New York Herald from New York, New York (2024)

0 SHIP Continued From Preceding WIRELESS REPORTS. B'r Sr'eydllta (Ger). Bremen for New York. Is expected to dock at tltli street. Hobokcn, about 11 AM Thursday.

f'r Minnekahda, Antwerp for New York. expected to duck at pier. 53 about 9 :30 AM i'riday. Parima (Br), flt Thomas for Now York, I is expected to dock at pier 1M, Brooklyn. about 1 I'M Thursday.

Ptr Carrlllo, Colon for Now York. Is ex pectod to dock at pier 13, Bast Blver, about 11 AM Thursday. Str West llardaway, from Grangemouth for Norfolk, in exported to arrive at lliilifax 13th for bunkers. By Independent Wireieaa Telegraph Company, Inc. (Distance given in position at noon unless otherwlso Agwlhavrt? SGE Cape Cod 13th.

Andrea Euckcnhach 13th. Duron Ofeihy 240 till Kastharnpt'on 7:30 I'M 1 lath. Bridgotown 576 tit Thomas 13tb. Coldhrook 420 by llitterua 13th. Cornelia 171 AguadUlu Cretan 06 Eire Lslnnrl 15th.

J'irigo I ti Hole in Wall ISfh. Eastern Sea passed Vineyard Haven 13th. El Cupltun 1,110 SSE Ambrose 13th. El Isle.) DlAniond Shoal 13th. Eoccno 10 Ambrose 13th.

Gloucester 13 WSW Montauk 13th. Helen 826 Scotland l. 13th. Hilton 01 NE Diamond Shoal 13tli. Irene passed Five Fathom Dank 13tli.

t'iufley passed Ovorfalla 5:10 I'M 13tln Jai.elew 220 SE Cape Itaeo 13th. Jeff Davis 402 Savannah 13th. Kershaw 10 N'NE Barnepat 13th. Eenape 1 Diamond Shoal 13th. Lepanm 110 Ambrose 9 AM 13tli.

Llltorvy Clo 760 SE Boston 13tli. Eilliart II NE Fivo Fathom Bank 13th. Mluttekahda. 307 Ambrose 13th. Mohawk 3 Diamond Shoal 13th.

Muruiiolor Groat Bound Shoal 13th. I Neva.dan 377 Ambrose 18th. Norma 1 Scotland 1. 13th. irniidale 10 flV Winter Quarter L.

13th. 1'anaman 1.046 ft Scotland 1.3th. Parla 611 NNW St Tltomaa 1.3th. Pari ma 235 SSW Ambrose 16th. Porto loft San Junn 5:30 PM 13th.

Robin Adair 182 from Boston 13th. can (311 29 Jupiter 12th. folapn. 20 N. llattetas 13th.

Sunelseo 95 fs' Hattoras 13th. Tannmo 1,189 Ambrose 13tlt. Tulsa 725 NK Charleston 18th. Tuscan 1 NNE BarneRat 13th Wist Kcdrou 400 NE llolc in Wall 13th. By the Radio Corporation of Atrierica.

A Bedford 2t'l SB Galveston 13th. Afoundrlu 673 13th. Jupiter 13th. 652 NW Balboa 12th. 1 SSW Corysfort, El a.

13th. Alblstan 30 SE Cape 51 ay 13th. Amap'o tSQ Montatjk 13th. Atlantis Sun 171 Diamond Shoal 13th. Key West tilth.

A uatonla lul 33, Ion 4.5 13th. Benjamin Brewster 61 tape Mays! 12th. Rylayt 2 Scotland 13th. Byron Benson 170 N.VE Colon 12th. Camden 291 Tampleo 12th.

Carlton .30 55, Ion 4S 23 13th. Carrillo 241 Scotland 13th. t'erro Azul by Tampleo 13th. Charles En rest 72 Diamond Shoal 13th. Charlton Hall Diamond Shoal 13th.

City of Atlanta 107 Diamond Shoal 13tb. City of Augusta 130 Diamond Shoal 13th. Coahoma County 113 Cape Henry 13 th. a 1 Conto Rorso Chatham 2:30 AM 13th. 'oppenamo 308 South Paaa 12th.

Delaware Stm 312 Philadelphia 13th. Eastern Sea passed Vineyard Haven 13th. Eastern Coast 802 Ambrose ICth. Eastern Leader 1.230 Boston 12th. Ku.tport 710 12th.

El Capitan expecto to dock New Orleans 10 AM 14th. El Isleo 53 N' Diamond Shoal 13th. El Mundo 202 Scotland 13th. El Vallo 130 Jupiter 13th. ESIkhorn lut 22 07, I011 lit 21 12t.h.

Ellenore hi NE Cape May 13th. Eoenne 10 Ambrose 13th. Eierett 10 N'E Cape Cod 13th- It Kdllogu 257 WNW Tortuaae 12th. Federal 25 SB Key West. 12th Feltoro 133 Ambrose 13th.

Fcrnmore HO ESE Cape Mav 13th. Franklin Lane 52 Jupitor 13th. Frederic Ewlng rt Ambrose 13th. Fred Wcllor 50 NW Tortngan 13th. Frode 358 Amhroae 13th.

'larfield 115 Ambrose 13th. Oeo Jones 390 S3V Sand Key 13th, Olenrldge Henry 13th. Gulfllght 2 Hatteras 13th. tlulfmald. 130 Ambrose 13th.

lulfprlnce 220 ESE Sahlne bar 13th. (iulfquecn 100 Diamond Sboal 13t.h. Gulf of Mexico 110 Tortugas 13th. II Flagur lat 45 12. Ion 3a 13th.

lln'ti 290 Diamond Shea' 13th. llcffroh pursed Jupiter 13th. lluftero 55 Fear lSth. Innoko 000 Ambrose 1.1th. lowun 52 Bird Hock 13th.

100 Balboa .1 -C Donnell 132 WSW Hand Key 13tli. James 11 Duke "50 five Fathom Bank 13th. John Ari'hbold 615 Balboa 12tli. Joseph Cudahy 327 by 8 Key West 13th. Krrhonkson 1.150 Amhrose '3th.

Lecrsiim 105 Capo May 13th. I.fhlgh passed Ovorfals .1 I'M 13th. Levant A trow 48 Jupltor 13th. J.ightnurne 157 I SE Sold a 13th. Elliott 1,267 Handy Hoolg 13th.

Macabl HI Nantucket I3tn. Matinlco*ck 213 Ambrose 13th. Meantlcut tat 31 18, Ion 55 20 12th. Metapan 11.1 Kingston 12th. Meteor 21 NNE Winter Quarter 13th.

Misaourlan 5J3 from Balboa 12th. Muuairos 617 Handy llook 13th. Munimar 175 Nassau 13th. Muskogee to Hand Key 13th. Navigator 1,058 Cape Henry 13th.

Nehraskan 111 Delaware Breakwater 13th. Nelson II HHE Henry 1.7U). vndan 377 New York 13th. New Jersey 103 13th. Nora 68 Hand Key 13th.

Norfolk 23 NE Barnegat 13th. IVarlng 220 HHW Tilnmond Shoal 1.1th. Ortega, 20 30, Ion 71 53 13th. I'arta 611 NNW St Thomas 13th. 1'arlma 235 HHE Ambrose I.

13th. Penobscot 1 NW peaked Hill buoy 17th. I'ort Albany 856 SE Ambrose 13th. President Flllmoro 1,232 Ambrose 1.1th. President Van Huren 200 Ambrose 13th TP a per 222 WSW Port Arthur 13th.

Robert Esdlnr 881 San Pedro 1 AM 13th. Ituth t3 NE Winter Quarter 1.7th. Spalding 110 jvfc; juptmr join. Ht 80 Hattoraa 1.1th.* Han Brum 400 1.1 mon 13th. roopoldo HO Nassau 13th.

Hanta t.Mtna 1.713 8 Amhrnoi! I. I2th, Panto Paula .174 Proliant! 1. 13th. Hantora panm-d out Handy tlook 13th. Saucua lat 31 40, Ion 3.1 .10 13th.

Pocony 30 NW Tortucas 12t.h. Hprlncfbld 4.17 by Nanturkot 13th. standard 000 Scotland 13th. Htoel Enktnacr .17 Colon 121 Hurrrr-a. I4ti HIV Diamond Hhool 1.1th.

Suffolk 17 Winter Quarter 13th. Hunelenco 01 llatteraa 13th. Bnnowco .142 Scotland 1. 13th. Htvlftarrow 410 Block Inland 1.1th.

Hwlftllaht 32? NW Matteran 13th. Tfradontea 0.10 HE Amhroao 13th. Toloa arrive at Havana noon 13th. Trannportatlon .1 SE Capo Cod 13th. Trollonltolnt 120 by Capo llonry 13th.

723 NB Charleston l.ltli. nirla 71 Itnl'er 13th. 11 I.lbby 144) NW Tnrtnaan 13th. Walter Jennings 30.1 RW Diamond Phoal midnight 12th. tlotom-itn 7H tmh'oso 13th.

West Inlay 800 Ambrono 1, 13th. Wivt Jiv. -p 741) Han f'odro 12th. tvilllnm NB Diamond Hhoal 13th. Wllltain loom n'y 13th.

WlnOobago 1.10 Bishop Jlnok 13th. PASSED CITY ISLAND. Bound Soutti. Pt.r North Land, for Now York. Cayo Cod (at tpM) AM).

