The Tesla medical bed that is turning back time! NESARA GESARA initiatives ~ Sources of Financing – Prime Disclosure (2024)

Table of Contents
Military deploys medical beds and trains for revolutionary operations MEDBED: MEMORY PROGRAMMING, MEMORY DELETIONS #RV IYKYK ‼️👇👁️‼️👇👁️✅✅ “RV UPDATE” BY BRUCE, 21 JUNEThurs. 20 June 2024 Bruce Galactic Federation gives green light to global reform with quantum defense! “Sources of financing”, such as grants to holders of humanitarian programs; “Three sources of funds” with huge amounts of funds WE ARE AT THE MOMENT –QFS PHASE. Information related to “Refund” and “UBI (Universal Basic Income)” What is “cash refund”? ? What is “UBI (Universal Basic Income)”? ? UBI (Universal Basic Income) is being tested around the world! ? More than 100 UBI pilot operations have been implemented in the United States since 2018! In the United Kingdom, a research test is being carried out on the value of paying UBI (Universal Basic Income)! ? It is also important to check the social impact of GESARA! Reconnecting with the higher worlds is a matter of survival! HAVE YOU SPIRITUALLY OUTGROWN THE MATRIX YET? NESARA GESARA initiatives reveal the fall of corrupt banks Latest information related to “GCR/RV”! Deposit problems are occurring at the large US bank “Wells Fargo”! A sign of GCR! ? Possibility of small denomination IQD (Iraqi Dinar) notes! ? First appearance of the “QFS Debit Card”! Start of financing for bondholders (payers)! Official exchange rate change for the Iraqi dinar! GESARA Refund and UBI Related Status Information! Current status information GESARA refund and UBI related information! Estimated quantity etc. “From June 26th” Information about reimbursem*nt (benefits) and UBI (Universal Basic Income)! 1) Information related to UBI (Universal Basic Income) (estimated value) 2) Information related to reimbursem*nt (benefits) (estimated value) China and Russia are redefining mBridge and “UNITY” for gold Connecting with our Star Nations click here to learn this Galactic Practice MikeCristo8: The reason for a revaluation of gold The trade agreement between Russia and Vietnam Fun facts about the Stormtroopers of Zimbabwe and Vietnam, Part 1 Fun Facts About Stormtroopers in Zimbabwe and Vietnam, Part 2 “Don’t Blink” – Goldilocks Seeds of Wisdom RV/GCR Update(s) 6/20/24 References
The Tesla medical bed that is turning back time! NESARA GESARA initiatives ~ Sources of Financing – Prime Disclosure (1)

At the heart of the Tesla Medical Bed is the Tesla Heating Coil, a component that defies traditional medical understanding. It’s not just about heat; it’s about harnessing vital energy in a way that significantly decreases stress and inflammation. Imagine a world where chronic pain, the bane of millions of people, can be alleviated not by pills or invasive procedures, but by lying down to rest.

But how do you achieve these miraculous feats? The answer lies in the bed’s ability to utilize life force energy at various frequencies. This is not a trick; is a sophisticated application of electromagnetic principles that improve cellular function, increase energy levels, and restore the body’s natural healing ability. From restoring limbs to their natural state to reversing the aging process, the Tesla medical bed represents a leap toward immortality.

As we age, our bodies and minds no longer retain the vigor of youth. The need for rest becomes paramount, but not all sleep is created equal. The Tesla medical bed guarantees a quality of rest that rejuvenates the mind, sharpens focus, improves memory and strengthens the immune system. It’s not just about waking up refreshed; It’s about setting your biological clock.

The benefits of the Tesla Medical Bedgo far beyond simple pain relief. It is about fundamentally altering the body’s energy production by improving ATP levels, stimulating natural healing mechanisms for cellular repair, normalizing blood pressure and improving sleep quality. This bed is a source of health benefits, acting as a natural antidepressant by stimulating emotional and nervous activity.

However, the Tesla Medical Bed is not just a medical device; It is a practical solution to everyday challenges. Its design addresses the physical difficulties of getting in and out of bed, preventing falls and slips. With adjustable positions for sleeping, sitting, eating and even standing, it meets all needs, ensuring safety and comfort.

The bed’s versatility is unparalleled, allowing seamless transitions between multiple positions to suit every activity, from watching TV to dining. It also facilitates partial elevation, ensuring relaxed breathing and snoring-free sleep. It’s not just about comfort; it is about improving the quality of life in all aspects.

In a world where the limits of medicine are constantly being pushed, the Tesla medical bed is a testament to human ingenuity and the tireless pursuit of better health.It is a beacon of hope for those suffering from chronic illnesses, a symbol of the potential to not only live longer, but also to live better. This isn’t just a bed; It is the future of healing, a future where the limitations of the human body are not an end point, but a challenge to be overcome.

