improved what the sewer is for Mr and Mr Geo Kyler of Pennsyl vania visited old friends here this week Mr Kyler is an old resident of Dwight having resided here about thirty three years He looks natural but thinks Dwight does not on account of the many improvements that have been made Ever Bros have just received a com plete stock of hose hose connections nozzles lawn sprinklers spray pumps and everything connected with a first class plumbing water and steam fixt ures store We do all the work and guarantee everything Our prices are reasonable Give us a call Weldon as he is familiarly called by his old acquaintances father of Thos Weldon was 84 years of age i last Monday June 12 On that day he walked from Dwight to his farm two miles south and is very strong and healthy for a man of that age His many friends wish him many happy re turns of the day The picture painted by Mr A ord of our city under the charge of Mrs Wall at the air is pro nounced one of the best paintings on the ground that America has produced It is attracting a great deal of atten tion We beg leave to congratulate our worthy artist and are proud to say he if a resident of our city Hutchinson Kansas Clipper Congregational a small newspaper devoted to the interests of the Congregation church and issued un der the supervison of the pastor and trustees vy ill be printed at this office to day It is a neat little sheet contain ing chtych announcements with time of each'service and weekly meetings some neWs hymns and vesper songs and a large number of announcements of our merchants Mr Wagner the night operator of the Western Union covered himself with glory and showed what he could do in the line of quick telegraphing last Thursday night Mr Prime filed in his office at 3000 words being a special crop report so the New York Daily Times details of which are found in another column Mr Wag ner had this dispatch in Chicago at 7 :30 the same evening and the printers in New York were setting it up before 9 the same evening We are in receipt of an invitation to attend commencement exercises at Broadhead Wis The invitation is from Miss Kittie Bowen daughter of Mr Burt Bowen who is quite well known here and the exercises are to be held in Broughton opera house The class motto adopted was the same as the Dwight class of 1892 not Broadhead is the old home of Dr Broughton of Dwight and the i onera house there is named after him we return thanks lor tne inviiaiivii and wish it were possible for us to at tend There were over two hundred present at the Wednesday evening prayer meet ing at Congregational church and much interest was manifested A bright lit tle son of Mr and Mrs Taylor of Louisville was present and surprised the pastor Rev isher by insisting on giving him twenty pennies for the church The little fellow had sold flowers until he had accumulated fifty pennies He wished to do some good with them and gave the other twenty five to a fund to go toward the treat ment of some poor fellow for the liquor habit 1 1 was a very touching Incident and one that might well be imitated by older people The Advocate office of Greenville HL will be sold to the highest bidder for cash at the office on Monday June 2fi 1893 at one in the afternoon This is one of the beet newspaper pro perties in the state But few offices in cities the size of Greenville are so well LADIES' PALACE DAY CARS PALACE RECLINING CHAIR CARS REE EXTRA CHARGE PULLMAN PALAOE BUET OOMPABTMEST SLEEPING 0A1I PALACE DININO OARS PULLMAN VESTIBULED TRAINS REE EXTRA CHARGE AND NO CHANGE CARS GV ANY ClaABB 6KICAI0 AID RAISAS BIT UHIUABU ANU UKNVBN IHlDAHU ARM LMVIffi IT LOUIS ANO KANIAS CITY AND BLOOMINGTON AND KANSAS CITY Pioneer Pullman Palaie Sleepihr Cai PALACE DINING CAR REE PALACE RECL1NIN0 CHAIR CAR LINE JAMES CHARLTON HO Sittbon II uu swim Mw OSMAGL BA DOTODWANT TO ADOPT AB ABT? Maybe you think this is saew Duane reodfiiff out babies on application ft has been done before however but never have thoee furnished been to near the ft this one Everyone wUl exclaim WeU that's the sweetest baby leversawT Thia fxlQnkuinfUvhita cnffTBTtDff CQ you but a faint Idea of theexq have arrived and I am nnw prepared to make ants Sprint' Oven oats suits etc come early and get your pick at dull times price GEO HIKER I lie Tailor any public fathering It to a food thing for a map on ttte 4th of July or other times Call at this office Webster has just received a car load of hard eool direct from PennsyD vania Wa will fillorderi promptly Long Joe has bought the laundry owned by Long See on Mazon avenue Redoes fine work Give him a trial Special excursion to California July 6 and August 3 or rates and infor mation inquire at A ticket office There will boa ball in the Lyceum hall Thursday June 22 Tickets 75 cents Good music All are invited Leave orders for