Schr rty, Nantucket for New York, With 1 spartan, light (at 8 AM): A with 3 barges (at 11:25 AMI. Bound East. Sir Anahnac, ltayonne for Kail River (at 15 PM i. ica'royer 283 (ar (1:33 AM). Srhr Hon (Br), New York for St NR.

'iir- Hymotltb, with bargee 7 (O AM'; with i tat 8:23 AM); Chan M' iffrcy, with 8 (at (' AMI: Clieektowaga, with (at 9:13 A3(); tllarnarrk. with 1 (at PM); Federal No 2, with 3 (at .3 03 I'M' Mn'nr barge Pure Oil 3 (at 4 .30 PM). Sailed 13th, achr Cut'ybnrk from New York for St John. CLEARED. Sir Cirmauln iltVi.

Mrlenm. Qtiaenatewn iind Liverpool (general)? Cunnrd Steamship CO. Mr Pnrd. ker, Copenhagen Kdie A Co. Sir Hcandla (( an), Slmonaep, Nyborg (oll)-R Hague.

Ptr Puget Sound. Smith, Copenhagen, Panrtg dnd Halalngfo. via Philadelphia A McCormaek. Sir Bayem (Oer), Kchw ambergrr. (Iamburg Amcrleair Lines fc'lr I'ipealoua County, dtrombeck, Havre I I EWS OF and Dunkirk (general) Cosmopolitan Shipping Co.

Str Patrla Desehelles. Palermo. a pits and Marseilles Elwell Co. Str Lampo (Ital), Scarpa. Algiers, Savona and Leghorn (oil and Hague.

Str Asqulth (Bri, Wattley. Torre Annuuzlata II Winchester Co. Str Santa BUaa, Geltzler, Callao, Pisco, via Panama Canal Grace Co. Str Steelorc, Flobertson. Cruz Grande Steamship Corporation.

Str Samuel Brown. Smith, Los Angeles via Panama Canal Warden. Sir C'auto, Warms, Vera (jrue and Tamnieo via Philadelphia York and Cuba Mall Steamship Co. Str llarold Walker. Jones, Tampico (general)? Huastera Co.

Str Pennsylvania, Iverseu, Tampico Texas Co. Str City of Montgomery. Hammond, Savan nah (gene ral I Ocean Steamship Co. Str Lake Kannln. Dow, Wilmington and Brunswick Steamship Co.

Str tfofferson. Ilorsley, Norfolk (general)? Old Dominion Transportation Co. Str Philadelphia, Leek, Baltimore (general) Steamship Co. Str Herman Winter. Lindland, Portland (general Steamship Corporation.

Str Mohican. Allen. Boston tgcneral) Eastern Steamship Corporation. Str North Land, Call. Boston (general) Eastern Steamship Corporation.

Barge Samuel I'ahcher. McNamara, Windsor, NS Whitney Co. SAILED. Stra Horace Luckenbaeh, Los Angeles. Eocene (with 1 barge), Boston: (motor).

Phlladelnhla: Frederic Ewlng. Tarn Pico; Bylayl, Norfolk: Santoro. Daiquiri; Veedol, Philadelphia; Fort Hamilton iBr), t'-ermuda; Paris (Fr), Havre; America. Ifremon; Slxaola, Santa Marta. Virginia Limited, Richmond; Idaho (Br).

Hull, Arkansas (Dan). Copenhagen, fce; Eglanticr (Belg), Havre. Samuel Brown. San Pedro. Ac; San Jacinto, Galveston: X'hlladelphia.

Unltlniorc; Canto. Havana, Ac, via Philadelphia; Jefferson. Norfolk. Sir Nltonlan (Be). Antwerp.

Str Maple, Philadelphia. Steamboat Prances (Br). Bermuda. nark City of Beaumont. Mobile.

jSehrs Tosste Aubrey (Brt. Nassau; Eleanor Taytor. Georgetown, SC: Helvetia, Charleoton; Dorothy Brlnknian, Baltimore; Edwin Parrar. Virginia. Tugs Mercury, towing 2 barges (passed out Sandy Hook at AM); Liberty, towing 3'(do at 11 :50 AM).

Sailed 12th, Ftns Ellenorc, Norfolk; Haiti, Haiti. SalletT 12th, tug Mary McNally. towing 2 barges (passed out Sandy Hook at 5:21 PM). The corrected reading of the barometer (reduced to sea level at New York on Wednesday, Dee 13. 1922, at 8 AM, as repdrted by the United States Weather Bureau, was thirty and thirty-five hundredths (30.35) Inches.

This closely approximates soven hundred and seventy and nine-tenths (7T(MO millimtetens. Captains of ail vessels now lying in or near the ports of New York and Brooklyn can advantageously use the above official data for observing whether their own barometers require any considerable correction or adjustment. Wind Sandy Hook. 8 PJI. MV.

18 miles; clear; light sea: visibility 12 miles. FOREIGN WEATHER CABLEGRAMS. CAPE RACE. Dec at noon. 20 20 inches: wind.

SW. gale; weather, raining; temperature, ucg tanr. Winds Off Atlantic Coast. East to fresh Past. Snd southeast winds and weather overcast Thursday; local rains over the north portion.

West southeast and south winds and weather partly overcast; probably local rains over north portion Thursday. Carrlbean Sea and Windward Passagc? Fresh northeast winds and weather rarlly overcast, with local rains Thursday. North of Sandy westerly winds, becoming east and southeast over south portion. Increasing cloudiness Thursday, probably snow or rain by night. Sandy Hook to to fresh east and southeast winds and weather overcast, followed by rain Thursday.

Hatteras to Florida to fresh northeast and east winds and weather partly overcast, probably local rains Thursda t. MARITIME MISCELLANY. Str Modona (Nert. which arrived at New York Oth from Campbellton, NB. lost part of her deckload.

BOSTON. Mass, Dec Vorentla fBr), which arrived last night, has wirelessed local office that a broken windlass would not nl! low her to snehor; arrangements were made with Quarantlno officials and tugs to dock steamer. A two masted schooner, said to bo numwt Silver Piece, Is ndrtft off Sankaty, short of provisions and tn need of assistance. The schooner was reported bound from Antwerp to Cuba. The Coast Guard cutter Acushnet went to her assistance.

Str Manchester Spinner (Br), for Portland, Me, anchored nt Quarantine yesterday fumlpatlng, dragged ashore during gale late la night on vest side of Lone Island and remaln-i; tups at high water this morning were unable to float her. and anMher attempt will bo made on next high tide; reported windlass became disabled while dragging, rendering her almost helpless. GULFPORT. Miss, Deo Sweet hope (Br), from T.vne for this port, Ib ashore on Dog Keys. LONDON, Dec Pennsylvania (Dan), from New Orleans, Ac, for Nantes, before reported ashore In the Olronde, got off apparently uninjured.

telegram received from Panama states that str Unita (Nor), from New Orleans via Vera Cruz for Portland. On', and Hong Kong, has discharged part of her cargo; drydoeklntr. having been Str Munsomo. from New York for Fan Pedro, Ac, before reported having put back to Balboa leaking. Is discharging part of cargo to make repairs to hull.

LUNKNB'URO. N8, Dec Maclean Clan (Br), with dry fish, ready to sail for Porto Rico, was badly damaged here to-dav by fire wnicn burn-d forAniast, dork and sails. PlUL.ADKl.rHIA. Pa, Paw Wales Marn (Japl. aground on Tlnleum Island, remained last night after attempts by Huts tn float Ifor; It will probably be necessary to lighter part of her grain cargo.

SAN PRANCISCO. pec 13-Str Orterti flirt, before reported ashore, has broken two. The skeleton crew of 12 men under Capt vineent Harper transshipped to the salvage str Homer. WASHINGTON. PC.

Dec l.V-Thc Shipping Board announced to-day the following ship sales: former army transport, grivv tonnage 7.212./to the Robert Dollar Co, New York; Lake Gunnl, Hake type cargo vessel, S.BSd tons. Rajah Steamship Co, New Orleans; Charles 11 Cramp, steel cargo vessel, tf.220 tons, and Henry (irove. steel rargc vessel, tl.220 tons, to Carey Hunter, Baltimore. WINNIPEG, Man. Pee Grant Mordcu took out bushels of grain from Port William.

Ont. Tuesday. This If the bulkiest cargo of grain cvar taken down the lakes. Her destination Is Buffalo. Gralr fleet of 13 vessels, which hsd taken shell- In Thunder Ray.

near Port Arthur, from i wind and snow, moved out on to Lakn Stt I perlor last night and are all making goon I progress toward Soo. Weather Is very set-err on lake, thermometers on land registering 20 below rero. Navigation on Lalt.s will officially end Friday at midnight. Dangara to Navigation. STOCKHOLM.

Pec ships leaving ports on the Baltic Sea are warned nf tlir renewed danger of mines planted during tin i war. Many havn been found tn various parts of the Baltic during the last month I Th? Finnish lightship Storbotten was blow) up hy a mlno off Aland In September. Flv? of the crew of ten were Irvrt. The loss ol many vessels since the war Is believed i havo been caused by the mines. I to the Hydrographle Office.J Nov 3ft," 1st 33, Ion SO, pa sited a.

trer I trunk about 30 feet long, with brandies-Sti Abangareg. I Nov 20. lat 45 14, Ion 41 53, passed square log about 11 feet long and covercf with marine Cadillac (Rr). CABLE REPORTS. STEAMERS ARRIVED.

