The Indianapolis Star from Indianapolis, Indiana (2024)

441 STAR and NEWS CLASSIFIEDS, Monday, March IS, 19931 33, 369 CLASS. 2 331 510 Instructions, Schools 510 Instructions, Schools 317 Auctions, Estate Sales Get into one of the country's HOTTEST Train to become a MEDICAL ASSISTANT Hands-on Training Day or Evening Classes Job Placement Assistance Financial Aid Available (it quailed) Don't wait any longer! Your future begins today! 594 520 Employment Services, Referrals Call Who says business is bad? WE'RE SELLING CARS LIKE CRAZY! NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY! MALE-FEMALE EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER! One of Indiana's most progressive i high paying new car dealers now seeks sales people with no experience. Most new car dealers want experienced car people WE DON'T Dogs, Cats, Other Pets BASENJI AKC. (African Bark-less) 2 females $200. 812-934-5871 BEAGLE pups; full blooded, good blood line.

$75 ea. 856-2917 BICHON FRISES COCKER SPANIELS SHIH-TZUS BAILEYS KENNEL317-894-3227 BLACK LAB, AKC, 4 yrs old, $50. Needs new home. 293-701! BOXER, AKC, female, 7 mo old. Ears 4 tall docked, shots 4 spayed.

$250 OBO 630-9091 BRITTANY SPANIEL PUPS, AKC reg, 9 wks old wshots, ready tor a good home! $100 Call after 5pm 812-336-7147 Catahoula Leopard pups, top Louisiana bldlnes. 502-897-1221 CHESAPEAKE BAY RETRIEVERS, AKC pups, born Feb. 3. Parents good dispositions and hunting stock. Z19-848-52IO CHIHUAHUAS, AKC Puppies, also spayed female.

786-8391. CHOW PUPPIES, 6 BLACK, AKC reg. $300. 264-9438 aft 4pm CHOW PUPS, wormed 4 shots. 1-778-3926.

COCKATIEL, tamed, wlrg cagestand. 8)10. 298-4373 COCKER SPANIELS, AKC; Pom; Fox Terriers; Chihuahua mlxs; and AKC Malteses. The Fish Bowl 638-8236. COCKERS, AKC, rare trl-color $200 4 up.

464-0643 Iv msg Cockers, Teacup Poms Teacup Poodles, AKC reg. 812-988-7444 days, 812-597-5418 att 7pm Dachshund Mini Red Male. Loves kids. $350. 783-3087.

DACHSHUND PUPPIES, AKC shots, wormed, vet checked. (D1248-I555 or (6) 8 12-986-229. DACHSHUNDS Min Pups AKC Reg. 7wks, 1st shots. 539-4268 DALMATIAN, AKC 1 yr fern, dog house.

$300 329-9199 DALMATIAN pups, AKC Reg. Call 1-523-2621 DALMATION, AKC 7 mo old, all shots, gd marks, $125 244-1730 DASCHUND, red, l'Ayr, shots, male, papers avail, 882-2221 DOBIEROTT, mixed puppies, blk 4 tan, 6wks, wormed, 1st Shots, $75. 784-3138. FOX Terrier, wire hair pup, fml, 5mo AKC reg, all shots $300 nego 783-4359 FREE Blk 4 Wht medium hair cat to good home. Male neu tered, nes inooors ano outdoors.

Comes with Cat carri er, feeder and 1 months suop ot food, owner moving to St. Louis and unable to take cat along. Call 638-7651 FREE Lab mix, spayed, needs fenced yard 896-5745 iv msg FREE PUPPIES! Cute 4 cud-I dly. Shotswormed 786-3023 FREE to good home. Loving 2 year old spade temaie.

Lao-Chow, house broken and obe-diance trained. 2B3-4S33 GERMAN SHEP PUP, AKC, fml, 11 wks, pick of litter. Ger man bldlns, shots 4 wormed, tat 4 healthy $250 638-2316 GOLDEN retriever pups, AKC dark, $200 ea, both parents, shots and wormed. 258-J357. Golden Retriever, AKC, exc family companion.

Guaranteed healthy, 8300. 866-8071. GOLDEN RETRIEVER Pedigree $300 896-9080 Golden Retriever puppies, akc $150. 812-522-6869 GRAND OPENING Pet-Find has puppies, dogs, kittens and cats. Can be seen at new adoption center, Sleepy Hollow Pet Ranch, 147 W.

Trl Sab Lane. Sat 10-3pm, Mon 4 Fri 9-12pm. Many pure breds 4 mixes 897-pets HELP! 2 abandon, very affec tionate, young adult, neut cats need special nome wirn no other cats. Great wkids. Call Sharon 546-5435.

IRISH WOLFHOUND, AKC, 2yrs, male, very large, very gentle wchlldren, quiet, vet checked, $4uu. B3-wu Kittens, $25 4 up. Half Chow Pups, look good, $35 4 up, Half Aklta, $60 neg. Also other PUPS. 1st Shots.

831-4647. LAB AKC black pups, guran- teed health, born 21, an Shots, $175-S200. 317-523-3335 after 6pm LAB puppies, AKC, exc bldln yellow or blk, $275. 217-443-2872 LABRADOR pups, AKC black, Born 2993 996-3925 LAB PUPS, AKC reg. Yellow, males and females, vet checked, 1st shots and wormed.

Great dispositions, (812 889-2482 LABS AKC, choc 4 blk, $300- up. Hunt or snow, see sire dam. 8 wks in March, 773-7765 LABS AKC registered, 5 choc olate, 3 golden, born 2j, $275 each. Call 293-6246 LHASO APSO Pups, $125 each, born 11093. Call 219-583-4685 Pianos, Musical Instruments KORG concert 3500 electronic piano.

Lixe new wirn lasio multl box. Cost over $3000 new, asking $1000. 831-4796 445 Poultry, Rabbits Started Chicks 25 Off CONWAY'S 359-4211 447 RVs and Campers ClJPJAtlO MIDWEST'S LARGEST AVION New 4 Used Beaver, Prowler, Southwind, Tioga, Avion, Bounder, Flair, Rockwood, Teton, Pace Arrow, Four Winds, Dutchman, Hi-Lo, etc. i-70 exit 149-a, Richmond, in. Open 8am-8pm.