chop feed corn and oats ground at Star Grocery 8110 per cwt A Co nant Will Broughton attended the com mencement exercises and visltedfriends at his old home in Broadbead Wis this week Go to Thomas Blair for plumbing and sewer supplies Estimates given on application Office in Kepplinger Block It is quietly hinted that one of our prominent business men will soon take unto himself a better half Keep a guessing A Haise returned Thursday from a visit to the fair Mrs Haise and the children were there part of the week An industrious boy thirteen years of age wishes to secure a place with some good farmer through vacation Enquire at this office Mickelson desires you to call at the art gallery and have your pic tures taken and pictures renewed The best of work Mr and Mrs John Oughton left Thursday morning for Wisconsin where they recuperate and fish for a week or ten days Conrad continues to keep a little lumber on hand all the time Tell him what you want and he will find it in his yard all right Kern Bros meat market always has the best of meats of all kinds Choice cuts for Sunday Goods delivered at all times promptly Two girls wanted for general house work Immediately Best wages paid Inquire of Samuel Lower at the Penn sylvania House Dwight Ill Miss Mildred Gould returned from a visit to Chicago Monday She visited the fair most every day and enjoyed her visit greatly Anyone wanting a collection of grape i vines small fruits ornamental shrubs choice bulbs or roses can learn of a chance by calling at this office There will be a ball given at Lyceum hall on Thursday evening June 22 by Comeford and Cough lin Good music All invited Mrs Spencer Eldredge is visiting her daughter Miss Cora who graduated this week in department of a kindergarten college in St Louis Will Leach is home from school at Onarga Ill and will work for the Ar tesian Laundry Co during vacation He is much pleased with his school There is no tariff on coal atthe3 I II Taylor is selling soft coal cheap er than any one delivered promptly to any part of the city Give him a call Mr Baker and wife will make their home in Dwight Mr Baker as superintendent of Construction of Pos tal Telegraph Cable Co will office in Chicago Kern grocery department is always supplied with all descriptions of fresh goods Give them a call Leave your order and it will be delivered promptly There will be consecration services at Congregational church next Tuesday evening to which every communicant and supporter is earnestly requested to be present Col and Mrs Sheetsand Miss Hatch of Pontiac visited with Mr and Mrs A Brubaker Tuesday TheColonelis now superintendent of the reformatory at Pontiac See the A air trade mark in another column All air advertising of cheap rates and ex cursions will hereafter appear under this trade mark Several of Dwight's college students returned for their vacation during the past week We noticed the Misses I Sadie Sheldon Addie Baker Myrtle I Martin and Addie Brown I ourth of July A A will sell excursion tickets to all stations within 200 miles at one fare and a third for round trip Sell on July 3rd and 4th good to return 5th inclusive Good canvassing agents men or women to sell an article on commission large profits guaranteed Do not write unless you mean business Address lock box 364 Peoria III 4w Dr Brown who has been in Rock ford in charge of The Keeley Institute during Dr Mayhew's vacation returned home the fore part of the week Dr Brown will go Minneapolis on a like mission in the near future Lewrs brothers and their wives from the ast this week Mr and Mrs 11 Lewis' and Mr and Mrs Lewis TheV visited the fair and came to Pwight Tues day evening and will remain until Mon equipped with material for job and general work The subscription list has always been run on a cash basis and is In excellent condition The paper to republican in polities and has been established thirty seven years and has gained a valuable reputation as not only a good newspaper but one of high moral tone It has always had a superior reputation for its local news and able corps of local correspondents With the third part the work of the rench astronomer lam marrion which appears in The Cosmo politan for July the reader is able to grasp something of the great purpose of the author is declared by those who have read the entire work to be one of the most remarkable writings of the century While pretending to be a novel it Is a work having a deeply philosophical purpose as Is more fully developed in later chapters It is some thing that no fairly intelligent person can afford not to read and is surely destined to become a classic In a recent number of The Cosmopolitan a story was published entitled House of the which re ceived wide criticism because of the Importance of the life problems In volved A daughter of Bishop