ARABIC (Br), at Gibraltar 13th. ALBANIA (Br), at Loudon 13th. PASSENGER STEAMERS SAILED. OLYMPIC (Br), from 1.1th foi Sew York. flOVTHtCHN CBOHS, from Santoo 10th foi Km Tor't.

i MIMNBDOCA tBri. front Antwerp 1.1th foi Ht John, NB. at end from Foreign ALEXANPHBTTA. HVArrlvcd. nti New A-.

for Bntnvla. I Sailed 11th, rtr Jnlapa ffroni N'rtv York Tripoli. ALKX AN1 Dw 11' Sailed, rtr rortu riioim' Prlnre (Br), Boston. Hailed Ihtlt, rtr Poehet. Nrtv York.

ANCONA. the rtr (Itall. Montreal. Arrived 11th, rtr Airedale Montreal. A STILL Dec A-Sailed, atr ft Fin sen (Pan), Nctv York.

ANTWERP, Dec Vt It- THE WORL Notice to Owners, Agents and Ship Masters. The New York Herald lishes daily reports of the tions of merchant vessels re: ceived through coastal radio sta- tions operated by the Radio Cor- poration of America ana the Independent Wireless Telegraph Company, Inc. Vessels equipped with radio apparatus may, without charge, report their (TR) noon positions through the foli lowing stations: Independent Wireless Tele- i graph Company, New York i city (WCG); East Hampton, I L. I. (WSA); East Moriches, L.

I. (WSE), and New London. Conn. (WST). The United States Public Health Service will also give free medical advice through these stations.

Radio Corporation of America, Marion, Mass. (WCC): Cape i Cod, Chatham. Mass. (WIM); i Siasconset. Mass.

(WSC); New London, Conn. (WLC); New I York city (WNY), and Cape May, N. J. (WCY). In co operation with the seaman Church Institute of New York and the United States Public Health Service the Radio Corporation of America furnishes free medical advice to ships at sea.

Salle (Fr), New Orleans: Nevada. (Fr), San Francisco; 10th, Amalienborg (Dan), Montreal. Sailed Oth, strs Maryland (Br), Boston; 11th. Minnedosa (Br), St John, NB. Sailed 12th.

strs Mereler (Belg), New York; 13th Zee land do via Southampton. ARDftOSSAN, Dec sir Shooters Island, Dublin. BALBOA. Dee strs Santa Malta, San Franelsco: tith. Delrosa, Buenaventura; Nth, Moorish Prlneo tBr), from New York, from Yokohama.

Arrived llth, str Steel Engineer, Tacoma, for London. BARCELONA. Dee atr Bucklelgh (Ital), United States. BARRY, Dec str General Church rBrt, Hampton Road.s. BELIZE.

Dec str YV'oldlngham (Br), New Orleans. BOCAS DEL TORO. Deo 12-Arrtvcd. stf Santa Marta. Cristobal.

BRISBANE, Doc str Canadian Pioneer iBr), Montreal. BUENOS AIRES. Iiec fl-Sailed, str Troubadour (Nor). Boston and New York, eianrvis Sarnfns (Ncr). Pallia.

CHEMULPO. Dec O-Salled. rtr Steel Mariner (from Galveston. Ac). Shanghai.

CIENFUESGOS, Dec str Nordhavet (Dan), New York. Sailed -12th, str II (Dan). Now York COLOMBO. Dec str India Arrow, Port Arthur. CRISTOBAL, Dec 13-Arrlved, str Metapan.

New Y'ork via Havana. Arrived 8th. str Steelmaker, Baltimore for Sar. Francisco and Honolulu Arrived 13th. str City of Bagdad (Br), New York, Ac, for San Francisco.

Yokohama, Ac. DUNKIRK, rtec str Michael Emherlcos (Greek). New Orleans. FAYAL, Dec str West Sag! naw. New York.

FLUSHING. Dec str West Munhani, Houston; GEFLE. Dec str Malmen (Sw), Boston and New York. GENOA. Dec str Fulgor (Ital), Galveston GIBRALTAR.

Dec 13-Passed, ttr Marto (Ital). Galveston for Genoa. Arrived 13th, str Arabic (Br), New York for Naples and Genoa. Arrhed 13th, str Hektor (Nor). Baltimore.

Sailed 7th, str Campania (Ital), from Genoa for Hampton Roads. GLASGOW, Dec strs Lakonla (Br), Montreal: Kastalla (Br), Baltimore. I Sailed 3th, str Saturnla (Br), Halifax and i Portland (was reported for New York). Sailed 12th. str (Br).

Portland. Me. I GOTHENBURG. Dec str NyI land (Sw), Baltimore, Ac. Arrived Oth.

str Trivial (Br), Port Arthur. GRANGEMOUTH, Dec lO-Satled. str Fredtnsboro (Dan). Newfoundland. Sailed 12th, sir Manchester Civilian (Br), Boston.

(from Philadelphia and New York). Copenhagen. HALIFAX. Dec s'r Pallas HAMBPRG, Dec etr Ilansa i (Get-), NV? York. I HAVANA, etre Abangarez, 1 New Orieans; 1.5th, Pastoreg, Now York; Han Oil (Hr), Boston.

Arrived 12th. atr Orizaba, New York. Arrived 13th, stre Pastores, New York: Trdoa (llr). Cristobal for New York; Pan Gil Boston. 1 Arrived 13th, Monterey, Frogreeo; Camaguey.

New York Palled 12th. etr Etpcranza (from New Y'ork). Vera Cruz. i Palled 13th. atr Monterey (from Vera Cruz), New York.

HAVRE. Dec aire Brailller (Br), New York; Norwich City (Brt, Montreal. HONG KONG. Dec etr Hamburg Mam (Jap). New York.

Salted 12th, -stre Agapenor (Br), front Shanghai for New York; Patrick Henry, do. IM INGHAM. Dec 10-Salled, etr Londonler (Belg), Norfolk I.I8BON. Dec etr Norfolk Maru (Jap), Philadelphia. i i i I (Br).

Portland, M'. Snfled nth. Valemorc (Ur), Philadelphia, Baltimore and Vlrplnls Arrived. str Manchester Brigade (Br) I Halifax for Liverpool. PON, Pre sir sirrah i (Nor), Sydney, CP Arrived 12th, str West Noseka.

Boston. Arrived atr Albania (F.r). New York. 1 Sailed str Southwestern Miller (Br), Philadelphia and New York. 1 Sailed IC'h, str Kndlrott, Hamburg.

LYTTLETON, Pec strs Tretnaton (Hr). New York via Galveston, i MAN ATI. IVc str San) a (Nor), DA. MANCHESTER. Pee str Mani heeler Shipper St John, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Norfolk.

MANOPLA. Pee atr Miraflorea (Hr), (Itiantanamo. MAItPElT.LEP, Dee stra Innerton (Br), New Orleans; Ethelwolf (Hr), Montreal; llonier Clty(Br), do; City of St Joseph, New York. NANTES, Pec Cauoaelei (Belft). Norfolk.

NASSAU, Pre 13? Arrived, str New I York. NEWCASTLE, NSW. 12-Arrived. rtr I Camhldge (Br), New York. PENANO, I'ec str Kendal Castle (Br), from for New York.

1 PORT KELAH Pcc 7-Kallcd, atr Mlloa (8w), Baltimore. 1 POBTtMAO. pee str Georgia (ltal), from Naples for New York. PORT SAID, Dee str CPy of 1 Harvard iBr), Boaton and New York Sailed 12th, str Fairfield City (from Betas la. Ate), Boston and New York.

PUEttTO BAItRIOS, Dee Mrs Ed'-apa, Belize, 13th, Bowden (Nor), dt Iphtn PPEHTO CASTTf.LA, Per stra Rurlnanie, New Orleans; 12th, Jose (Nor), Kfnaston. PUERTO MEXICO. Dec sll llelge (Pan). Progroso. RIO GRANDE PU SOL, pee A-Salled, stt Indian Prince (Br), Montevideo (arrived ter port loth).

Hop A RIO, Pee str Montgomery Ctt.v, Buenos Aires. ROTTERDAM. Pec air Lord Styatheona iBr). Montreal 12th. str Welt Inaktp, New York ST JOHN, NP.

Dee etr i Dunaff Head (Br). Ardroaaan. Arrived 13th, atr Brant County (Br), Haniburp 12th, atr Montralm (Pr). Liverpool. ST VINCKNT.

CV. Dec 11- Sailed, atr Clan Maelitloali (Br), Irom Cape Town for Boa(on and New York. HAI-OMCA. Dee atr (Br). SANTA MAItTA, Dee atr New York via Crlalohal and Klngeton.

SANTIAGO, Dee atr Soaua (Nor), New Orleana. SANTOS. Pen atr Southern Croen, New Jerk fW.Sho (offer, and from ITio Janeiro Deo II with coffee). SIIAN011A1, Dee 13? SallM atr St'el Marlf ner. i SINGAPOTtK.

Pee 11? Sailed, air The i leiniha ffrom Ne? "3 ork. SOUTHAMPTON, l.t Sailed, all Olynipie (Br I. New York vln Clierhonrc Silled 13(Ii, air Mlnnedoea illr), From Antwerp for St John, NB. ri SWANSEA. Per 12? Sailed, (F'r), San lram-laco; Wella cily (Bit, York.

SYPNF.1, NSW. Pee atr Ven' tnra, San Frmielaco. TAMPICO, atr Camden, Snai In. 1 TF.TiA. Dee air Saramaeea.