Closed Sun. Call Free 1-800-727-3778 20 MAJOR BRANDS NuWa 5th Wheel Ovef 400 Used Motahomes, Travel Trcslers 5th Wheels 1-255-7670 '881-7670 17' Trellblazer trailer with add on room. Fully equipped, Located at Dletz Recreation Park Price $2000. Phone 217-345-5482. Terry 1980 travel trailer, $5120 woptlonal '85 Chevy Sub- urban, fully equipped, 784-5059 85 34' Sunstream Motor Home, New 454 mtr, exc cond.

$20,000. 1-653-8453 1-653-2064 -92 COACHMAN Catallna MB210. Used twice, new cond. Refrig, microwave, furnace, stove, BR, BA, AC, awn, many extras. $9900 OBO.

848-8845. MODERN TRAILER SALES Anderson, IN 1-317-644-4497 WE BUY USED RVs TOM RAPER 1-800-727-3778 455 RestaurantTavern Equipment Camel Neon 4 Winston light-ed sign for sale. 897-7748 Fully Furnished Bar Equip ment for Sale. Everything Must Go! 271-9595 for total list. 461 Spas, Hot Tubs, Pools HOT TUB COMPLETE with cabinet.

$1000. 545-1051 Jim. 463 SportsOutdoor Equipment Bio Bertha Callaway 2, Bo ron graphite shaft. Paid $229, asking $175 obo. B4i-8u4i.

GOLF CLUBS Metal woods, 2-3-5, Taylor Made new 992. w-wii SOLOFLEX-all attachments, addt'l bands $750 Stairstepper, Sturdy good cond $350 465-4)754 Soloflex exercise mach incl leg 4 butterfly attach, like new cond, seldom used, $50. 577-8326 days844-9167 att 7pm 467 Store Fixtures, Business Equipment Lanier shelving: (4) 4ft wall sections, (1) 4ft back-to-back sections with IB shelves, seoo; like new. call 545-1601 TIE TELEPHONE SYST 6 lines, 4 phnes, $500. 1-641-7097 471 TV, Stereo, Video Electronics 25" $125, 19" portables $85; exc cond, deliver free, 257-2485 Television.

New Zenith stereo TV, receiver 4 monitor, incls 2 yr warr. $250 tirm. 353-866 481 Want to Buy Buy, Sell 4 Trade, gold 4 silv coins, scrap gold, Baseball 4 an sports cards, other collectibles. Premier Stamp 4 Coin, 1028 Virginia Ave-Fountain so Open 9-6 Mon-Sat, 631-7009 Cash for used compact discs, If you have mm 20 1-8WH88-5289 PARTS for 1970-80 Garelll mopeds. Call David at 888-1269 PAY $400 4 up for large set of sterling flatware.

352-lllQ 409 Wood, Coal, Oil ATTENTION Wood Vendors, Must sell 600 or more ricks of firewood 4'x8' for $24.00. 245-2579 FIREWOOD Lowest prices In Town. Stump removal. 897-4532 510 Instructions, Schools AVIATION MECHANIC TRAINING Financial aid and VA benefits available if qualified Call 1-800-241-9699, or 243-4510 AMERICAN TRANS AIR 7251 W. McCarty Indpls IN.

ALU 190 We have contacted a professional sales training company from Cherry Hill, N.J. to do all our screening and training. Interviews will Be held at Dan Young Honda March 15th 9am-8pm and Tues. March 16th 9am-6pm. Also hiring for Dan Young Chevrolet and Dan Young Trucks.

All interviews will be held at; DAN YOUNG HONDA 3210 E. 96th Street Indianapolis, Indiana NO PHONE CALLS PLEASEI 127 Special Events FINAL 4 TICKETS I125-S550 219-223-4112 FINAL 4 Tix Hotel accom. Courlloge level 872-1095 Final 4 tlx, 1 pair (500. Avail till 325, 317-852-6227. Final 4 tix, 8 pairs, avail.

J500pr. 317-745-5441. FINAL 4 tickets 2, 2nd row, first balcony, SB00. 298-8880 NCAA-lndy tix all8 r35 Sl-4 Iv msgoffer 317-778-3119. NCAA 1st and 2nd rd tickets.

First row upper Ivl. 317-244-9440 NCAA 1st and 2nd round tick-est. S125each. Call 894-0516 NCAA Island round tix. LOWER LEVEL.

317-849-7478 NCAA, lst2nd round, 2 tix. Row 7 upper. 291-4686 NCAA at dome. Main floor. 898-8131 after NCAA Final 4 With Hotel J1200 a pair.

317-529-7436 NCAA Reg Hoosier Dome, 2 on floor, 787-8862 aft 3pm. NCAA round floor level row 30 Best Offer 271-6001 NCAA tix, Hoosier Dome, exc seats on the floor, 513-451-7827 NCAA TIX: only have 4, upper level. SIM) ea. obo. 891-8944 Open Invite to BB tourney, 319 i 20.

Call 888-7289 Pair of Final 4 tickets, $700. New Orleans, 504-865-4530 REGIONAL TICKETS WANTED. CALL 923-7144 211 Business Services Domestic Detailers Cleaning Service. Residentbus. 356-1888 GET SlOO UNTIL PAYDAY 290-4787 234 Child Care 30 Years exp.

Rets, meals, reasonable rates. 898-9070 Accepting 2-4 yrs for day care, my home, nw side. Li cenced. 1 to 4 ratio. 328-9783 for details.

Refs available. Babysitting, cheapest rates around, any nrs, sw, BABYSITTING in my eastside home, Christian atmosphere. References. 322-8615 CHILD CARE Warm west' side home nr 71st 1 465. Ages 1-5.

7am-pm ftpt. 293-1150 CHILD CARE Days, Eve nings weekends, 257-2W4 CHILD CARE, Mon-Frl, all hrs.ldays nights) Brkfst, lunch snack Have Ref. Ask about bonus plan. 328-1050 CHILD CARE 50th Alllsonvllle Rd. 259-1139 CHILDCARE-6am-6pm, any age, in my home, S65wk, Brkstlunch provided.

29M743 EAGLEDALE Reas. rates for lots of loving care. 291-1403 NANNY Needing live in sit ter Mon-Frl. Small Income room board 856-1213 243 Financial Home Equity loons By Phone NO BROKER FEES No Application Fees 24 Hours Approval Most Credit Accepted No Income Verification 1-800-369-2500 Centennial Mortgage Co. 353-2700 Licensed by Ind.