Military deploys medical beds and trains for revolutionary operations

Amidst the intense innovation and technological advances that have defined our era comes an innovative development, challenging the very foundations of traditional medicine and social norms.

The introduction of Med Beds, along with Healing and Education Centers, represents a paradigm shift in healthcare, promising revolutionary healing processes.

However, asthese centers prepare to open their doors to the public, a deeper narrative unfolds, one that intertwines the potential for unparalleled medical advances with a tapestry of intrigue and the unyielding spirit of human resilience.

At the heart of thistransformative movement is Med Bed technology,a concept that has captured the hope of many, offering a future where terminal illnesses and chronic conditions are no longer death sentences.

These centers, prepared to become healing sanctuaries, are not mere installations; they are beacons of a new dawn in medical science, where the impossible becomes possible. The serene environments designed for these centers, with an emphasis on natural beauty and tranquility, are designed to promote healing not only of the body, but also of the mind and spirit.

The process of creating these centers is as innovative as the technology they house. Stakeholders are encouraged to renovate existing structures or embark on new construction, always aiming for harmony and avoiding spaces marked by negative energies. This approach underscores a deep understanding of healing as an experience that transcends the physical, touching the spiritual and emotional realms.

The military’s involvement in treating patients and thesecret extraction of individuals from hospitals and streets for Med Bed therapyhas raised eyebrows. These actions suggest a complex web of motivations and alliances, suggesting a much richer and more complex narrative than a mere medical advance.

The Tesla medical bed that is turning back time! NESARA GESARA initiatives ~ Sources of Financing – Prime Disclosure (2)




The Tesla medical bed that is turning back time! NESARA GESARA initiatives ~ Sources of Financing – Prime Disclosure (3)

The Tesla medical bed that is turning back time! NESARA GESARA initiatives ~ Sources of Financing – Prime Disclosure (4)

#RV IYKYK ‼️👇👁️‼️👇👁️✅✅

The Tesla medical bed that is turning back time! NESARA GESARA initiatives ~ Sources of Financing – Prime Disclosure (5)

Thurs. 20 June 2024 Bruce

The currencies going up in value finally solidified in the last couple of days – but we don’t know what they are. They were trading upwards and they are now trading exponentially but they are moving UP UP UP to where those rates are supposed to be for us and I do believe that is what they are doing.
Today the Redemption Center Staff went in for a couple of hours but the numbers never came today. Tomorrow

Fri. 21 June (Summer Solstice) they are going in for overlapping hours – and that would allow for our numbers if indeed they do come out tomorrow.
Yesterday a banker said – “Just hang in there a couple of more days” and so that would have been a couple of days and that would be Friday – so I think we could get this tomorrow and through the weekend.

The Tesla medical bed that is turning back time! NESARA GESARA initiatives ~ Sources of Financing – Prime Disclosure (6)

Galactic Federation gives green light to global reform with quantum defense!

In the labyrinthine corridors of global power, an electrifying saga is unfolding that promises to redefine our world in unprecedented ways. At the center of this narrative is the monumentalGESARA (Global Economic Security and Reform Act). This is the dawn of a new era, one that aims to dismantle the entrenched financial oligarchy and restore economic justice to the masses.

A summit of 1,200 financial giants, gathered in what should be a landmark event for humanity. The goal was clear:to initiate GESARA,a radical overhaul of the global economic system aimed at redistributing wealth and ushering in a new era of prosperity and justice. However, as this historic moment approached, a nefarious conspiracy emerged that threatened to derail our collective future.

As the summit began, anticipation and tension filled the air. Delegates from all corners of the world gathered in a large conference room, their discussions and debates underpinned by the collective hope of billions. GESARA was not just a financial reform; it was a beacon of hope for those long oppressed by economic disparity. However, in the shadows, powerful elites conspired to undermine this historic shift.

GESARA, the beacon of hope advocating justice and transparency,was on the verge of implementation. But financial elites, terrified of losing their iron grip on power, conspired to sabotage this fundamental reform. Their machinations, however, have been exposed, revealing a web of deception so deep it challenges the very core of our understanding.

Preparing for the New Dawn:

Mobilization of Forces

The stage is set. The Galactic Federation is ready to give the green light to GESARA. The anticipation is palpable, the implications enormous. We are on the cusp of a revolutionary transformation that promises to redefine justice and equity. The Medbed Team is mobilizing, preparing for the upcoming changes. These exchanges and healings are not mere formalities; they are the doors to a new era.

In towns and cities around the world, preparations are underway. Medical teams equipped with advanced healing technologies, known as Medbeds, are ready to provide unprecedented medical care.

People suffering from chronic illnesses and serious injuries are already experiencing miraculous recoveries. Reports from pilot programs indicate that Medbeds cure diseases previously considered intractable, from advanced cancers to neurodegenerative diseases.