Mobile, Sailed Iter ,10, atr Herndla, New Orleana via Havana. TRINIDAD, Dec Ji'-IaUud, Marmval i (Brj, Twki YORK HERALD, TH1 CONT TRINGTAO. Dec str City of 1 Pekln (Br), Now York via Yokohama. Ac. 1 VANCOUVER.

BO, Dec 11-Arrlvcd. Chancellor (Br), San Francisco. VERA Dec str Yuca. tan, New Orleans. Railed 11th.

str Morro Castle. Timplco. YOKOHAMA, Dec str Gothic Prince (Br), New York tor Kobe. FOREIGN PORTS. I HALIFAX.

Dec strs Niels Nielsen (Nor). Grangemouth (and sailed for Boston); (Br). New York for St Johns. Saih-d 7th, sclir Dorln (Br). St Plorro (lu 1 tow).

CHARLOTTETOWN. PEL Dec schr McKenzle (Br). Barbados. Ac. FICTOU.

NS. Dec 7-CIcarcd. srhr Pic- tonlan (Br). Lunenburg (with coal, then 'lumber tor West Indicsi. ST JOHN, NR.

Dec strs Lex- ington (Brt. London; Mattawa (Br). Deme- 11 rata, Ac; 11th, Manchester Importer (Br), Manchester: Metagama. (Br), Glasgow; Co- ban i Bit, Parrsboro. SYDNEY, It, Dec str Tre- kievo (Br).

Alexandria for St John (to fin- ish Ira ding (or Australia and New Zealand). Railed 11th. str Roao Castle (Br). Boston. 1 Timvx liT.tvri bailed acl.r Illtnvi Pauline (Br).

Lunenburg i ZAMBOANGA, Pec etr West Chopaka, Sourabaja (and sailed btli for Cebu). i AMERICAN PORTS. Telegraph ABERDEEN. Wash. Dec 11-Arrived, sirs City of Vancouver (Br).

British Columbia; Eldrldge, Swatow. ASTORIA. Ore, Dec atr West Keats. Dairen, Ac. BOSTON.

Mass. pec str Harvey Brown, Norfolk. Arrived 13th. Oakwln (Br), Algoa Bay. Ac; Orleans, San Ftanclsco, Ac, via New York; Croflon Hull.

Buenos Aires. Ac; Hogland (Swi, Baltimore; SewaHa Point. Nor- 1 folk: Quantico, from Philadelphia; Grecian, Norfolk; Delaware. New York; Vercntta London (latter PM 12th): tugs Netting- ham. New York, towing barges 4 IV Noa 7.

8 and Plllsbury. Lynn, fl towing barge Jos Hock. Sailed 12th. strs Nebraskan, New York; PM. Eastern Sea, Rio Grande (Nor), do.

Sailed 13th. str.s Coneliatta. Manchester I and trout; morwauc, maw iorK; dampwn, Baltimore; Lake Forney, Norfolk; Saga- porack, London. Lelth. Hull and Dundee ia St John.

NB (PM): Bristol. Norfolk; Ever- etf, Baltimore; renoba-ot. Norfolk; Transportatlon. do; tugs Mars, towing barge George Stetson, Philadelphia for Ncwburyport Vlatter 12th): Lehigh. Now York, towing barges 701 (from "SO (from Portland), "SI and 783; Energy, towing barges Jan Barton and Dorothy; Suamleo, do.

towing barges Esther Hughes and Catherine Hughes; Battloboro, Norfolk, tow. i ing barges No 23 and at I Highland Light 11 AM, NW, 35 miles; clear; choppy era. BALTIMORE. Dee 3tr I Ensley City. Ban Francisco.

Salted sirs Enslty City, Philadelphia; Knot Jarl (Nor), Trondjllng (for orders); Santa Clara, New York; Norfolk, do: West Caw thorn. Norfolk: Auburn, do; Betty Maersk (Dan), Puerto: Maine (Br). London vis Norfolk and New York: Ormes (Br), Port Antonio; Maimanger (Nor), Key Wert. Balled 12th, rtr Ontario. Boston.

Passed down North Point 12th, 8:15 AM. stro Suffolk, for Portland. Me; 10:20 AM, Jtla.lor for San Juan; 13th. 8:30 AM. tug John Lewis, towing barge, Fletcher.

BRUNSWICK. Gn. Dec mr Lake Gtlboa, New York. Sailed 13th. Mr Leonard, Philadelphia BRIDGEPORT.

Ct, Dec 13-Sallcd, echr Alnslie (Br). Brlflgewater. COOS BAY. Ore, Dec ll-Arrtwd, str MunIndles. Port Alice.

CAPE HENRY. Va. Dec 13. 10 in. Mrs Anacortes.

Avonmouth, Ac, for Baltimore; noon, Barrymore (Br), Philadelphia for do. I Passed out 12th, ture Wellfleet, towing I ran rvavei am. Point for Providence. and Atlantic, for New i Bedford. Passed out AM.

strs Belchers F-altlmore for-Havana; 10 AM. Wm I do for Matanzaa: l'l AM. Falls City I (Br), do for New York, in; 11 AM, Nantucket. do for Jacksonville; AM, Stonewall (Br), do for Boston; Geisha (Nor), do for Portland, miles; partly cloudy CAPE COD CANAL. Dec 12-Passed, S-61, Boston for Norfolk.

Arrived at Sandwich 12th, tugs Confidence, Boston, towing barges Rpndout and Hackeneack for Norfolk ito oxchango with tug Murrell, which has barges Flora and Irene, Norfolk for Boston); Clara Doane, towing barges Alice. Perth Amboy for Boston, and Nesquehonlng, F.llaabethport for Portland Arrived at Wings Neck 12th, tug Murrall. with barge Battle, from New Bedford. i FALL RIVER. Mass.

Dec 13? Arrived, fug Eureka, towing barge Barnstable for Hamp- ton Rrads (railing at Providence for barge Chiithami. GALVESTON. Tex. Dec strs El Sud. Now York; Egreraont Castle (Bri.

Ta mpn Arrived 13th. strs Ul Norte, New York. Glendaruel, San Juan; Franee Maru; Concho, New York; Moldegaard, Norfolk. San Leon (Bri, Tarripico. Sailed 1'JtA, airs Solarlna, Tamplco; Emilia (Ital).

Venire; Qulstconck, Genoa. Sailed 13th. rt- Comal. New Ycrk; Jean Torres, Tampico; Devolente. Pedro.

fiFLFPORT, Mies. Dee erhr Lb'it Sam Mengel, New York. IIONOLULl'. motor William Penn. NetV York for Manila.

tiAftatPAv To- Cnrri 1 1 JACKSONVILLE. El a. Dec 13-Arrlved. Howard. Philadelphia; Lake Strymon, I Huston: schrs Georgia Ji nklne, New York; 1 Granville Bacon, do.

Called 13th, nr Juniata. Baltimore via Sa- vannali. 1 MOBILE. Ala. 15-Batlid.

etr Brad- dork. Tampa. Sailed Wagland fSor), Cuhan 1 ports. I I NEW OR I.KAN.- La. Mrs Stailrv, Hons Kong.

Andalualer I Antwerp. Arrived Coppmaroe, Tort Bar- rloa; Michigan (Ert. Tarhplro. Salleil 1.1th, etrs Rrltlali Merchant (Rrt, Lyndon; Cartago, Havana; Creole, New York NORFOLK. Vd, pre 1.1-Arrlved, strs 4 Fram tNort, Nov.

York. Wrstlakr, Baltlmore for New York and Liverpool; Indian, Boston: Arposy. New York; Herbert Pratt, Phllad-lphia I John Tracy, New York, orhr Herbert Rawdlngs, Walton. NS. Cleared 12th.

Benedict (Br). Para. Ac; Writ MajJmus. N-wport News; New Orteana. I Salleil 13th.

stra Eastern Crown. New York; Baron Ogllvy iBrt. Naples; Coelleda, Glasgow and Avonnjouth: Pawnee (Pant. West Coast: CarlshoUn New York; Kershaw. New England; Huftero (Nor), Ear East; Benedict Para.

Sslfc.l 12th, PM. tugs Eastern, tnwlr.g 2 harg-s; Pocahontas, towing Leopold Ad- 'or. too-ing 2: Plreetnr, tow ing 3 NEWBURYPORT. Mass. Per 12-Arrlved.

tug Mara, Phllfcdelphla, towing barge, tieo II Stetson. a NEWPORT. III. 12. 1.30 rM? Arrived, tup from Philadelphia.

towing hargeo Conewago for Bangor, Plrkerlng for 1 I Portland and Pocopron for Haro (and sailed I at Havllsht t.ltji. calling at Vineyard Haven at 1 I'M and later proceeded). PORT ARTHUR. Tex. fee Yenken Arrow, rtoeion; Farrell, "hlladelphla: Oulfmaet, PmMeMt; San Patrlrlo (Br).

Philadelphia Siit'ed 13'tv ''r China Arrow, SaMne. PHILAtdCLPHIA. ra. r-ee atra II Flood (Nor), Oaape: Mar Itnlo (8p), Mu-lva; Libourne (Frl, Rlxerta; Rannack, ublln, An (not prevloutd.v); Montana, Ian 1 Pedro, Gwlfatar. Port Arthur; Gold 1 S'vll, Thameshaven.