Potter who was for some time connected with important mission work among the working girls of New York has un dertaken to reply and discusses an other side of the question in the July number An interesting article on the of by Murat Hal stead the peculiar games of the New Mexican Indians by Chas Lum mis by Margaret Manton Merrill the fight of the Cumberland and Merrimac told by Capt Thos Selfridge one of the survivors a paper on Deserted Homes of New Eng an account of the Brussels Mon etary Conference by one of its most distinguished members a curious story of the southwest by Opie Read and a contribution by Mr Howells are among the many important papers of the June Issue Special Attractions atthe World's air To day will be a day of extraordinary 1 attractions at the fair The dedication of the Massachusetts build ing will take place and the meeting of the Sons and Daughters of the Ameji can Revolution will be held At 2 there will be an international parade of all the different people ani mals and vehicles of the Midway Plaisance They will proceed about the grounds and be a grand display of Interest to all There will also lie the usual illumination of the grounds at night McWilliams Block Up stalrs 3 Doors Northeast of the Post office Cleaning and repairing a specialty air rom Prime's Crop Bulletin No one need stay home any longer because the exhibits at the i World's air are not in order All that is wanted now is for the Railroads to come forward and give us once or twice a week They have made every preparation in the way of motive power cars and putting their tracks in fine order for moving the people but to this date the people have not come as they were expected to I have been asked agreatmany questions with regard to how you can see the most of the air in the shortest time very few people are so situ ated that they can give at the out side more than a week to the air It has occured to me in my own experience that it is a very good way to do the air to first before you go into any building take one of the electric floats and sail up and down the lagoons for two or three hours In no other way can you form any conception of the greatness grand eur and extent of the air than in this way It has another very pleasant feature and that is you see so much without getting tired as everyone knows there is noth ing so exhausting as sightseeing After you have done this get onto the Intra Mural Elevated Railway This railroad goes all around the air grounds on the inside and gives you another and entirely different view and aspect of the great exhibit This ought to take you about half a day with the sail upon the water after that you are in good condition to single out whatever exhibit you are mostly interested in and you can keep that up all summer if you like Yet alter you have done the Pair you will come away and say that you have not seen one half of it 1 ought not to forget to say a word about the Mid wav Plaisance This has attractions for everybody and it does not make any difference where you go you will be sure not only to be entertained but wonder fully instructed There wild and untutored tribes and Danus oi people from all parts of the world This part of the exhibition I en joyed more than anything else for there are people here that we can never see again under the favor able circ*mstances which exist where they are to day the streets of Cairo are particularly instruc tive The Javanese people are very interesting and the Dahomas are I think the greatest show on the grounds Hagendack trained animals are the most wonderful exhibition of their kind we have had in this country The is not yet completed but I do not think you will stumble over it when you are in the Plais ance I forgot to say that no one ought to fail in spending at least half a dav in the wonderful im pressive and massive exhibit of The engines of war are mighty So ponderous that it does seem incredible that they could ever be moved across the ocean and put up with so little trouble for our gratification In conclusion all I have to say is do not fail to see the World's air and come before the weather gets very hot We hope everyone who owns a aorse will the advertisem*nt of the Elkhart Harness Manufacturing Eixu: Indiana appearing in this pauer Examinations Candidates for Certificates will be examined in the following subjects in the order riday beginning at 8 30 A Written Arithmetic Mental Arithmetic Geography Grammar Histo ry Orthography Saturday forenoon Physiology Pedagogy Reading and Pen manship or the first grade in addition to the foregoing the candidate must stand an examihation in Botany Zoology and Philosophy The required average for second grade is 80 per cent with a minimum of 70 for the first grade 90 per cent with a mini mumof 75 Persons not personally known to