These advanced devices, using revolutionary quantum technology, are being deployed in secret locations and the results are surprising. Treated people speak of a new life, free from pain and disease, and the promise of widespread availability of Medbeds is sparking hope around the world.

Financial advisors and reformers work tirelessly to ensure a smooth transition to the new economic system. The atmosphere is one of cautious optimism, with communities mobilizing in support of the imminent change.

The Tesla medical bed that is turning back time! NESARA GESARA initiatives ~ Sources of Financing – Prime Disclosure (7)

“Sources of financing”, such as grants to holders of humanitarian programs;

See the article below on the “Financing mechanism (support money) for humanitarian program holders (levels 1 to 4)” of Plan Q.

Here, I would first like to introduce information (information that appears to be valid at the moment) regarding “support funds for holders of humanitarian programs and sources of financing such as UBI”.

“Three sources of funds” with huge amounts of funds

The Tesla medical bed that is turning back time! NESARA GESARA initiatives ~ Sources of Financing – Prime Disclosure (8)

Plan Q includes “support funds for humanitarian plan holders (countries, organizations and individuals)” for the entire world, and “unfair tax and interest refunds and UBI scheduled after the start of GESARA (after publication)”. large amounts of financing (financing liquidity) such as (some are already underway).

For this information

“Where does such a large amount of money come from?”

I think there are a lot of people who have questions like this.

However, the WH information states that there are“three huge funding sources” thatcan more than adequately cover and continue these funding measures.that is

1) Huge amount of gold recovered from DS

2) Gold that was held by the China Dragon Family (elders)

3) Funds accumulated and hidden since ancient times

It is.

1) Huge amount of gold recovered from DS

The Tesla medical bed that is turning back time! NESARA GESARA initiatives ~ Sources of Financing – Prime Disclosure (9)

Although the world under DS has continued for hundreds of years (possibly thousands of years), more than 90% of the “assets” created by people around the world are lost to a fraction of less than 1% of the world’s population each year. It is said that they continued to be exploited by the DS.

These goods continued to be stored and hidden in the form of “gold”.

WH recovered these DS assets from around the world. The gold recovered in the Vatican’s underground tunnels alone is said to be worth over 30,000 yen (well, the reliability of the numbers is only a rough guide).

This alone will at least financially cover the GESARA world for “several thousand years or more” (bitter smile). Well, even if the Vatican fund of “3 yen~” is a mistake, DS (GOLD) assets have been recovered from all over the world, so I think there is no doubt that it is a source of funds more than enough.

The funds (GOLD) will first be returned to the “country” from which they were stolen and exploited (the return has already been made)

That’s what he said. (There was also information in the past that it had been returned to Southeast Asian countries, Japan, etc.)

It is thought that the (GOLD) funds will be used as “GESARA funds (e.g. refunds, UBI, gold coin collateral, etc.)” in countries where the (GOLD) funds are returned.

It also appears that a huge amount of gold remains after the “return”, and these are distributed as GESARA funds (refunds, gold-backed currencies, etc.) around the world.

2) Gold that was held by the China Dragon Family (elders)

The Tesla medical bed that is turning back time! NESARA GESARA initiatives ~ Sources of Financing – Prime Disclosure (10)

The word “Chinese elders”comes upfrequently in discussions about Plan Q.

These “Chinese Elders”refer to an organization called the “Chinese Dragon Family”, which existsin

Yes, you could say that it was originally an organization that collaborated with the DS side. (In terms of information, it appears that some organizations were located in the opposite direction from those collaborating.)

Currently, the “Chinese elders” collaborate with WH (important partners) and position themselves as important promoters (existence) of Plan Q.

It is said that the gold held by these elderly Chinese is being provided as a source of financing for Plan Q.

The funds (GOLD) will be used mainly for world debt forgiveness (Jubilee).

It is said that (there is also information that says so).

This is my opinion (personal opinion)

I believe thatsome of the “gold managed and held by Chinese elders” (although I don’t know the percentage) overlaps with the “DS assets” mentioned in Section 1 above.

If you don’t think of it this way, it will contradict the information that says, “Chinese seniors own most of the world’s gold.” (The situation would not fit the logic of who really had more GOLD, the DS or the older people.)

3) Funds accumulated and hidden since ancient times

The Tesla medical bed that is turning back time! NESARA GESARA initiatives ~ Sources of Financing – Prime Disclosure (11)

According to information from WH, there are several funds accumulated and hidden since ancient times. for example

Saint-Germain Trust Fund

You can often see words like this in information.

To be honest, I don’t know the details because I’m not personally interested in the details (laughs), but anyway, I heard that there is a huge amount of funds here too.