Cleared 12th, airs Kdgehlll, Rotterdam via New York; Bradford City (Br), I.lverpool via llaltlmore; Truro City (Br). Hamburg vlo Baltimore Cleared 13th, atra Srhodaek, Punklrk via I New nrk and Havre: Nnrthweaterii Miller (Rr), London via New York; Breed) 'f'ufeh). Rotterdam via Balllmore, Newport and Norfolk-. Aroerafport (Dgtvli), Portland, Me; pvhr Hnlra, Sagua la Grande Sailed Kvereat (Br), Hull; I Ouffey, Port Arthur; tl O'Neill, do, Kvnton. Pasaed down Marcua Hook 13th, 10 AM, I toga John A Huehea, toning barge Pure Oil I No 3 for New York: 12:30 PM.

Caia'wlaan, toning for Lynn. Molina and I Coeallco tor Hoaton. Paaeod out Rreakwater 1-th, midnight, Barrymoro (Rrt, Phltadel- 1 plila for Raltlmorc, 4 13th, 340 AM, i-otor ll'olmnron (S.w), for New Torn, I AM, Troinpenborc (IiMtoh), far Tin- i I vana: AM, AlbleUn (Dan), do for New- I port None. out 12fh, PM, Eaet Capa, Philadelphia for New York; PM, Nor- a I folk Range (Ur). do for Lelth.

Ac. Pasm-d out J3tn. 3:30 PM. ftr Mhtgh, la I Philadelphia for New York. -Wind 3 PM, i NW.

nil lee, partly cloudy; smooth PORTLAND. Me, fw tut 1 Ttntllll, Philadelphia, toning bargee Tuck- fcr Rlddeford. Tohlekoti for attu Oetnraro for Randolph (on armnnt of Ice In Kennebec lent two baraca Ul tlla I here; tug proceeded to rarkere Plate for barge N'-ahatnlny, returnlnc here and i proceeded to IJoalon for barges Glonalde and Tchichocken for SAN FRANCISCO, Dec I afra Siberia Mam Itong Yoko if liainn and Honolulu: Eldorado, AnarortCa. Arrived 13th, etr Lurllne, Honolulu. Arrived 13th, John Klrkpatrlek, I Ladvt-mlth; Toha Maiu (Jap), New York, Sc.

Yokohama, Ac. Sailed 12th, atra Thomae (IT S). Manila: 'I IMInneeotan, New Turk; motor Katberlne, Manila. fcUlvd motor gtigij JRSDAY, DECEMBER INUEDI WORST COTTON FOE FACES DOOM IN 1924 Conference Pledges Check on Weevil Ravages in Two Summers.

The United States faces for 1533 the1 tost scriois cotton crop shortage in the istory of the country. Hope of check- 1 if? noxt year the spreading lens of the holl weevil, which destroyed than tialf of the cotton planted America last spring, went glimmering csterday at a conference among Gov- 1 rnment officials, insecticide nianufac- urArs anrf arsenic producer? in the Ho-' fl Astor. Relief, however, was prom- sed for the situation in 10J4. The conference resulted from resolu- ions offered tn hoth houses of Congress ailing for investigations of the reported hortagr jnd high prices of arsenic and alcium arsenate. The latter is said by rovernmept experts to be the only prac- leal control of the boll weevil.

Arsenic orrns 40 roer cent, of its composition. Alarmed! at the increasing ravages of he insect; threatening America's su- remacy cotton if means are not ound wltbin the next year or two for! upplying the needed arsenic. Congress otntnandfid the departments of Comnerce and Agriculture and the Geologial Survey to arrange the conference. ilHcers of the largest arsenic producing Inns and insecticide, plants were, asked attend. The Government was represented by' B.

R. Coad, chief of the department I Agriculture laboratory at Tallulah. G. Loughlin, geologist in charge the division of nilncraKrcsources of he Geological Survey: G. R.

De Long, irad of tine dye and chemical section of ho Tariff Commission, and Dr. J. K. laywood. chairman of the Federal Inecticide Board.

According to producers a world short- go of arsenic is due largely to past in- lability of the marKct. They declared impossibly to Increase the supply in he next six months In sufficient ities to meet more than 60 per cent, of he demand of Southern farmers willing pay a. high At prevailing prices of arsenic th" oat of calcium arsenate to the farmer le.vt year will be about eighteen cents Insecticide manufacturers said, year it sold to cotton planters at iine cents. The manufacturers antici- I iated a decreased demand because of he higher price. Villpolo.

New York; Hillman. Port Arhur. Texas; Maui, Honolulu SEATTLE, Wash. Doc strr Mrmtngham City, Portland: West Cahokia, "nroma, Talkal Maru Japan. Pnlled 11th.

Mr Julia Luekenbarh. Port SAN Cel. Deo 11-Arrived, str i Vabash. Philadelphia SAN JUAN, PR. Deo etr San i jorenro.

New York. Sailed 12th. atr Taname. New York. SAVANNAH, Oa, E'cc str Vent Iniboden, New Orleans for Liverpool.

I Sailed 13th. Uftr Winifred, Port Arth'jr. TACOMA. vl'ash. Deo 11-Arrlved.

str) teel Ranger, Everett. Palled 11th. strs Jacob Luekenbach, San rranclP'e; Providencta (Fr), do; Indiana I Fr Portland. VINEYARD HAVEN. Mass, Deo 12.

10 PM -Arrived, tug Swatara. Philadelphia. towing Wteonlaco for Bangor. Spring, for 'earaport and Cobanaey for Brewer (pro-eehed AM 13th and passed Pollock Rip PM). Passed tug Lenape, towing 3 barges.

Philadelphia for Portland: eehra Courtney Jouck and Estelle Krlegor. do. Sailed 13th. ti.g Paoll. towing 3 bargee tot Yen WNW, strong breeze; WILMINGTON, NC.

Dec atr llyndon, Tampa. AMERICAN PORTS. FB.v Mall ASTORIA, Ore. Deo str Dllvorth. Tort San Luis.

Sailed titli. str Hannawa. Manila HONOLULU, Dec atr Paknyo itaru Callao. via Pan Pedro for t'okohama tano uuu. Arrived Rth.

Mr Chateau Thierry (U S), San Francisco. Railed bth. atr Lurllne. San Francisco. PORT SAN LUIS.

Cal. Dec Sailed, Nlworth, Portland, Ore SAN VRANCrSOO. Cal. Dec 7-SaUed, notor Westcoast (Br), Vancouver. RAN PEDRO.

Cal. Dec 7-Arrlved, air Jearport. San Franclaco for Singapore. Tex. Dec atra British -ord iBrl, Beaumont; 9tb.

Levant Arrow, fort Arthur. Sailed Rth. etr Atlantic Pun. Chejtvr. REARSPORT.

Me. Dec port. etr Venl Norl. from Hartlepool, flnlahed discharging to aall llth). Navy Orders Jj Ipectal Diapatrh In Titt Netv Tout York Herald Bnrran.

D. Dec. 13. Three naval orders were made public Draemel. Commander Mllo to comnand IT.

S. H. Pelfrldec. Croaae. Lieutenant-Commander Charlea to 17.

S. Rlacl. Glennon, Lieutenant-Commander Harrlaon home; relieved duly. MeConneli. Lieutenant-Commander F.IJey to battleship four.

'J lwa Spencer, Lieutenant-Commander Karl Asiatic station. Knight, Usu? Richard to naval Inelligenoe, Washington. Lovelace, Lieut. to 8. F.

40 than romnilssioned Merkt, Lieut. Adolph to U. S. 8. Iroostook.

Patrick, Lieut. Henry to destroyer quadrons Pnelfle fleet. Watson, Lieut. DoWltt to aircraft quad runs, battle fleet. WhlttTKire, Lieutenant-Commander George MedlciU Corps, to bonis: re'lleved duty.

OlTier. Jory Medical Corpa, to rcatrnenf Hospital, Pan Diego, Cal. Blaladell, Lieutenant fommander Henry to Naval Hospital, New York. N. T.

Badger, Lieut. Harold Dental IT. 8. 8. Idaho.

Prune, Lieut. Stephen Supply Corps, Fifth Naval district. Ruppcrt, Lieut. Jonas Supply Corps, Supply Corpa School of Application, Washington, D. O.

Paul, Lieutenant-Commander Carroll, Ttvtl Engineer Corps, resigned. Hhnek, Lieut. Thomas Clvtl Engineer Torpa, resigned. Army Orders ipcrlal to tit* New Tola New Vork llertiltl Burean, Washington, R. Dee.

13. These army orders were mado public tolay INFANTRY. Caatle. William V. C.

Richardson, Major Ford, to Fort Niagara, T. Henley, Major Donald, to Fort Sloeum, t. T. Ogdtn, Capt. Charles to Camp Amhroao, Cnpt.

Forrest, to ump Pravla, Tax. Faith, Cnpt. Pon to camp Jimw to Gamp Pravln. Tex. Kondrlok.

rapt. Randall to Camp fravla. Fm, First. Lieut. Wilbur to Camp Oorrott, First Lieut Thomas 8..

to Camp Brooks, Copt Everett to Manila. Plorcblo, Copt Frederick W. to Manila. J'III, Lola to Nnaslea, Arlt. FIKLt' ARTILLERY Kllpior, First LFut.

William to Fori liiniphroys, Vn Qt'ATtTERM ABTLP. F.vorltt, Ma.V>r Charles to Fort II. O. iVrlght, N. Y.

Mr Flitter, Flrat Lieut. Walter 8 to Carlatrom Arcadia, Fin. ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT. Hausmati, Flrat Lieut. David to aoorno, Ohio MEDICAL COR TP.