the Superintendent must present references as to moral character According to the provisions of the law a fee of $1 for insti tute purposes will be collected from each applicant The required age formales is 18 for females 17 years The following are the dates set for 1S93: May 19 20 June 16 17: August 19 20 Sept 15 16 Oct 20 21 Nov 1718 Dec 16 no private examinations given Henry A oster County Supt EST A ciiiollon reight except Sunday Mail Leaves except Sunday A DAISYn which we propose to send to youyranBpvr tation paid The little dkrUng rwts a Dillow and is in the act of drawing off its oink sock the mate of which has been pulled fiuS? aside with a triumphant coo The flesh tints are perfect and the eyre follow you no matter where you stand The exqui site reproductions of this ffreat painting of Ida Waugh (the most celebrated of modern painiere taby life) are to be given to more who subscribe to Demorest amily Maga zine for 1893 The reproductions cMt be told from the original are the same size (H life size find absolutely HfeliKe we nave also in preparation to present to our scribers during 1893 other umrAreZ such artists as Percy Moran Maud Humphrey Louis Deschamps and others of renown Take only two ewmplee of what we did during the past year A Yard or an and "A White House by the wife of President Harrison and you will see what our promises mean tv Those who subscribe for Demorest amily Magazine for 1893 will possess a allejy 9ex quisite works of art of great Magazine that cannot be equaled by any In the world for its beautiful Illustrations and subject matter that will keep ed on all the topics of the day and all the fads and different items of interest about the household besides furnishing interesting reading matter both grave and gay for the whole family and while Demorest is not a fashion Magazine its fashion are per fect and we give you fres of cost all the pat terns you wish to use during the year and in any size you choose Send in scription at once only S3 and you will really get over S25 in value Address the publisher Jennings Demorest 15 East Hth St New York If you are unacquainted with the Magazine send 10 cento for a specimen copy Eyes tested free at Miss Addie Baker is home on vaca tion Jas Cronin visited the fair Sunday Everett Lewis was in Chicago on busi ness Monday Send your work to the Dwight Arte slan Laundry Leach Reeb are headquarters for shoes Oxfords In all colors and styles at Leach The finest screen doors on the jnar ket at Will Hagerty is able to be out after his severe illness Dan Chariton visited friends In Chi cago over Sunday Miss Gertrude Harris is enjoying her vacation at the fair Hershall Hagerty was in Pontiac Monday on business Sight is valuable Have your eyes tested at Oranges lemons pineapples and ba nanas at Baker A fine lunch at any time day or night at enn Dr Ubellar will return ready for business about July 1 Single harness S450 up or fly nets see II McLane Mr rank A Haise and wife spent the past week at the fair Have you inspected those beautiful screen doors at Lewis lias all the appliances for testing and fitting the eyes A fresh supply of Kennedy cakes and crackers at Baker The nicest place in Dwight to get cool drinks is at enn A Lewis spent Sunday in Chicago visiting his brothers and sisters Try our ancy Loaf flour at 81 per sack warranted at Baker Lay in your supply of hard coal now Conrad4ias just received a car load Reynolds line shoes are as ever the best at Leach A enn A Co sell the nicest ice cream in Dwlgiit Call and be convinced Mr Stanton of Glen Ellyn Ill spent a few days in Dwight tills week Jas Applegate and Ellen Brown were granted license to wed this week A car Ibad of hard coal now on hand at Now is the time to buy The race track seems to lie quite a thoroughfare for bicycles for ladies' use Keep the pesky Illes out by using those elegant screen doors sold by Con rad Mixed pickles by the quart bottled pickles at one naif price at Baker Every kind of shoe known to the human race can lie found at Leach A There will be vesper services in the Congregational church next Sunday evening Dr Blaine visited friends and the world's fair in Chicago Saturday and Sunday ly nets ami lap robes all the lat est styles and at lowest prices at I each A I lee The best place to get your watch re pairing done at reasonable prices is at Guardenier's Oughton and family left Thurs day morning for a week's fishing in Hartland Wis Don't forget to leave your order with A Welister for your Braidwood coal and sewer pipe or meat or groceries Kern Bros' is DWIGHT A Time Table NORTH Express daily Accomnio'tion except Sunday leave Hiiniiiier uauy Express except Sunday Mail daily Sunday Accommodation Way reight except Sunday SOUTH Mail dailv Kansas City ExpexeeptSundaj Accoinotion daily arrives st Louis Express