The funds appear to beused primarily as“support funds for humanitarian program holders”.(For funds from levels 1 to 4)

The Tesla medical bed that is turning back time! NESARA GESARA initiatives ~ Sources of Financing – Prime Disclosure (12)


Someone on SNS is claiming that the Central Bank promotes digital currencies and tokens promote QFS the same way *but totally different currencies*

Central Bank digital currency is the currency mined by Cabal and connected to the INTERNET, while the QFS token is a digital currency mined by WH connected to STARLINK SATELLITE.

I said the other day that 95% of contracts betweenGerman and Chinesepayers and formerbond holders (level 1 and 2)are broken. That’s over 1 million or over 1,000,000 revoked policies.

However, not a single customer I came into contact with was destroyed.

Between this month and the end of the year, THEEURO WILL FALL COMPLETELY.

On July 4th, the EU and the United States will STOP PRINTING THE EURO and DOLLAR, ordered by the COURT.

All BRICS member countrieshave becomegold-backed currencies,which means around3.2 billion people spend gold around the world. To date, official members include Russia, China, India, Brazil and South Africa. The world’s population iscurrently less than 7.9 billionpeople. It is reportedthat around 40% of theworld’s population already hasgold medals.

Iran and Argentina signednew members.

*I can still hear.”

Egypt Germany and Italy can no longer pay Russia for oil and natural gas. Since both countries have no money and cannot pay the gold-backed Russian ruble, Germany will obviously go bankrupt.

Done. Those who pay today owepayment groups with someold bonds from Germany and China.

But in the end it cancelsthese agreements. because afterthe investigation they did fraudafter him.

About MEDICAL BEDS, allnursing beds have been distributed all over the world and we are still waiting for the target of when it will beimplemented and implemented ineach city in each country.

Finally when RV and GCRstart rolling the world can enter an era of abundance. To that end, we are now WAITING FOR THE FAKE DISMISSAL OF BID EN and the passing of Queen Elizabeth

A perfect storm is approachingtipping points everywhere,and a wave of truth isslowly crashing, states,moods are shifting, fears are subsiding,news fatigue isincreasing, and the mediais turning a corner. One or the otherreconsiders their position, admitting“SERIOUS SIDE EFFECTS” or saying that thePLUGS requirements DON’T HELP.

THE SYSTEM CONTINUES TO COLLABORATEin every corner, problemINFLATION” andprices continue to rise, accusations ofstupidity manifest everywhere, and “THE INDUSTRY SEES BLACK”

No matter how hard you try to avoid reality, you will soon catch up. This is a lesson that privately owned Western central banks are currently learning as the illusion of fiat currency collides with the real world. The recent complete collapse of financial markets is not a normal market movement. It’s a systemic collapse.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average has continued to decline in 11 of the last 12 weeks. Something is happening that has never happened before. The most recent was the 1929 accident, 10 in 11 weeks.

💜💙💚💛🧡❤️💖🌈✨🎇🎆🌠I’M READY QFS💛🌈💫💫


RV-GESARA-(GCR-RV.)RV-GESARA-Releases unprecedented prosperity funds in a “wealth redistribution program” to every individual on Earth, as well as the release of vast sums of money for humanitarian purposes across the world planet.

This means that every human being can become an instant billionaire without debt of any kind. This is in line with the Global Currency Reset and Revaluation (GCR-RV)

Information related to “Refund” and “UBI (Universal Basic Income)”

The Tesla medical bed that is turning back time! NESARA GESARA initiatives ~ Sources of Financing – Prime Disclosure (13)

We have carefully examined and recorded WH’s information on “UBI (Universal Basic Income)” that has already been implemented (including trials) in some countries and regions, and “Refunds” that would be implemented after the launch of GESARA. to keep it.

What is “cash refund”? ?

The Tesla medical bed that is turning back time! NESARA GESARA initiatives ~ Sources of Financing – Prime Disclosure (14)

You may see the expression “benefits” (sometimes I refer to it as convenience benefits), but basically it is expressed as “NESARA (GESARA)”.

Refund (refund) of unfair taxes (income tax)paid to date

It will be treated. (In the WH information so far, income tax refunds are mentioned as an element that is universally implemented around the world.)

Below are elements that could be seen as information in the past (before 2021), but are no longer seen in WH information after 2022, and may be eligible for a “refund”. (However, I feel that the possibility has diminished due to the circ*mstances.)

*Interest on various loans (home loan, car loan, credit card)

Furthermore, although the meaning of “refund” may be slightly different, it is an element that cannot be considered common across the world because circ*mstances differ from country to country (whether or not a system exists).

*Monetary reimbursem*nt for items that were pledged by DS as a “birth certificate”

It is said to exist.

At least in theUnited States, it is said that there is monetary reimbursem*nt for birth certificates (existence of WH information).