Dept. of Financial Institutions 250 Legal Services FILE NOW, PAY LATER with epproval-OR payment plans from S25. Free consult BANKRUPTCY DIVORCE PERSONAL INJURY VISITATIONCUSTODY DEBT REORGANIZATION Schaefer Schaefer, Attys fcM-LAWi 1 cm rKT 1 er.Ai teouircc S50 8, up. Bankruptcy, divorce, immigration, Personal Injury misdemeanors. 923-4449 Atty Or I-W-JO-LAWS NEED IMMEDIATE HELP? STOP RenosHarassment Garnishment.

SatEve Aoots Free Bankruptcy Consultation Laroiyn A. Hallanger 686-3880 APPLIANCE REPAIR APPLIANCES, FAST SERVICE Refrig, Ranges, washerdryer FREE SERVICE CALL 257-4490 BASKETBALL GOALS Instantly the original JAM-IT, never sold retail, buy direct from manufacturer, Clear BB $989, Combs, 247-6492 BATHROOMS ADAM CONSTRUCTION 283-4522, 251-7769 BRICK WORK BRICK-Block-Chlmney Repair 30 yrs exp. Free Est. 541-8207 CARPENTRY CALL KEN CLONCH FOR decks, doors, windows, room adds, paneling, trim, tile 4 general repairs. Reas.

rates. Free ests. Licensed. 359-9189 ADAM CONSTRUCTION 3000 refs, Ins, 283-4522, 251-7769 Carpenter needs work. Large 4 small lobs, Call 637-3115 I WORK ALONE.

Quality work. 25 yrs exp. Free ests. 545-1498 CARPET FLOORING BY HARLEY 351-5904 26 Yrs Exp. Very low prices Carpet 4 vinyl Min-AMFRICA CARPETS Installation, repair and sales.

Carpet, vinyl, wood. 780-1755 CEMENT WORK ADAM CONSTRUCTION 3000 refs, Ins. 283-4522, 251-7769 fnnrrpfA A wortd decks. Free estimates. 787-7374 or 637-4519 DRIVEWAYS, patio, steps, sidewalks, free ests.

784-0410 CERAMIC TILE INSTALL, Repair, Regrout, Furnish Material. 631-4406 Boats, Fishing Equipment BOOTS Your Booting Superstore Over 300 UniU in itok Bass Boots Ski Boots Pontoons Housebooti House Boots Cruisers Aqua Deals Hotline 800-138-5418 786-2254 Midml't tarsal Shwmm! Peru, Indiana BROWNIE'S FORMULA -FALCON FOURWINNS-SKEETER PROCRAFT-TRACKER-NITRO 1-74 S.E. of Indy (317 835-2291 OHfcN SUNDAYS 12-4 38' NAUTICAT Ketch motor sailer. Teak decks, mahogany interior, pilot house and bridge dual controls. Diesel, New interior, professionally returpisned, too many fea tures to list (No salt).

At Lake Monroe. (317 257-7784. $89,000 firm, possible trade. 319 Building Materials ASSOCIATED MATERIALS Truck load sale! Wenco windows, custom made vinyl, 3'x3' only $113. Wood windows 30 $75.

insulated glass. Pre-hung steel doors, $79; fi berglass rooting, sio.95 788-0008 3145 Madison Ave Used Brick, Lumber, l-Beams, uon rioor, wmqqws, oo-ypia. 323 Clothing, Jewelry Man's diamond pinky ring ap praised at 4 carats. Valued over $20,000. Will accept best offer.

Call 812-336-214! RANCH MINK COAT, Orlg. $3000 Sell for $750; RANCH MINK JACKET, med. Orlg. $1250 Sell for $475. Both In excellent condition.

293-4528 ROLEX, Oister perpetual da- teiust, 2 tone 18K, papers 4 POX. 81279-9192 Strand of Pearls worth $1000. will sell for $750. OBO 386-2747 Vi carat Diamond engagement ring, appraised at $1200, $1000 OPO. 1-478-5159 WHITE SILVER FOX, HIP LENGTH FUR COAT, size 6, exc cond, $700.

B72-1495 327 Computers, Accessories ASP 386-33 Math co-proc 40MB hd wstacxer, i Mts ram, VGA no monitor, $750. 255-1733 Be A Power User! Learn WHAT to buy 4 how to MAS TER $25. Learn DOS, Windows 4 Applications. Results Guar! Colbert 4 Moritz, Inc. 466-1300 COMPUTER HELP: For com puter hardware, software, networks or Windows.

Person al or business. Inexpensive. References, 852-1992 INVENTORY Reduction! Used Sys $99, New $599. 286, 386, 486 4 New VL Bus. Color Monitors $150, SVGA $299.

H-Drive $199. Keyboards $19 4 More! Colbert 4 Moritz, Inc. 466-1300 Packard Bell Legend 386 25 MHZ Computer Super VGA monitor and Panisonic KXP 1190 Printer. 1.44 disc, 1.2 5Vi" disc. 52 MB Harddrive.

Programs Include Windows 3.0, WordPerfect 5.1, First Choice 3.1, Lotus 123, Form tool 3.0, Quicken, legal, and more. S1600. Computer desk, solid wood with hutch, hide-away printer, drawer, and fil ing drawers. $130. Call John at 783-2978 331 Dogs, Cats, Other Pets AKITAS Pups, AKC, top quali ty, champ bloodlines, solid whts 4 pintos.

$500 up. 876-4017 AUSTRALIAN CATTLEDOG PUPS, FEMALES, BLUES 4 REDS, 55M75 271-5798 Australian Shepherd pups, ASCA reg, 1st shotswormed, 317-640-0528 aft 5pm PLUMBING All Plumbing Repairs Lge or Small Labor Disc. 4 Senior DISC. 781-0863. PC88801505 PLUMBING REPAIRS Senior Citizen Discount (PLO103841 Visa 786-2244 MC Mudd's Plumbing-All repairs.

Free est, 241-7200 PCB92WI62 Plumbing, sewer and drain cleaning, Keas rates. 4i-ojzi PLUMBING-Reasonable rates Call 631-4406. PC81015282 CHEAP RATES-Qulck Service Call Now! 356-1100 REMODELING ADDITIONS, rooms, windows, siding, cabinets, etc. wwy Broad Ripplebuild design. Disc.