Woodland, capt. John to Fort Bract, 14, 1922. Police Department Orders SPECIAL SO. SW. following probationary pairolmai hating Qualified an patrolman, in appolnte and assigned as indicated: To take etfec 12 P.

December 11, 1022: George A. Deibman, 118th preclnot. following transfers and asslgr ments are ordered; To take effect 8 A. December 13. 1922; CiERGEANT, Michael MeDonough, from 66th precinct Mth precinct, assigned to signal mooito duty.

PATROLMEN. Edward J. Mulliru. from 23d precinct 42d precinct, assigned to motorcycle duty Thoraoa F. Rellly, from 26til precinct 12ith precinct; Patrick Ercnnan, from 42 precinct lo 23d prcclnct, anaignment to me torcycle duty discontinued.

Herbert B. Kelb from 70th precinct to 70th precinct, nsstgne as operator of patrol wagon, a-aaignment hicycre duty discontinued; Edward J. Foln; llle from Tttlh STfh rirwclnrt. wlgnmeiit as operator of patrol wagon con tiriued: 2fohn F. Marrinan, from 9Jst prt clnct to 3th preclnt.

From precincts Indicated to 47th pwclnci assigned as operators of patrol wagon: Herbert Goldcu, Paul Schubert, To take effect, A. M-. December 15, 1922 Henry D. C. Weher, headquarters dlvlsloi from division of transportation lo office Special Deputy Commissioner In charge fl traffic, to duty tn traffic warning car bureau.

To tako effect 8 A. December US. 1922 Frank Stegman. from 13th precinct headquarters division, division of repairs. Temporary Assignments.

LIEUTENANTS. From commands indicated to headquarter division, Bureau of Public Safety, for sever teen days, from 8 A. December 14, 1922 Edward M. Shelvay, 68: Peter J. Mastei eon, John J.

McGee, 83; Walter Abrami IPS; John E. Copeland, 120; Jameo A. Milt, 3d I. George Cullum, 72; Edwar A. Bracken, 82; Hlcliard Hamilton, 9-1 Wlillam A.

Ryan, 109; Joseph Hemley, Tral flc V. Harry L. Lobdcll. OtU 1. D.

SERGEANTS. John W. O'iBrlen, 65tlt precinct to 7th Jr spectlon district, assigned to signal monitc duty for thirty days, from 8 A. M. Deccrr her 14.

1922; William B. Noll. 88th preclnt to Headquarters Division, to duty In offi' of the Third Deputy Commissioner for sb teen days, from 8 M. December 16, 1922. PATROLMEN.

Stephen J. Devlne, 13th precinct to tlve Division, for nineteen uaye from A M. December 13. 1922; John Chapman. 32 precinct to Headquarters Division, to dut in off loo of Chaplains, for four days, frm 8 A.

M. December 13. 1923; William H. Co find Edward fi. Jackson.

38tfo proclnct Headquarters Division, office of the Clilt Inspector, assigned to duty In plain clothe for nineteen days, from 8 A. M. Decembe 13. 1022; Joseph Whitmorc, 103d precinct 4th Inspection district, to duty in ralde premises for nineteen days, from 8 A. Decernbor 13, 1022; William H.

llarrer, 112t precinct to Detective Division, to duty i I of rice of the District Attorney, Queen county for one day, front 4 P. M. Decembt 11, 1022. Front precincts Indicated to offleo of Special Deputy Cornntii sinner In charge of traffic, to duty In Tra fio Warning Card Bureau, for seventce days. Iron) 8 A.

M. December IS, 192'. Henry Buckley, 70 th; John Cavanaugh. "Otl For sixteen days, from 8 A M. Decembt 16.

1022: Arthur Elchell. let precinct to 2d It spectlon district, assigned te- clerical duty James A. Kelly, 13th precinct to lltadquai tors Division, office of the Chief Inspeeto assigned to clerical duty: Daniel F. Fox, 2" precinct to 2d Inspection district, to dut in front of alleged disorderly hotels; Jamt A Watson. 23d precinct to Division, to duty In office of the Thlt Deputy Commissioner: John Mehrtens at: John F.

Mc.Grav, 26th precinct to 2d tlon district, assigned to duty in pla clothes; Thotnas J. McCutclieon, 26th incr. to 4th Inspection district, assigned i I duty in plain clothes: Conrad J. Echenber: 27th precinct to Headquarters Division, Put lie Office 8quad, to duty In office of ti Mayor: Walter O'Hsre, 37th precinct i Headquarters Division, to clerical duty office of the chief clerk; Patrick McCulge 39th precinct to Headquarters Dtvlslo chauffeur: Barton T. Wilson, 4Ctth precln to Detective to duty in office the District Attorney.

New York countj Charles Mat precinct to quarters Division. Public Office Squad. 1 uuty in office of the Mayor's Committee Kent B'roflteerlpg; Abraham Nelson. 7ft rreclnct to 15th Inspection Nieholi I A. Grill, 9.3d precinct to Headquarters Dlv slon.

to duty In office of the property cler The Bronx. From Indicated to let district, to duty In front of alleged di orderly Arthur J. Lavery, 26th precinct. James 1 Gleason. Daly.

S3d. From precincts Indicated to Fifth Inspe Hon dlstrlrt. to duty In raided premise Joseph P. Kelt. 21; James Ellis, 42; WI1 lam Coulter.

26; John Daly. f7 From precincts indicated to Detectjvo vision: Benjamin Foster. William Colhy, 45; Milton M. Kaufman. 47; Chart 8.

Corbetf, 76: Henry Sondertrker, Ji 94; George Scott, 31; John J. Woods, 41 Michael Harris, 30: Sylvester C'lauer, 9 I John J. Dwyar, Traffic C. From commands indicated to Hradquart.e division, to duty In office of the Fifth Dei uty Commissioner: Walter J. Doures, Frank J.

Magrlno. Peter F. Gllligan, 1 John J. Tulto. 26; Charles I'essonl.

Charles Tost. 43; 1 Coonan, 12: John J. McMahon. 4. Christian Waeke ly.

5: John B. McCarthy. 23; John J. Ree 32; Arthur Crulce, 40; Edward Plagge, 3 Robert F. McAllister.

Fourth I. D. From commands Indicated to Hradquarte division, to duty In office of the proper clerk. Manhattan: Thomas J. Morgan.

John Gibbons, 93; Walter E. Sharland. I Joseph Enclert. 94; Bernard Koenig, From precincts indicated to lfcadquarte division, to duty in office of the proper rlerk, Brooklyn: Thomas Mcjs'amara, 9 Thomas J. Brown.

Traffic From precincts indicated to Hradquarte division, to duty in Division of Repair; John J. Murray. Rowland Osferhaus, Ji 46. Bernard P. Treanor, 83; Daniel .1.

Re nolds, 126. George J. Green. 16, Irvln ker, HO; Thomas C. Gprnnon.

1(13. From prcclnets Indicated to Headquarte division, to duty in Bureau of Equipmen Daniel P. Murphy, 74; Christopher J. Henr Traffic B. From commands Indicated to Hrddquarte dlvlaion, to duty In OMIco ot tile four Deputy Commlaaloner: John J.

Mc.Monljrl 13; Thomas J. Htlory. 46; Thomas A. Hrnlt 85; Oscar F. Mohr, 113; John Reltenberge (1 ''William Wasmer, 73, Harold Sweetso 103; Thomaa A.

McKay, M. From precincts Indicated to lleadquarte division; Harry Scllmann, Richard 120. PATROL WOMAN. Rone Rosenberg, dlvlaloi i from special duty division to office of tl Chief Inspector. ASSIGNMENTS DISCONTINUED, 1 PATROLMEN.

Michael Peperlno, Thirteenth precinct i Detective dlvlaion le dlecoi tinned, from 4 P. December 12, 13; Raymond P. Waterhurv. 123d precinct i Detective dlvlaion (temporary), la dlacoi i tinned, from 8 A. M.

December 13. 1322. 3-The following leaves of absence ai authorized: (WITHOUT PAT) PATROLMEN Bohana, Fifteenth precinct, for from 1 a 01 A. December It. 1321 Joseph P.

Larkln, Ninety third precinct, 1 day. from 8 A M. December 12. special patrolmen; Michael O'Reilly, shield No the Iialla-Amerlcan Bteamshlp Company. vemher 1, 1322; Benjamin Pylveater.

ahlel No. 1033, with Blair November 1l'22: James tjulnn, ahteld No. 9. tr Brooklyn Mufciim, November 9. 1022; Wll lam Rose.

shield No. with Now Yor Consolidated Railroad Conipanv, November I 1C22: Alton O. shield No. 11M. ar Henry Ratisi'h.

shield No. II6H, with York Consolidated Railroad Company, Ni H. 1922; Jeaee Bethel. shield 1111. with John Wanamaker's garage, 15, 1922; Bartlett MoGettrlek, shin I No.

1011, with the Franklin havlnga Ban I November 21. 1922; Patrick O'Hallora -hleld No. 1211, and John Murray, ahle I 1215, with Italia American Htearoah Company, 22. 1922. To take effect November 9.

1922, with tl New York Curb Market: Michael Kocher berger. shield No. 674: Matthew Courtna, shield No. 691; Thomas ahlald No. 67 Resignations of epeelal patrolmen a crpted; Stephen Pulllvan, ahleld No.

1074, wll Corn Exobaneo Bank, November 192: Wllllant O. Wheoler. ehjold No. 722. wl 1 Eighth Avenue Railroad Company, her 10.