So far there is no specific information for other countries, butin the case ofJapanthere are “documents relating to family registration”. It is also possible that it was converted into a title by DS, as in the USA.

If the property is seized, there is the possibility of “monetary reimbursem*nt”.

In the case of “Japan”,there is also a story that all Japanese people were insured by DS at the time of their birth with “special (obscure) life insurance”, and that the insurance proceeds were exploited.

If this is true, the “exploitation of life insurance proceeds” could be treated in the same way as the “bond birth certificate.” (As the actual situation is unknown, this is only a possibility at this time)

How to get your “refund” back

The Tesla medical bed that is turning back time! NESARA GESARA initiatives ~ Sources of Financing – Prime Disclosure (15)

The following information is currently the most likely to provide information onhow to receive a refund.

1) In principle, refunds will be paid in installments (refunds) over several years (information varies from several years to 11 years) depending on your age.

2) Refund amount varies depending on “age” (if interest repayment is included, it may vary from person to person)

3) Basically, the refund amount will be deposited into a “personal QFS account” that will be newly created in the QFS. Transfers of such funds (such as transfers to existing bank accounts) will be operated using the “Q Phone (including QFSPC)” which will be provided in the future.

4) A “QFS prepaid card” for depositing, withdrawing and making payments to a “personal QFS account” will be distributed to each individual. It will be possible to use this card to pay for everyday purchases, etc.

As the “refund”will likely be paid in monthly installments, we believe it could initially be operated in a similar way to UBI. (For example, there is a possibility that it will be provided as universal basic income)

Timing of “refund” payment

Based on the information to date,it is assumed thatthe “refund” will be distributed shortly after GASARA is published.

Additionally, there is information that there is a strong possibility that WH will provide worldwide payments (for QFS accounts), but it is also important to keep in mind the possibility for each country to receive payments (the deadline may vary slightly depending on the country). I am thinking.

What is “UBI (Universal Basic Income)”? ?

The Tesla medical bed that is turning back time! NESARA GESARA initiatives ~ Sources of Financing – Prime Disclosure (16)

“UBI (Universal Basic Income)”is a system that “provides a fixed amount of currency (living funds) every month” to all people (there appears to be a minimum age limit).

Currently,limited or trial UBI is already being implemented in some countries (such as Russia) and several regions (such as eastern Ukraine and Alaska).

“UBI” will be implemented with different contents (quantity, etc.) depending on the country! ?

The Tesla medical bed that is turning back time! NESARA GESARA initiatives ~ Sources of Financing – Prime Disclosure (17)

It is said that “UBI” is planned to be implemented in all countries, but so far I have not seen detailed information from WH about “UBI”.

No wonder; cultures, lifestyles, prices, values, etc. differ greatly from country to country around the world. That’s why

The specific details of the “UBI” measures (timing, amount, etc.) will be decided and promoted on a country-by-country basis.

It is thought that.

It is said that due to “RV (currency revaluation)” the exchange rates of all currencies will have a “1:1″ relationship, but it will take several years before all currencies have the same value as deemed necessary.

Furthermore, once currencies are equalized, prices will be adjusted towards uniformity across the world, which will take about ten years.

Until such final form is reached, the content of “UBI” will be determined and implemented by each country.

“UBI” implementation time

Since the content of “UBI” will be determined and implemented for each country, new politicians will inevitably be elected through the GESARA elections scheduled to be held after the launch of GESARA.

It is thought that the new politicians will formulate and implement a “UBI implementation plan” in line with the “GESARA law” (initiating UBI).

The Tesla medical bed that is turning back time! NESARA GESARA initiatives ~ Sources of Financing – Prime Disclosure (18)

Continuing with the previous article (starting the operation of digital securities), this article also shows that the elements of GESARA have been materialized (including testing) over the last few years.

UBI (Universal Basic Income) is being tested around the world! ?

The Tesla medical bed that is turning back time! NESARA GESARA initiatives ~ Sources of Financing – Prime Disclosure (19)

One of the elements of GESARA,“UBI (Universal Basic Income)”,is also being operated (tested) in several places around the world.

As it is still in the pilot (test) operation period, the name was not unified with “UBI”, but mainly

Each state region of the United States (specific region)

Specific areas of the UK

A large-scale test operation of the RBI (Universal Basic Income) is underway. (In operation)

More than 100 UBI pilot operations have been implemented in the United States since 2018!

The Tesla medical bed that is turning back time! NESARA GESARA initiatives ~ Sources of Financing – Prime Disclosure (20)

In fact, since 2018, when Plan Q became full (manifested), in every state region of the United States.

Guaranteed Basic Income (GBI) Program

A UBI (Universal Basic Income) test operation was conductedunder the name. More than 100 UBI tests are already being carried out (in more than 100 regions).