Room Adds. Lie, 251-7816 ROOFING 784-5214 Family owned and operated in Indianapolis since 1935. REPAIR NEW ROOFING Guaranteed to stop root leaks. ADAM CONSTRUCTION 3000 refs, Ins. 283-4522, 251-7769 A-l ROOFING puar'd to stop all leaks.

247-75W ask tor 10m Affordable repairs. Free est. Lie. mm HOW CONSTRUCTION Res. 4 317-299-6916 Roofing, Guttering, lie, bonded Insured, Free Est.

835-7519 TREE SERVICE Jim's Tree Experts 247-1399 Senior Disc. Lowest Prices Free Estimate, 13 yrs, exp. Ins A ANDY'S Tree Serv, Stump 9- Removal, Insured. 357-3159 Soles Hotline 100487-7868 1 258 Legal Services ATTY. MITCHELL SOLOMON DWI, BANKRUPTCY, Divorce CRIMINAL, TRAFFIC636-8955 FREE CONSULT 24 HRS BANKRUPTCY 7-11-13 Divorce, Pers ln, DUI, Wills, 257-5391 BANKRUPTCY Stop harassmentgarnishment Fee arangements 63V-25II JOHN G.

WARNE, ATTORNEY 633-4243 General Practice Bankruptcy, Tralfic Offenses DUI Probate ATTORNEY CARL L. EPSTEIN 24 hr. Free Consult. 631-I576 JO DOWN Bankruptcy costs. Ch.

13. Ch, 7 $25 pymnt plan, File on taxes 269-wu ABOLISH YOUR DEBTS BANK UPTCY-Payment Plans J25. Gets You Started 636-5211 DWI-BANKRUPTCY CRIMINAL-DIVORCE Hugh Riedeman 7864113 Richard GononAttny 637-7062 Bankruptcy Divorce from J125. ForeclosureCrimlnalTrafflc I About BankruptcyFREE 24 hr. rec.

Into 921-5812 ATTY- BUSINESS, DIVORCE, ESTATES'WILLS 464-8114 275 Moving, Storage, Truck Rental CITY WIDE MOVING Low fast efficient rates. 359-0440 205 Senior Services Classification 285 Nursing, Retirement Homes has been changed to Senior Services. See our new classification 690 Retirement Communities In the rental section. 298 Transportation Bankruptcy Total $290. Divorce Total DWI From J150 24 hrs 259-4409, Attorney Gotkln DRIVE OUR CAR Almost free: Ma-Nv-Ga-Mo-Tx-Ca-La-WVa AUTO DRIVEAWAY 259-7060 303 Antiques, Collectibles 26 pes St.

Clair paperweights; Joe, Maude, Bob. 644-7347 ANTIQUE GAS PUMPS, 1910 1940 style. 234-8513, Terre Haute ANTIQUES WANTED! Cash buyer for 40 years will buy estates, collections, furni ture, glass, china, Hummells, toys, guilts, rugs, dolls, trains, art, cameras, crocks, frames, clocks, lamps, coins, watches, military, pens, leweiry, banks, flatware, or anything old. Call Webb's Free! 1-800-841-7236 Collections, old records, books, blk memorabilia, Expo Bldg Fairgrnds, Wwall 3 19-20 Doll Molds (270) parts $895 for all. 3I7-290-157B DRY SINK.

Pine. All original, circa 1840, rare. J725. 844-3748. Four electric ceramic kilns, Call for info.

290-1578 LARRY BIRD commemora tive edition Wheaties for best Otter 812634-2759 Liquor Bottles. 80 Beam Decanters all for S320. 43 Lion-stone Old West Series Decant ers, $650. 26 Beam Car Decanters 8, misc, $550. Mov- Ing.

Call 888-8861 Old Fountain Pens. Pay more tor large or tancy. 359-9342 INDIANA FLEA MARKET Indiana State Fairgrounds 3 HUGE BUILDINGS Ag Bldg, Expo, E. Pavilion Fri. 319 Noon 8pm Sat.

320 10am 8pm Sun. 321 Ham 5om Antiques, Collectibles, Crafts Si New Merchandise-ail typesi 1,000 BOOTHS ADMISSION FREE VICTORIAN DRESSER and sewing machine at Christy's Auction, March Maa- ison, Greenwood, 10 a.m. FRENCH Provincial china cabinet buffet. Duncan Phyfe table 4 chairs, and more, zw-iva DECKS DECKS, Gen'l remodeling 4 painting. Free est, 253-6428 DRIVEWAYS MCCOY'S white crushed stone, sand 4 gravel, 636-1699 DRY WALL DRYWALL and texturing.

Lie. bonded, ins. 856-5987, 782-9906 ELECTRICAL SERV All types of electrical wiring. Service 4 repair all types. 100 4 200 amp services.

Monthly payment plan avail. For free estimates call 575-8322 NEED AN ELECTRICIAN? J.C. ELECTRIC Electrical wiring All types. Free 24 hour service 787-5367 Since 1960 253-1142 Peterman 4 Son Electric Electrical wiring all types. Lie.

Bonded. Insured. 787-3842 Appl. 4 Elec, Serv. Comm'l, Res, Indust.

Newold. 923-6495 Electrician, independent, free est. Newold work. Ins. 787-8261 FENCING All types, New 4 Repair, Free est, 786-5780 FLOOR REFINISHING Hardwood floor restoration, For free est, Darryl, 780-8110 GUTTERING Gutters cleaned 4 repaired.

No job too small. 787-9488 SEAMLESS GUTTERING Lowest prices! 359-3414 HAULING Dump Truck 4 Backhoe Serv. grading, gravel, concrete removal, basements, garages, misc. Call 926-9263 Readers 307 16, 18 Dogs, Cats, Other Pets WELSH CORGI, female, 18 mos, $50 or trade, no papers. Also, (5) 'i Corgi pups FREE 823-1778 WHIPPET, AKC, LTD PUPS.

LIKE A GREYHOUND ONLY SMALLER. CALL 769-4746 WIRE FOX Terriers AKC lOwk $300 4 up. 485-6580 Wolf Eskimo pups, mlt, blk wht, crm, 1st shots, wormed, loyal tamily protection, nome raised wlove, art wklds, cats 4 doos. S250-S3M. 545-6)88 VVULr nT DK IU pups, Illuinei WBA reg, born 1693, parents on premises.