1922; Charloe Pramm. ahleld 1190, with Department of Public Weifar November IS. 1922; M. J. MoHllleuddr.

wit Court of Special leaalone, November 14, 192' Alfred F. Hooper, shield No. 1019. wll Corn Exchange Dank, November 17. 1922 To take effect November 9, 1922 I Buckley, eh No.

with the Nation City Bank With Brooklyn Rapid Tran? I Company Herman F. Walton. I William J. Dawson, ehleld No. 1201.

follow Ins death la reported: PATROLMAN Franela J. Mace, ahleld No. ent.v-third preetnrt, died at 4'10 M. I 11. 1922, while returning to etath I hc.ied front tnnr of patrol on departme Bulb, trii atruck by automobile i Flatbneh and Kings Highway, at died from raid Injurlee Funeral from lata reeldener, Newklrk venito, Broo lyn, at It) A.

14, 1922. lntc nient Crpreaa 1III1? Caractery. RICHARD V. BNK.1GHT, i Kdic? 43ommMoiMA Buiineti 1 PETITIONS r.N B.VNKItCPTrV. Petitions in bankruptcy filed yesterday li the United States I'lstrict Court wrrs: GOODKIND A SANDBEBG, millinery petition 01 complaint of A Mayers.

$146. Charles i- fkekmann, $39; $1,000 Inabilities are estimated at $17,000. at $2,000. Myers A Goldsmith are for petitioners. JKfcEI'H GOLDSTEIN, retail cotion gooas 69 East 111th petltlor on complaint o( Leon Guarln, 1217; Ruth Samuels.

$160; Jacob Brandy, $133. Haney Is attorney for petitioners MARINO FLORIO, Marino Florlo and Peter Florlo, tailors. 96 Fulton streeU-In' voluntary petition on complaint of Rat Welnstelrt. $400; Philip Koentgsfest, $100 Samuel Wefnatelnf $Ci. Lester B.

Freedman is attorney for petitioners. 8IEOEL AC8FRES8EK BROTHERS Charles and Joseph Ausfresser, 23 Easl Eighth petition on complaint of Samuel A. talk. $66; Salmon i Goldaler. Lura Nichols, $376.

Sllvei A- Moakowiti are attorneys for petitioners CHARNEN CONTRACTING 12! East 112th petition, wltb liabilities of assets, $2,603. Meyci Alterman Is attorney. DA VIS-LEHMAN CO, furriers. 49 Wesl Forty-sixth petition or complaint of Salmon Wiener. Inc.

i. Jalcoh Goldberg, Morrli 'f Alenihoff. Leffert Hole la attornej for Petitioners. HURWITZ it ROTHSTEIN. Louis Hurwtti and Irving Rothstaln.

26 pond untary petition. Liabilities, nc assets. Martin Berlin Is attorney. BENJAMIN MICHAEL, general merehsndlse 714 rem out avenue. The taiy petition on complaint of Wtlllatr Cohen.

$250; Aaron Kahn. $274: Hilda Rafky, $145. Liabilities are estimated 3 $7,500, assets at $4,000. Shalne Welnrlt are attorneys for petitioners. SCHEDULES IN BANKRUPTCY, Schedules In bankruptcy filed yesterday It i- the United District Court were: KRAU8KOPF HAT 581 Broad wayLiabilities, assets, $2,088.

I- COMMERCIAL PRESS. $0.521: assets, $4,500. JARDIN building contractors Fifth a assets, $254,179. LORRAINE DRESS Sidney Wantact i. and Morris Kesaler.

218 West Thlrty fourtt assets. $5,714. RECEIVERS IN BANKRUPTCY. Receivers In bankruptcy appointed yeater day In the United States District. Courl were: PHILMALL.

Julian W. Jlacl appointed Jesse W. Ehrlrh receiver foi k- Phllmall, mfrs. of ladles' shoes, 151 9 Waverley place, with bond of $7,500. iJa blllties aro estimated at assets 11 $15,000.

M. C. SCHNEIDER Mack ap pointed Susan Brandeis receiver for M. ir Schneider stock brokers. CO Broat with bond of $500.

Liabilities arc cstl. 'r ineted at s.9sets, $300. MAX Mack appointed Allet J1 D. Einil receiver for 51 ax Anker, dry goods I- 25 Main street, Yonkers. with bond $3,500.

Liabilities are estimated at $40,000 in assets, $7..500. 3 COL'RTLANDT "WARD 4- Mao.l appointed Benjamin Siepel receiver fo: Courtlandt Ward 4- stock 2. Broadway, with bond of $2,000. Llabllltlr are estimated at $14,000. assets.

$4,000 f- MARINO A Mack appoints a 35'. S. receiver for Pete Florlo. surviving member of Marino 1 lorto, tailors. Pulton vm of $1,000.

Liabilities aro estimated a assets. $2,000. t- SIEOEL AUSPRE3SER Mack appointed Rachel Macauley receive r- for Charles and Joseph Ausfrerser. fur r. rlers.

23 Bast Eighth street, with bond Id $1,000. Liabilities are estimated at $10,000 $2,000. a BENJAMIN Mack ap rs pointed Benjamin Iiarondesa receiver fo ltenlamln Michael, general merchandise id Tremoot avenue. The with bout s. crtf'i $2,000.

Liabilities are estimated a In i asset, $4,000 ASSIGNMENT, g. SCHV. ART7MAN BROTHERS I -I. leather 2329 Arthur avenue The Bronx, assigned yesterday to Samuc to Splro. 320 Broadw ay.

id Jaeobaon ti in president of the company, which was in corporatad in 1020. JUDGMENTS FILED. i The follow ing Judgments were filed yes terday. December 13. the first name bolnt that of the debtor: to NEW YORK COUNTY.


1,030.0 c- BERGMAN. CHARLES. McClave et a) 2712 II- BERENT. M. Hirschler Company.

Inc 317 7 II. BRENNAN. THELMA X- Co BECKER. Altman Co. 632...

BUTLER, JULIAN Kay et 1,228.6 1- MERMAN. SAMUEL, and Ralph T. Tooling 1,403.6 1EHRENS, H. Jaegor0. huber et al 5,973.3 OMEN, JAY Landaman 3.271.6 2HAMBERLAIN, JOHN P.

(J. Chamberlain K. x- co 9.70?" ri JLAFKSON. RALPH A. a 33-9 i- COLE, HERBERT I.

8hl' verts 2.565.4 DEWEY. MARTIN -Knox Bualnres Book Company 294.2 DIETERLE. DAVID Mafcbark Company. Inc 230.4' DRY DOCK EAST BROADWAY AND BATTERY 4. S.

Greenataln 1,393.6 DOLCHMOSCHIO. JOSEPH P. 4 Intrabartold 326.3 FELDMAN, JOSEPH llenry I.lndennieyer A Sona 261 J)' ETTINOER, SIDNEY (Floor Surfacing Co Largo 492 SAME -J. I.a ran 242.2 CONOMY NOVELTY COMPANYII. i ilalger 3W.2.


Four West Thirty-second Street poratlon 320 2 IOODMAN. IKE, and I. Goodman r- X- I tic? I' Cohen GROSS. GEORGE-M. E.

B. Footo. 2J5.6 GOLDMAN. Realty Company, Inr 334 3 lERSHAL. ABRAHAM (B A.

Gerahal X- Co D. Lovy at al. HOME ROOFING H. Earkln A Inr 254 3 n. HUGHES.

HERBERT and to Edward T. B. Mnararo at al HAIR NET IMPORTING COMPANY, INC. 1 Eevy 423 3 HER KM AN NY. RENA AND OSto CAR-J.

I arrell 400.0 JIDGNB3T? FILED HERRMANN. Rrna and farrrll 1.300.0 II'LLER. met Warrltt, rr. Im 511.7 'SHER. Jolui II.

Warklne, al 472.1 HYGRADE KNITTING INC.L Shlffrtn 1,537.3 M. TTIOMFSON A Jarobowltj 563.2' KAUFMAN, Roaan 1.319.9 KI.1STE. Maurice (Continental Paper A Sou 2.129.1' iENNEY, Thomaa J. and National I I ri 1 1 (W) A KAUFMAN, Kahan 4 tINGSLEY. Georyc Schaefor A Phawlln 727.21 i.

dent Fruit Auction 1,143.1: 9 Sarah and iri Kaplan SI" I1 LAVENRKRO. Jarop-A. J. Ualpln. 3,191.3 a.

I.EVLNE. It. 8 Theater Tnc 329.0 MctNDOE tlnnal Rank of New York 1 nr.T MARTIN. Leo E. Well 739 0.

MA Its I HALL. WODEN CO Id W. Uarrla 832 4 Ip MERV1N REALTY Simpaor. 393 7 OSCAR VON BEKNUTH. INC a- N.

A. Llpmen 7996 OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CORP 9. Conrad A Cle 3,374.7 PORTADA, 290.4 PICON E. Michael. and Joaeph 'h O.

MoF.lhenev 243 0 PORTER. Matthew (Porter Co.t.?L. Pellerano et el. 600.4 PLATA, Lorenzo and o. and Preaa Co II.

Nelion I PINK, Mayer and J. Turkel 1712 RAPI.INOP, 1,091.0 Lh REll.LV. Chaa T. and fohma Kllaa l.r.140 I RUBIN, lea W. Plaum at al 274.2 ST REGIS PROVISION CO INC.