The list is endless, so here is an example (bitter smile):

・Austin, Texas
・Cambridge, Massachusetts
・Phoenix, Arizona
・Harris County, Texas

Large-scale testing operations continue.

In the United Kingdom, a research test is being carried out on the value of paying UBI (Universal Basic Income)! ?

The Tesla medical bed that is turning back time! NESARA GESARA initiatives ~ Sources of Financing – Prime Disclosure (21)

About a year ago (June 2023),a large-scale UBI (Universal Basic Income) trialwas carried out in certain areas of the UK.

The feature is

The UBI test provides a sufficient amount of money to live on.

And that.

The tests carried out in most regions are carried out in the form of a “basic allowance”, which means that it is not possible to live on the allowance alone.

However, in the United Kingdom, the amount (monthly amount) was defined so that it was possible to live solely on the grant. in particular

A monthly stipend of 1,600 pounds (approximately 278,500 yen) will be provided for two years.

This is the content.

Personally, I think that the UBI test operation being carried out in the UK

Investigation and verification of the content of the payment amount and the social impact of being able to live solely on RBI

I think that’s the main goal.

It is also important to check the social impact of GESARA!

The Tesla medical bed that is turning back time! NESARA GESARA initiatives ~ Sources of Financing – Prime Disclosure (22)

Hearing the word RBI (Universal Basic Income)

Will people stop working?

Will more and more people leave their jobs?

How negative social effects? I think there are a lot of people who think about this.

Personally, I feel that the above factors are nothing to worry about (laughs). The Earth Alliance, which is promoting Plan Q, naturally anticipated the concerns (anxieties?) of the people mentioned above.

Just like me (laughs), even if you believe everything will be fine,you still place importance onreal-world testing to ensure that unexpected events (problems) do not occur.

What kind of impact does this have?

Will unexpected events occur?

Understandingthis through practical testingis alsoan element that must be done before launching GESARA, similar to the “building social systems (financial systems, etc.) and infrastructure” I talked about last time.

The Tesla medical bed that is turning back time! NESARA GESARA initiatives ~ Sources of Financing – Prime Disclosure (23)

Reconnecting with the higher worlds is a matter of survival!

Humans are not alone in creation! The upper worlds circle above our heads. We were closely associated with them and their inhabitants a long time ago, in the early stages of our development. We were connected to them through our feelings and emotional experiences. We communicate with them, cooperate with them and advise each other. And we let them lead us to the life and harmonious existence in which they live.

However, this connection has been disconnected! And this is because people began to give more and more priority to intellectual knowledge, focused only on the subject. By exposing reason too much, we isolate ourselves from the rest of creation, and by focusing entirely on matter alone, we sever our connection with the higher worlds above us. And this with the kingdom of natural beings, or essential beings, and with the kingdom of the Spirit. People no longer accepted his inspirations and suggestions, because they started to believe only in reason and trust it in everything.

But because humanity was not guided by anything higher in its journeys and in its construction and creation, its irrational and intellectually materialistic pursuits began to bring evil, enmity, envy, hatred, cruelty, deceit, violence , wars and many other negative things.

Empires and social systems rose and then fell again. Until we finally reach the present, when the world is once again approaching a major war conflict that would be self-destructive. Everything that humanity has experienced so far literally screams at us that we can no longer follow the old habits!

The development of the universe, of all creation and of our civilization has reached a state in which the search for a connection with the higher worlds becomes a condition for the continued existence of our existence on Earth. It is a fundamental requirement for every individual personally.

As already mentioned, there are two upper worlds. The Kingdom of Natural Beings and the Kingdom of the Spirit. In this text, we will focus on finding a connection with the essential world, which is closest to us, and whose servants manage and administer the world of earthly nature. Humans’ connection with beings is extremely important due to Earth’s upcoming transition into a new era.

In this regard, if we first look at the history of Christian churches, they have always been and still are convinced that the connection with the material world comes from the evil one. This attitude is the bad karma of the churches, on which their current erroneous views are also based.

However, the churches, on the other hand, are convinced that their position is correct, because it is their duty to protect the purity of the faith from errors and heresy. However, their attitude actually stems from expediency and reluctance to seriously investigate how things actually work in creation. It is only blind faith that lacks the bold investigation of Truth. Truths as they really are in creation.

If churches and believers had their eyes and hearts opened a little, they could still see in earthly events a clear testimony to the catastrophic consequences of the separation of the world of people from the world of beings.

After all, they would have to think about why all kinds of diseases, famines and epidemics appeared in countries where there were Christians, many of whom sincerely directed their prayers and their lives to the Creator. After all, it is a clear testimony that although people with their faith in the Creator meant it sincerely, they groped desperately about how the Lord’s Will manifests itself in creation through essential servants.