812-654-2821. YELLOW LABS, AKC, 7 wks, ready to go, $225. 1-447-6140 WANTED Dachshund Adult, Bibs, reasonable $. 288-9131 341 Farm Implements, Equipment SEARS Craftsman tiller, 5.0 HP, 17" tine width, Bought new this year. Paid $650 will sell for $5M.

823-6282. 343 Flowers, Plants, Shrubs Electrically operated Hospital Bed, good cond, bargain, sjoo. 546-1817 aft 6pm 347 Furniture BDRM SET Girls twin Stanley, 5pcJ350J97J974 BED (Antique) Whaling Captains Sea Chest $2000. OBO 386-2747 BED (Antique) $1000., Whaling Captains Sea Chest $2000. OBO 366-2747 BEDROOM SET, 7 piece, Ethan Allen Country French Collection, 84500.

996-2810 Bedroom solid oak, queen size, looks new, sac $1475, 5734099 BOX SPRING AND MAT TRESS; Queen, Simmons beauty rest classic, new; unopened, $450. 8854941 BR suite, brand new. Headboard, chest, dresser, mirror. Pd $1550, asking $775. 577-2517 Chair, loveseat, sofa.

Neutral color. Paid asking $525, Call 577-2517 aft 2pm. CHAIRS. Flex Steel, light blue velvet, $195. occasional cnair from Kittle's, velvet candy striped $190.

All exc. cond, scotcnguarded. cash wi-vaiu DINING ROOM 100 solid cherry, beautiful complete set, must sen, imm DINING ROOM TABLE Hen-redon, 2 leaves, 4 chairs, $975. WATERBED, $350. 465-0754 ETHAN ALLEN Custom Room Plan 40" dbl dresser SI75, 40" student desk 4 bkcase $175, 30" 3 drawer dresser SlOO, white finish.

Maple foot stool $30, Ethan Allen Heir loom Collection BuffetHutch $1200. Call 254-9413 eves. LAZY BOY RECLINERS, blue, tall 781-835) MOVING SALE: LR 4 DR fur niture, music system, full sz WD (Stack unit). 630-1545. NATIONWIDE WAREHOUSE Furniture 4 Mattress Low Pricesl 3912-16 Pendleton Way 547-9600 New sect sofa, $500; King waterbed wdrawers, exc cond, $150; Wicker sofa table, $50; brassolass coffee 4 end tbls, $250 set; Ig mlcrowv, like new, $150; Entertammt ctr, wood grain, $ioo.

can 299-042 NuWay- Stop paying retail! call tor tree video ss-uuoe RECLINER. Thomasville. $75. Sleeper sofa, $150, both In good condition. 842-4557 RECLINERS, two, teal 4 blk.

$250 lor both. 547-7431 iv. msg ROCKER beioe Floral, $25 4 a beige chairottoman, $35. can m-im SEARS PEDIC KING SIZE mattress 4 box springs, excel cond. 257-2736 att pm.

SELLING all funlture moving out of town. Contemporary black and gray top grain leather sofa. Correlate glider chair, glass top cocxiaii. sectional and sofa, rettan sum mer porch group, oak bar stools, an new. 575-0552 SOFA, early American wing sota, Clayton Marcus, txc.

$150, OBO, 844-4325 SOFABED, full size, tan stripe, exc cond. $200 OBO. 464-1611 TAN leather wind back chair. Queen Anne legs, flexsteel like new. orlg $799 now $299.

1-642-1462 WATERBED wdrawers, kino size, 4 poster, like new, $su original $300 obo 291-1317 4 upholstered wrought Iron swivel bar chairs $100 each, 1 solid pine loveseat $175, 1 solid pine 60" bench $75. 257-0124 BEAUTIFUL OAK KING SIZE waterbed, bookcase head board, 4 drawer base, night- stand, $300. Call 251-4265 MARSH AUCTION Pay cash. 357-3891636-3374 Wanted antiques, good late model turn, appuas. 547-3429 WE BUY ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES.

745-5166 357 Guns, Hunting Equipment CASH FOR GUNS BUYING 10 A.M.-10 P.M 7 DAYS A WK. North 574-0800; South 882-4867; West 297-4242 MORE CASH FOR GUNS Buvina 6 days a week. Call 897-8660 369 Household Goods, Appliances APPLIANCES-200 PIECES REFRIGS $69 RANGES $59 2)18 W.Washington 237-0229 Freezer GE upright, manual defrost, key. As Is $99. 844-3652 Glass top Amana elec range wla mlcrowv on too.

Like new. Was $1175, sell for $500 Call 271-0972 alter 4pm H.H. Gregg Scratch 4 Dent 8921 S. US 31 888-2192 All with full warranties. H.H.

Gregg Scratch 4 Dent 8921 5. US 31 888-2192 All with full warranties. KENMORE Washer 4 Dryer set, very nice, $225 will separate 356-1888 KENMORE WD (elec), 4 yrs, $250 both. 547-7431 iv msg STAR AND NEWS CLASSIFIEDS BIG SALE EAST SIDE AUCTION 479 S. RITTER, iNDPLS.

STARTING TIME MONDAY, MARCH 15 357-9997 OUR AUCTION ROOM IS FULL OF GOOD QUALITY NEW USED FURNITURE APPLCS MISC. See Itemized list In Sun. Star Larry Jent Auctioneer. CHAUDION'S on-site gallery Estate Auctions. 1-984-4125 Fenton glass 15 30 off book, very rare, disc, new.

We have 100's pieces. Call 846-2548 Large Auction Tues, March 4pm at Earl's Auction Co, 5199 Lafayette Rd. Check Sun Star for detailed list or stop in today for preview 12-5. Earl E. Cornwell Auctioneer, 291-5843 MOVING TO S.C.

AUCTION, Wed. March 17, 5pm. 400 S. Madison. Christy's, 887-3499 308 Auction Services, Schools Jackson's Auction Gallery 255-7563 or 844-SALE Kirstein's Premier Auction Buy-aporaise-liquidate 636-7536 313 Bicycles (I) 26in Nishlki 12 spd white racing bike, (1! 27 in Bianchl spd black racing bike.

Like new under 30ml. Paid $600pr, Sac $150. or $250both. 738-2422 '92 HARO MASTER BIKE Invested $350. Sell for $220.

All decked out. 745-3194 317 Boats, Fishing Equipment BOAT SALES INC. 887-2628 rjifl) RQ5AI WoUk, Wdkraft SEi-800-i42-6287 '89 230 Sea Ray Weekender wtrl, Burg over wht, Full camper canvas, 300 hrs. Never lett in water, hid stor in winter, exc cond. VHF, full gal ley, head, sleeps 4.