1 II. Bronhelni et at 429 2 0 Lotila S'hach trr WW. 1 SCHOt.tN KOFF, Samuel, and New Amsterdam Casualty I 2,000.0 i SOLOMON, Sol, and Max Schwartz R. Cohen 333.4 8MF.RKIN8, Matirlca anil Iler Atrfant 2.230 1 in TIVOLl'O. INC.

Stratford CoaU tnmea. tnc 2SP.9 UNITED AIRCRAFT ENGINEER TNG P. Mlnr'c 4,470 4 i WOO I'WORTH REALTY CO. and I Walter J. T.

Lynch. 1,234.0 jwUeUEKHABEB. ClIltMM 17 Weyn, ft 606.08 1 E. Woodwall 1,037,08 YOUDELMAN. Joseph Martlson Silk Mfg Co BRONX COUNTY.

TECK, Ksplowlts. 2,000.00 KKINHARDT. Christian, and Alois Mongel 748-65 8C1ILU8BERG. Isaao-A. C.

Horn I Ine 743.88 I ZIMMERMAN. 1,140.00 SATISFIED JUDGMENTS. I The first r.amo Is that of tlie debtor, tho i I second that of the creditor aod date when I judgment filed: NEW YORK COUNTY. SAPORITOM, Frank West I January b. 1022 426.38 1 IMBESI, S.

Coflcld, September 25. 1922 212-3? REMINGTON TYPEWRITER I C. Grasber? December 6, 1922.... 2.140L28 ANGLEY. Daniel, and New Arnoter1 dam Casualty September 8.

1922 (vacant) 1,500 OB NORTHERN A WESTERN TRADING A May 4. 1922 686.83 May 4. 1922 63T.0B HBCHT. A. Hajtaa; May 11.

1922 A May i S. 1922 657.06 May 3. 1R32 656.23 i I STURGI8, Isaac May 23, 1922. 719.41 GA! NSBOROUGH STUDIO Courtney; July 1922 (reversed) 2.409.4! i PRODUCE AND POULTRY. BRA VA Marrow, choice, domestic, 100 rbe 410a.10.2G; pea.

1922. $7.78: pee, mania. medium. Rumania. small California, Lady Washington.

California. 47.60; red Kidney. 1922. white kidney. 011.25.

i Br 11 higher than extras, extras. 92 score. firsts, seconds, lower gradew, i centralised cars. 90 score, score. 84 score.

$3 to 87 score, unaalted, higher than extras. extras, 92 score. flivts, seconds. lower sradtr, held or storage. high scor inc.

extras, 47 Hreta. 444a ecoonde. State dairy tnbe. finest. good to prime.

common to fair. ladles, current makes, extras, firsts. seconds, lower crades. packing stock, current make. No.

1. No 2, lower grades, S0aS4c. C.BKE8B? New York State flats. June epe ciais, average run, New York State fresh apeelala. av frag" run, Wisconsin.

double Delates, stngl- Daisies, Young Americas, 28a28'ic. gathered, extras, 60a. 1 61c extra firsts, 57a.48c.; firsts. seconds, fresh and held, lower grad'e, trade dirties. No.

1, 20a30c No. 2 and poorer. checks, poor to choice, dry, refrlg erator. extra firsts, charges peld to Irg dates, firsts, onda and poorer. chocks.

candled, refrigerator whites, by, Pacific coast, S2a.40t.; Western, refrigerator oil elon process nearby whites, 42a40c coast wbltee, Weotern brow mixed. fresh. New Jersey, whites, uncandled extras, hennery whites, extras, locally neiyby and nearby Western 1 v'hltee. average extras, extra firsts, nearby gi firsts to extra firsts, 1 grades, pullets eggs. selected lot, mixed sites.

50a.57c.: emi Pacific coast, whites, extras, 6 4 c-xtra firsts, ftrjts, diadSc I urns. pullets. 56a58c othet em. and Southern, gathered whites, New Jersey, hennery extra other nearby hennery brow tras, 62a63c. basket.

7.V. a 12 82.25a7. 41 ashtngton, box. 81.SSa3; Columbia, box. 8l50a5: Colmar grap pears, Kleffer.

81 23a4. 40c.sji; cranberries, early black. late varieties, bbl kumquats, Florida, quart, 10a oranges, California, box. 82 aS. Florida.

82.J5a7; Forto Rico. 8I-25a 2 7.5; grapefruit, Porto Rico, box. 81 75a 4 50; Florida. 82a5 50: Ft'sumas. Alabama, box.

81.75a2 75; 'angerlnes, Florida. i h. x. lines, bhl 87aS. lemons, Cg.1, lfornta.

box. 8-5a8; Avocada pears, Florida, cia'o. 816al8: pineapples, Tor'o F.lea,/crate, 83 Rlra, 8l60a5 60; Cuban. giants 81.7i5a2. 150 75c State, 150 tbe $2 40.

5 lbs $1 75a2. bone Island. ISO a.S. lbs. $2 1.50 lbs.

$2-35a 2.50; Pennsylvania, 150 150 $1 Bermuda. $5al0. sweets. Jersey, basket. 50c all 50: Eastern Shore.

5 bbl Delaware and Maryland, basket, 0 50s WV. 5 POri TPV. Freeh nearby. Western broilers, bcsee. 24s40c fryers, boxes, 2Ga bbls Western roasters, boxes.

1 bbls capons. nearby, Western. 40a.Wv: 1 nllps. 30a40e western, boxes. 15a.Hr.; (red.

old 0 co*cks, fresh. turkeys, frceh. Slsiylsnd and Virginia. No. 1.

Western. 5 No. 1. opt ducks, Long I land. fro? n.

Western, fresh. jeeee, Western, fresh. Mary5 land. Ireeh. sotiabs.

white, doicn, $4al0; dark. (2.50*2, Guineas, pair. pair. Jacks, pair. 85a90c.

1 rOCTTRY, Freight. ISa express, chickens, freight, express, broilers. Iretght or express. old roosters, freight. turkeys, freight, express, 0 ducks, freight, express, 1.1a32e..

geese, freight. 21a2-V express. 5 pigeons, pair. Guineas, pair, rabbits, lb 25a2V. LIVE bTOCK ANT) MEAT PRICES.

Common to 93.00*10.7,3 Common to rhnto' bulls, 100 lbs (Pt 73 Common to ino 1.30a Common to 100 7.00*13.00 Common to sheep, loo t.OOa 7 Common to lambtt, 100 12.00alfi.23 I) T.lve J00 lbs 0.25 beef, ateer sides, lb 10a20r. 0 City dressed veals, lb mutton, lb OalV. trtttm, lb 3 Dressed rlty, lb financial" notes. have Issued a bulletin paring Cubati suear* that of 'ast and analytln; the positions of sugar Tho Central Union Trust Company of Nsw rt York has been appointed transfer agent of 7 Phoenix Hosiery Company stock. Tbo Central Union Trust Company of New I York baa born appointed trustee of an tssua of 9100,000.000 refunding and Improvement n.onKace ronns or icnnmai icauroaa elation of St.

Stroud I- announce that. Arroand M. Enslandnr. recently connected with Ed5 ward W. riurm, hag become aeaoclated with In the bond department of their New 2 York office.

Sidney .1 Weinberg of Goldman, Pacha 0 Co. been elected a. director of the Van Raalte Company. The Equitable Trust Company been appointed dividend dlrburalng agent of the General was and Electric Corporation. 0 The American Aaaoclatloo baa lasued a booklet getting forth the hiatc development of the organization and log Ita preecnt structure, gervlone ant t'harlea Lee haa become aa? with John Mutr A Co.

In tbelr bond partznent. The American Truat Company haa appointed transfer agent and regtati mon stock of George K. Culp. I ri Maryland. 7 At the regular monthly meeting of Title and Truat Company yea' rj Vnnderbllt Webb waa elected a dlrwrt I tlio company to fill a vacancy In tha I Chaae National Bank haa been registrar of 100,000 aharea of pre: of Coca-Cola Ompatty Dillon.

Head A Co. announce that the nave. osen ciosea or 0 of A. Henna panv 7 per rent cumulative! flral pref I tnck. all the stock having bean sold.

4 I Fire Department Ordei special ordmi so. m. 1 The members of the department band i and bugle and drum rorpa wll) directed to report to engineer of etearaer John t). 7 bi-hubar at Ota Twelfth Regiment Armory. Columbus avenue and Blyty-eecond street.

Manhattan. at 10 A Friday, December 13. 1922, for practice. A Rill attendance ta eypected. i The following ntambar of the depart1 np-nt.

having been tried before the Hon. Joseph Hannon, Pepufy Fire sinner. Pecember 9. 1922, for violation of rules and regulations, 1312, tbe following decision hereby rendered by the Fire I Commissioner Fireman (first gradet William Pyrites, En' alno Company 92. Did advertise a Ford touring car for eal? at company quartan guilty.

Complaint dismissed. I 3. Special leaves of absence nre hereby rrsntod to the members of tha de0 partmerit Capt. Michael Eni cine Compsnv 190. for fifteen hours, from 9 1 P.

Pecember 16. 1922; Lieut. Joseph 1 Flsnnery. Engine Company 73. for 1 1 from a r.

Pecember 13. 1922 Engineer of Steamer Thomas J. Cunningham, '7 Company 139. for sly hours, front 9 I A. December 14, 1922; Engineer of litjteanvi John F.

Magce, Engine Company "22. for nine hotira. from 9 A. Parember 1 14. 1922.

Uv order of tha Fire Commlaa4oaef? I JOHN Gttltt.

New York Herald from New York, New York (2024)


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Name: Dong Thiel

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