They rejected this knowledge and the help associated with it. In difficult times, they cried out for the Creator’s help, but they did not want to hear anything about his servants in the natural world through whom the Lord’s help could actually reach them. Tips, advice, guidance and help to eliminate diseases, epidemics, hunger and misery, therefore, only fell on deaf ears and hearts and remained ignored.

Furthermore, individuals who had a certain connection with beings and could therefore effectively help others, for example in their illnesses, were subjected to all types of attacks, torture and murders by churches and blind believers.

However, development progresses and each person must be confronted with knowledge about the events of nature and the servants of the Almighty who administer it. Each of us will face the need to connect with them and find a path to them. But because this has not been done voluntarily until now, pressure will be put on people by beings to finally come to their senses.

The pressure will be exerted through external, natural and spontaneous events, but also through diseases caused by the smallest particles of unconscious natural life, which will manifest themselves as a failure of reason in the fight against these diseases. Medical science will remain lost and will not be able to advise itself. It will be an unprecedented boost to restore cooperation between humans and beings.

However, the love of the Almighty has arranged everything so that the essential shepherds of the flocks of unconscious natural life, which triggers diseases in the human organism, are ready to connect with people who begin to open up through the desire to cooperate with the essentials. employees.

But it won’t be that cheap! When beings grasp humanity with a pincer through external natural events and through illnesses, no one who just wants to save their life and free themselves from suffering will be able to count on grace.

Only those who find true humility and purity will be able to count on grace. Only those who realize the fundamental error of humanity, which consists of the dominance of a rational vision of the world, of life and its meaning, which lacks feeling. Only those who decide to repair and advance spiritually. Only the one who will try to bridge the gap between himself and the material world, trying to find harmony of his actions and actions with the actions of natural beings.

People will have to moderate their desires. They will have to start taking into account the world of nature and natural beings. They will not be able to be, as before, just selfishly focused on their own desires and walk through life, blindly focused only on promoting their own rational will.

Anyone who seriously works internally with all of this and changes in this way will be able to receive a certain degree of connection with the world of beings. Not, however, primarily in the sense that he will see the appearance of these beings, but primarily in the sense that he will become inwardly receptive to the inspiring guidance of the servants. He becomes sensitive to the fact that his desires and actions do not contradict the harmonious action of beings.

Only those who demonstrate a serious, long-term effort to connect with the essential world will be able to receive help from the essential ones. And this is mainly to know where he makes mistakes and where his approach should be changed.

However, no man on earth can be completely removed from all his pains and sufferings. This will only be possible when a bright flame of determination burns within us to live on earth only in accordance with the Will of the Almighty and in harmony with his essential servants.

At this very moment, many people already have images of serious illnesses, against which modern rational medicine will be completely defenseless. There will only be one chance for salvation! It will be an effort to know, understand, accept and integrate with the Will of the Most High.

Whoever does this can be saved. Being able to be saved will be a gift to try to find a connection with the Light, with the Creator and with the essential servants who are ready to advise people again and help them on their path to realizing a harmonious life on earth.

A serious personal effort towards this new perception of the world will be rewarded with the Lord’s blessing and the protection of beings. However, anyone who misses all of this will not receive help. Not because she wasn’t ready for him either, but because he closed himself off to her due to her own reluctance after learning the Truth.

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Brad Garlinghouse


As many have noticed – and some have already pointed out – there have been numerous misleading and some factually inaccurate headlines describing the decision made by a California judge yesterday in the class action lawsuit about XRP. (I’m happy to see some correcting them – I wish I could tag / link them all here) To be absolutely clear, this is a big win – all class action claims in the suit were DISMISSED, and absolutely nothing in the decision negates or changes the fact that XRP is, in and of itself, not a security (per the NY Court decision). The CA ruling dismissed all allegations that Ripple had somehow violated federal securities law by selling XRP. As for the single state law claim that will now be scheduled for trial: the sole plaintiff didn’t buy XRP directly from Ripple and can’t say if he even heard the statement before he traded and only owned a couple hundred XRP. This was a clear example of the trolls that unsuccessfully tried to take advantage of the US legal system and distort statements to seek 100’s of millions in class action settlements. And lastly, regarding any “misleading statements” I stand by what I said and am looking forward to shedding light on that during the trial.

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Dylan Charles, Editor

Waking Times

The critical idea here is that the matrix keeps you psychologically infantile, so that you don’t grow up and take full responsibility for your life. This makes you a non-threat. One of the main ways it does this is by keeping you distracted with things you could not possibly influence.

Information is only valuable if it can be used to advance your life in some meaningful way. If it doesn’t serve that purpose, then it is just a distraction from living.

And the crux of the matrix is distraction.

When you’re distracted from creating and living a meaningful and positive life, the matrix wins. When you’ve no time to give to imagining what this life might look like or feel like if you were in control, the matrix wins.