350 cu.in260 hp Mercrulser $24,900. 1-317-685-5833 268 SEARAY SUNDANCER, 1987, 260 HP, burgandy white. VHF Radio, Depth Sounder, and other accesso ries. Full list upon inquiry. Call 849-1536, $28,000 firm, '80 Cruisers Inc.

Beach comber 206, cutty cabin, 200 HP, omc, IO, 55 prop rd cover camper top, loaded, tandem galv frailer, exc cond, $7495 577-2846 '89 23' CUTTY CABIN Doral Concent, sleeps 4, head, stove, mere IO, 260hp, Eagle Trailer, less than liwnrs. $19,900. 575-8473 '85STRATOS16WBass 2 Boat, I20hp Exc Cond. $7000, will take a trade. 839-0395 16 CENTURY CTS inboard ski boat, 350 Chevy, 265HP, bluegray, exc cond, 834-W83 88 SKI CENTURION Falcon, 351 Indmar pwr, lOOhrs, su perb cond.

custom trailer CraKeS. $12,500. 852-5138 '89 SEA RAY 300 Sundancer, a real 30 footer, twin 260s, heat air, loaded woptions, lots of canvas, bristol cond! 831-6644 91 MASTERCRAFT Pro-Star 190 power slot, low hrs, exel cond. 1-640-4701 1-643-6044 219-453-4006 Runabouts, Cruisers, Yachts Pontoon 4 Deck Boats BOATLAND 545-2203 27', SEARAY, '87 SDA, TWINS, CAMPER TOP, MUST SELL, MONROE E15. 823-2335 '88 Hurricane Deck Boat 4 Trailer, 17ft, 130IO, S.S.

Prop, Cover, $8000 888-6472 Iv msg '88 SEARAY Seville, 18ft bow-rider, 175 horse V6, like new, $10,000 OBO. 687-9589 Scarab Twin 454's. 31ft. Less than 50hrs. Eagle trlr, $69,900.

885-3251 D535-4212 e. 14ft and 12ft John Boat, great snape. k-iiu 16' Speed Boat, 85 HP MERC, bkis, trailer, $i65u. m-wi 18ft Cabin Boat, 4 cvl Chev Inboard 4 trailer $1000, 356-1039 '86 39' Marinette Aft, loaded, priced to sell. 317-654-7272 '88 DONZI, 25' Regazza, Cuddy 330 hp, $24,900 219-722-4055 Danner Trash Hauling ETC Basement 4 Garage Cleaning 7day-24 Hr Service 547-4013 HAULING of all kinds.

Gar 4 bsmt. cleaning. 2 family men need work. Cheap. 637-4362 Hauling Ig or sm.

Clean out rentals, gars, bsmts, etc. Call 4 compare. Free ests. 241-2486 A-l HAULING CHEAP Clean-up of all kinds. 2 family men needs work.

Cell 639-0063 A FAMILY MAN NEEDS WORK, Cheap hauling. 631-8082 HOME REPAIRS Painting, Remodeling 4 Home repair also deck work. 293-6218 Small repairs, roofing, siding 4 painting. Llclns. 356-7034 LAWN CARE Contract Lawn Care-complete service-acreage, Contracts Avail.

Danner 547-4013 PAINTING G.L. SANDERS Professional Painting Service 1-800-356-8082 INT-EXT PAINTING. For your complete home repairs call 636-1450. Insured. References.

BEST PAINTING 4 Paper Hanging. Free Est. 266-0453 L.J. LIME CUSTOM painting and special effects. 631-2473.

PAINTING, plaster 4 drywall repair. Free ests. 356-3058 Perfection Painting, expertise In all phases, Free est 266-0032 PLASTERING DRYWALL, Patch-Plaster end Stucco Repair. 253-9897 DRYWALL, PATCH, PLASTER 4 PAINTING 546-7709 Plastering and stucco repair. A-l PLASTERING, 635-6612 PLASTER Drywall Stipple Luther Spears, 638-1220 Advice Electrical, HeatingCooling, and Household Goods, Appliances Living room, dining room 4 hall carpet.

$60. 298-4765 MOVING SALE Large appliances, all extras, 342 Emerson 299-2167 or 359-9327 eves RECONDITION APPLCS 20 DAY WARRANTY Free delivery and Install 353-8303 6)33 E. Wash St. REFRIG-ALMOND Washer 4 Dryer 5312 10th St 241-4535. Refrig $95, WD $65 ea 4 up.

Stoves $69 up, wwarr, Appliance 1315 Shelby 237-0117 Refrig, stove $30 up. Nice turn. Buy, sentrade. 634-3vai REFRIGERATOR, STOVE WasherDryer. 353-2436 SALES 4 SERVICE all makes models.

Stoves, refrigera tors, washers, dryers. Free delv. In limited area. 359-4257 Stoves, refrig, WD, with warr, 2602 Shelby, 786-0570 Washer $75. Dryer $70.

Will Deliver. 238-9112 Washer, Dryer, Stove 4 Re frigerator, an excel, im tor or will separate. 685-0439 Washer 4 dryer Deluxe Whirl-pool like new 8295. 248-9633 WasherDryer, gas, yellow, exc cond, $100 each, 788-4763 WASHERORYER-GE, Ig ca pacity, good cond. sm 465-054 14 cubic ft Whirpool refrig, gold, exc cond, $175.

873-4348 22 CUBIC FOOT AMANA RE-FRIGFREEZER, LIKE NEW COND, $500 FIRM. B72-1495 Whirlpool Refrio Frost-free, match range; Whirlpool wshr dryr. All exc cond. 244-6006 Almond Amana 30in electric range. 4 yrs old.

8165. 898-4903 Gold Draperies 4 rods for 3 windows. S150. 298-4765 KENMORE frostless, exc cond. grt for new house.