daily St Louis Kansas city Ex daii Wav reight except unday I I I Time Table On and alter hndar December 21 1890 train will leave Dwight as follows: TRAINS WEST No 1 mall 2:10 No 3 express freight 4:20 No 6 express freight TRAINS EAST No 2 mall 9:02 a No 4 express freight 1152 a No 6 express freight 2:10 All trains dally except Nos 1 and 2 Sunday All trains carry passengers to regular stopping points AW COOK Gen'l Pass Agent SMITH Supt teems of subscriptionY POST AO PAID nltonnee I CENTRAL CITY Michael Morgan was in Morris Monday on business Robert McCooey Robt Daw son and John Cooper were Coal City visitors on Sunday last Miss Lillie Spiers is around again after having been sick some time Mr Bonner of Coal City is still moving houses from Hay Town to Catbon Hill Mrs Croft visited her mother Mrs Gaffey at Braidwood Mon day Adam Brooks isup to the times having given his buggy a new coat of varnish The Tr ibune man was hustling around in our quiet little burg last Tuesday evening A grand bowery dance will be given by Messrs Glasgow and Stevens in a grove two miles north of Gardner one half miles south and two west of Braceville on riday evening June 23 to which all are invited to attend Refresh ments will be served on the grounds and good music present Our fellow townsman and en terprising brother Edward Hardy has been struck with a regular re pairing fever He is making ex tensive preparations upon his pri vate residence to entertain world fair visitors from abroad aint ing paper hanging frescoing and even wood graining has been go ing on during the past week Ah there up any more com ing this way? Ta ta OUS SZW 1893 nOVSB BUD 01m LOWER SEEDS Varieties REE I AnTJaparallelei Offer Old EMbllffhe4 ReH able Publishing Haase! Ths Ladiks' Wobld IsslsnroiQ page 80 colunm illustrated Maes cine for ladies and the family circle rrg ittedeYoteawnoneapoeme laawr fancy work arttotic Medlework Dome oevvtziivw faahiona hygiene juvenile reading etiquette etc To Introduce this i rkrrrln laAtea Mtwr into 106000 Mre 4 ia nni mIpcmzIv taken we tiotJT fl make the following edootal offrr: Zpes uM IS Ceata ahfr i rirk I WrevlA far Montha wd will ri ree pempasa vwb leetlon of Choice lower Seeds two AuWrod including ansiea Verbenas Drummondii Balsam Cyprew Vine Stocks DigiteJiS Vcrims ji Zinnia Pinks etc etc Remember twelve cento nay for the macs tine three mouths and this entire magnificent Collection of Cbdce lower Seeds put up by a firoVclam Seed Hoose sad warranted fresh and reliable No lady can afford to mtos this wondtrfn! opportunity Weguarentee every subscriber many times ths rains of mmiev ent end will refund yonr money and make you spment VjA of both eeds and Magazine if you are Dot sattofied Dun is an old and reliable publishing house endomed by all the leading ntw papers We have received hundreds of testunontale from pleaSM patrona during the past five years: I kad beaMtifal fovtn ttfit V''ti trnt tnt ytari uad jron ttpmtmt kwnrtht seeds 7Ii arf riartly a advrriiudn Mrs Bayom Dana Wk Myrtlf and Kart oent far vanoiu tdrtrlutdbf and hart' found tktm to bt entirely Davis Brooklyn Mrs Henry Ward Becher ffubeenuer) anu race ordered our seeds last season IM not con fni mi th is offer with the catchpenny schemes! of unscrupulous persons Hrife to day put it off! Six subscriptions and six Seed Collections sent for 50 cents SPCIiL OER! for above offer and naming Du paper isdi'ek tke Mie Mis adrerttrnnenl we wifi send free in addition to all the above one packet of tbe eels bested Ekford Hweet Peas embracing the newest varieties including Boresttoa 1st Eekford Splendor The Queen Orangs PrtaSS CUamam ete 8wt Pa mm meet IM and fashionable bouquet flower nowcnltlratM tad the Eekford Varieties which we offw are ths largest Anat and mrxrt kniwn fTW IS A height of 6 feet and produce for three months eonti casus fusion of fragrant blrvrms of the most brilliant colortM 'L''? ANOTHER GREAT OER subscription price) we will send La4le Wari4 frtoa ear together with our magnificent CollsetfM of OdlM wwsr Seeds above described likewise one packet of the exteMkrefy ndree rjrj Used and justiv celebrated Kekferd Sweet Pena Address: 3 IL JkoORE dk CO Park Place New Illinois Central Time Table PONTIAC ILL 2 GOING SOUTH AND WEST Passenger jnt reight No 11 6:20 a No 13 NORTH AND EAST Passenger 3:17 reight No 12 No Close connections at Minonk and KankakeS for all points north east south and west JkSr i trains carry passengers BUTLER gent Pontiac DI itrteif gnaUL rite original SPRING SAMPLES JUi LINKED.

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Dwight Star and Herald from Dwight, Illinois (2024)


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Author: Duncan Muller

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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.