$475. 577-4202 Moving Sale, LR suite, DR chairs, computer monitor, ste reo, '85 Nissan sentra, low miles 4 maintenance. 547-6189 RENT TO OWN APPLIANCES 525 per month each. 244-6048 Speed Queen Heavy Duty Washer, white, works well, 81 10. Call 283-2017, after 6pm 400 Lawn Garden Furniture A Equipment TORO WHEELHORSE 92 MODEL CLOSEOUT SALE 210-5 10 HP IC Briggs 30" $1399 212-H 12.5 HP $2199 312-8 12 HP Kohler 37" $2599 312-H 12 HP Koh Hydro 37" $3399 LEWIS BROTHERS 11120 Alllsonvllle, Fishers 849-2119 WE NOW CARRY X-MARK COMMERCIAL MOWERS HENTHORNS 634-5678 409 Livestock, Feed, Equipment MIXED HAY SECOND CUT TING ALFALFA (317 422-5377 410 Machinery, Tools Kennedy ToolDie Cabinets, Kennedy rool around, all full of tool 4 die tools.

812-743-2649 7.5 KW Marine generator, dlesel power. 219-735-3303 '92 CASE 550 Dozer, 6 way blade. Less than 200 nrs, $35,900. Call 783-3394 BRAKE PRESS, 100 ton Helm under power, 12' overall length, 10'6" between hous ings, $12,500 OBO 783-4131 BRIDGE over hang brackets, concrete blankets, trench box es, FINN strawblower, Offset disc, recking balls. 812-824-7012 Case 580 Buckets 4 ripper, $1375; 4" Flygt submersible dewatering pump 100ft discharge, $3500; Deepth Master laser target, S1500.

Call 3I7872-63IO HITACHI EX 270LC excavator for hire or rent operator, Call 317872-6310 Layout Inspect table, High temp smelter ui-m-iim Mig Welder, $1800 new, $900 obo, 356-1039 Mortar Mixer, Stone, 1 Bag, like new. $825. 2w-jug Portable Frame Rack, Body LOCk system, S2500 356-1039 ROL air compressor for fin ished nailer, $195. Lletz automatic level and tripod new, $470. Blue print copier $400.

Milwaukee drill and mlsc tools. 888-5998 USED FORK LIFTS Over 100 trucks PRICED TO SELLI Used batteries, char gers, forks and pallet trucks. 1175 16th St. 637-3325 Gorton 3U Pantograph. $4500, Gorton Cutter Grinder $3500, 783-0923 415 Miscellaneous Items Cable TV Equipment.

Convert ers and accessories all makes and models. Great prices. No monthly charges. Call for free catalog, -Wiii-uii. EARN MONEY AT HOME TEAR GAS Protection Jenny Ln, Indpls 46201 Impeach Clinton Bumper stickers, can ivnnwn Sinks $14.

Amer Hdw IOIB Ve 637-0294 TANNING BED Wolff system wtace tanner, nome use. Call 1-564-4513 431 Office Equipment, Supplies BIG CLEARANCE SALE NEW AND SCRATCH 4 DENT OFFICE FURNITURE 70-80-90 OFF AND MANY MORE! Indianapolis Office Supply 2JJO N. Meridian m. CALL 923-SAVE (7283) RECONDITIONED COPIERS 825 N. PENN.

CALL 237-9814 Samsung Fax 2010, 6 mos old, $300. 247-7091 441 Pianos, Musical Instruments BABY GRAND BUEHLER, From New York, 25-30 yrs old, Minor repair, $875. iw-iw BANJO, Gibson 5 string, prof restored, S2500, 328-ioie CASH FOR USED PIANOSI BALDWIN 1-600-947-4266 GIBSON MASTER TONE, 5 string. Ban os. RB3 4 Granada.

535-5234 i GOOD USED LESTER Dl AMD TAI I W1.0QA9 GUITAR, CARVIN mdl DC 160, Stereo, dualsingle coll wphase switch, fine tuners, Quilted Maple finish, Abalone inlays, 8450. Kelly, 283-4449. PIANO- used Whitney teach' Ing, Great cond, $750. 255-4544 PIANO Kimball Grand, years old, white, 849-7492 PIANO BABY GRAND like new. $2,800.

841-8201. Piano, Baldwin Grand, Living Room size, Built 1913, Rebuilt I972, Soundboard per fect. $4900. W. Laf.

1-743-1325 PIANO, Stelnway grand, mint B3-9U5 PIANOS from $488 Or rent for $25 a month, WILKING MUSIC CO. 849-9402 0090 520 Employment Services, Referrals 525 Employment AAA RENT TO OWN Has entry level positions available. This lob Includes sales, outside deliveries and collections. If you like work ing with people, we would like to hear from you! Must have High School diploma. Apply In person at: 3464 W.

16th St. 634-5400 642 Twin Aire Dr. 638-2000 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Some accounts payable experience required. Experience with IBM Platinum a plus. Full or part time.

Send resume and salary history fo: Tranex Rentals, PO Box 24107, Speedway, IN 46224. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Experienced person for Greenwood company. PC exp. a must. We can offer Insurance, vacation pay, holiday pay and opportunity for advancement.

Apply In person 9-4, The Reaume Corp, 1000 N. Madison, 5te E3, Greenwood ACTIVIST Meaning: One who takes action to achieve political or social change. The Citizens Action Coalition of Indiana Is seeking bright, socially conscious individuals to loin our staff. Must be people oriented, articulate. We will train, rapid advancement, travel opportunities available.

$300 per week, hours 2-IOpm. Call 921-1120 ADIA PERSONNEL SERVICES CALL FOR JOBS! 879-2383 ADMINISTRATIVE ASST PAL Board of Directors Is seeking an Administrative Assistant to work with the Executive Director. Minimum 50WPM typing, computer skills necessary, college education or minimum of 2 years lob related experience required, good communication ability sensitive to law enforcement Issues. Call 632-2493 or 445-3163 or send resume to: P.O. Box 17B7 Indpls.

IN 46206 APT MANAGEMENT Westslde senior apartment community seeks husband wife team for positions of Building MngrSocial Director. Must live on site. Call Phyllis Mon-Frl at 273-4200 ASBESTOS ABATEMENT Certified Supervisors, and Workers wanted. Apply: 308 S. State Ave Monday Friday, 8-4.

EOE MFHV ASSISTANT MANAGER I NEED MANAGERS!" To replace 12 who were promoted or weren't willing to work. No exp nec. Rapid advancement to upper level po-sitlons, Call 842-8252 ext 5. AUTO TECHNICIAN Busy local tune up, brake and general repair center must add 2 fast, efficient, trained mechanics with drlveabillty experience. We offer top pay, holiday pay, vacation and more.

Call 1-800-935-8863' AUTOMOBILE DETAILERS-full time 55hr. LOT DRIVERS-full and part time. Auto Auction reconditioning Center Is now hiring. Driver's license mandatory. Apply in person at Personnel Office only, 4040 Office Plaza Blvd.

298-9700. BAKER Exp nec, Full time afternoons 8, eve. Call 787-2906 BARBER Hair Stylist or Cosmetologist Brownsburg, 852-4589 BARBER WANTED FULL TIME. B44-1090 Full time. Earn up to SlO.OOhour tips.

Hours are 8:00 pm until closing. Apply In person, only, 9am to 5pm, Monday Friday. Sakltuml Loufige 2786 Lafayette Rd (Eagledale) 510 Instructions, Schools Ind. Bartendlno Schl. 872-4657 8727 Commerce Park AC0142 INDIANA BUSINESS COLLEGE 802 Meridlan264-5656AC0186 Lincoln Tech Inst-Auto Mech diesel, draftlngCAD.

1201 Stadium Dr. 317-632-5553. AC0102. Professional Careers Institute Waterfront Pky, 299-6001 AC0028 TRI-STATE SEMI-DRIVER TRAINING 2295 Shade-land IN 46219. 317-357-0574.

6690 Germantown Middleton, OH. ACftoois 520 Employment Services, Referrals CSM, PROFESSIONAL CAREER AND JOB SEARCH CONSULTATION, 469-6900 BACK TO THE FUTURE 16 to 21 yr. old dropouts. Your future Is now. Career preparation, GEO preparationtesting, ob placement.

Find a direction for your future at: SOUTHEAST 70001 CALL 236-7400 A FREE PROGRAM CALL 243-8001 100'S OF JOBS avail. Some are will train, entry level iexpd. CALL NOW 8, get working RIGHT AWAY! Network One 2345 Lynhurst Dr Job information Service. only fee S)I0 not a direct hirer THE RESUME CENTER One day professional resume. Fast and affordable way to a great new position.

For personal service call; 243-8104 ask for Sherrl CAREERJOB SEARCHING? 24hr recorded information Call 317-823-1873 ext 100 Career AdvancementChanges STEVENS ASSOC846-8888 EXECUTIVE JOB HUNTING? POWERSEARCH INC 560-7000 HARRINGTON ROSS Assoc. Executive Marketing 844-9585 525 Employment A A Co. Route Driver WKLY. We wear blue leans I sneakers to work. Will provide: Company vehicle Cosh doily Full training Management opportunity Call to set up appt.

only, after 10:30, 872-9816, ask for Kyle MALTESE pups AKC, tiny BDRM SUIT, $225. 539-5367 maletemale. 894-9804 King size waterbed, It. wood, b-case, h-board, new htr, $300 Minlture Pinschers, AKC, firm, dining tbl, living rm can leave home 31893 furn, antique chrs. 257-5320 sTr516? Stanley Dining Room Set, me- IS in Hm.WrL5u oK exc cond, buffet, S.

r. IhSIE'tE fim q' MM cb, table, 2 arm chrs, 6 nonrefundable 788-4112. side chrs. $1600 cash. 823-0151 PEKINGESE AKC puppies.

12 wks old, 1st shots, sable 4 349 black. $200. 1-985-2959 Furniture Buyers PEKINGESE dogs, 1 wht ml 2 yr old, 1 wht fern 4 yr old, 1 rni red fern 4 yr old. 2 Blk 4 sliver CASH pups, 2 wht pups. 745-2636 eJ Pembroke Welsh Corgis, AKC, oll tut 1 W) P.D.CA shotswormed.

812-824-2004 fll-JW l-M-OMO Persian Kittens CFA Reg. Himalayan $150 4 also misc. shaded silver $200. 219-583-3587 335-2803 14 BOB still pays cash furn 4 8100 889-6733 antiques. 787-8848, 781-9658 Phone (317) 633-1212 'Li' ROTTWEILER, 9 months, all shots, $150.

898-3653 Schnauzer AKC Miniature Male puppies, Salt 4 Pepper. Call 848-2482 SCHNAUZERS, AKC with pa pers, $150. 637-314 SCOTTISH TERRIER, AKC registered, black, 5 months Old, $150. 573-9653 SHAR-PEI male, Vi yrs, Chp bldlns, 5 pnt red, will take best otter. 1-689-0656 att ipm SHELTIE Cute, AKC Pups.

1ST SnOlS, $250. 8V-894. SHELTIE PUPPY, AKC, tri color, 8 wks. old, vet checked, all shots 4 wormed, dew claws removed. $275.

576-9411. SHETLAND SHEEP DOGS AKC. 6 wks, shots, sable male, 1 sabiemeriewhtite. female, Call 899-0399 SHIBA INU pups. Pets $400.

Ready March 21st 793-3881 SHIH-TZU pups, make your reservations now, ready In 5 WkS. AKC, 841-3342 SHIH TZU, AKC, 2 females, 2 males, 4wks old. Ready 322, taking orders now. 241-6947 Shlh Tzu Pups, Super Sale, Male 4 Female, $150uo. Voice mail anytime 870-3470 SIBERIAN HUSKIES, AKC, 21893, 5 males, female, $200 547-5117, 546-3931 Glenn SIBERIAN HUSKY PUPPIES, AKC born 122392.

Paper Trained. 359-0686 Start Now to prevent fleas Mother Nature's way without pesticides. Ask FEED MART898-4436 EDGEWOOD FEED about HAPPY JACK TABLICKS, CHEWABLE NUTRITIOUS, FOR DOGGS 4 cats. WEIMARANER PUPPY beut fern, AKC, excellent pedigree, Oyer 458,000 Adults Shop Our CLASSIFIEDS Everyday WreckingDemolition workers must be licensed bv the city in tneir respective tieios. Here's some helpful information to keep in mind Any contractor you hire to do construction work must meet certain requirements in order to obtain a building permit.

The qualifications which must be met by a contractor for various kinds of work are listed below: i Plumbing Must be licensed by the State of Indiana as a plumbing contractor and registered with trie city, The license number must be published in the ad. For further, information, contact the Services, 327-SitS ext. 301 Division ot Development Structural Work (carpentry, concrete, framing, roofing, etc.) fv be listed by the City as a general contractor. Git Fast Results 633-1212 $350 Muncie, I-28V-7363. i.r-r t-.

The Indianapolis Star from Indianapolis, Indiana (2024)


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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.