It’s not that the matrix is a top-down conspiracy led by a round table of cigar smoking suits. It’s really a system of compliance, complacency and comfort. In other words, we all contribute to it in our own way. With our own free will, we all put bricks in this wall, because it’s what everyone else is doing, and we feel like it’s what we should also be doing.

This is the whole paradigm of consumer living, celebrity culture, the endless drama of political spectacle, and the endless desire to stand out in the herd. Think of the social media corral and what a waste of energy all that is.

If you’re paying attention to your life, though, you eventually see through this.

All of the conspiracy theories, bad news, world events, suppressed history, and collective speculation at some point must be recognized as necessary stepping-stones on your way to total awakening.

Their purpose in your soul journey is to jolt you out of contemporary consciousness and get you looking at the reality of your life, the brevity of it, and the pressing need to move on with being yourself in spite of any and all forces that wish to conquer and control your spirit.

It’s a process of outgrowing the matrix, and if you’re really paying attention you’ll instinctively know when it’s time to jump ship and move beyond these narratives and false realities. Your intuition will tell you when you’ve had enough and when it’s time to move on.

Carl Jung’s work details a process he referred to as individuation, which is a keen way of looking at this. The matrix is the group and we are trained to be members of this herd. But this is not our truest nature. Deep down, we are spiritual beings, capable of infinite levels of individuality and awareness, but when this awareness is choked down and focused on the material here and now, being part of the herd is what feels good. Until it doesn’t, then you’re on your own. Blissfully on your own, carving your own path and creating your own trail.

So, have you spiritually outgrown the matrix yet? Has your spirit seen enough and learned enough to tell the difference between an existence in the rabbit hole and an existence in the realm of infinite possibility?

Is your spirit ready to fly above and beyond the walls of the psychological prison ensnaring most of us?

It’s perfectly OK if it has not. It will someday, though, so hang on and don’t give up.

In my experience as a member of the alternative media, I’ve learned that the vast majority of people out there are still seeking confirmation of their worst fears in the morass of endless information available to us. And it’s often the darkest and lowest of frequencies that have the most gravity and the most pull. The gnarly stuff pulls us in and works to keep us down.

It’s our job, however, as individuals to evolve beyond this and rise above this. When we do, the fear is the first thing to go, and true freedom is the first reward.

Not to beat to death the metaphor of the matrix, but there is a short scene in the Matrix Trilogy which puts images to this idea. Food for thought, so enjoy.


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NESARA GESARA initiatives reveal the fall of corrupt banks

The NESARA GESARA initiatives, shrouded in secrecy for years, are emerging as the light at the end of a long, dark tunnel. In this article, we investigate the dramatic changes sweeping the global economic scene, the disappearance of corrupt banks and the inevitable fall of the Deep State, whose roots are rumored to extend as far as the Vatican.

For more than half a century, we have been unwittingly chained to a financial system that has thrived on debt and manipulation. But now, a glimmer of hope breaks through the darkness, signaling the imminent end of this corrupt system.

The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is on the horizon, and with it comes the long-awaited NESARA (National Economic Security and Recovery Act) and GESARA (Global Economic Security and Reform Act).

These initiatives, supported by all 209 sovereign nations on our planet, are poised to trigger a seismic shift in the way we perceive and interact with our financial world.

It all started with a bold announcement by formerPresident Donald Trump,who proclaimed the beginning of theNESARA GESARA era. These acts, designed to dismantle the chains that bind us to a debt-ridden system, have been a well-kept secret for years. However, now is the time for the world to know the truth.

The final position of corruption:

The nefarious dominance of corrupt banks, the stock market and old, corrupt Deep State-linked corporations believed to be headquartered in the Vatican is disappearing. As the world watches, these institutions are crumbling, taking with them the Luciferian-Satanists who have profited from their evil schemes for too long.

One of the most surprising aspects ofNESARA GESARAis the financial relief it promises to citizens aged 21 and over. Each eligible individual will receive $100,000 per month for an astonishing 11 years, culminating in an incredible total of $13.2 million. These funds will be disbursed through a newQFS ACCOUNT,facilitated by a satellite-based system.

The magnitude of the wealth transfer is almost beyond comprehension. The stolen sums that will be recovered through NESARA GESARA amount to mind-boggling QUATTUORDECILLIONS,a number so vast that it defies conventional understanding.

Citizens born in America or the European Union will benefit from these financial windfalls, organized into three groups based on age: Group #1 (ages 60+), Group #2 (ages 40-60), and Group #3 (ages 21- 40). Those from other countries who have become legal citizens can also participate in this prosperity by presenting their birth certificates, driver’s licenses and proof of employment.

NESARA GESARA‘s central missionis clear: to transfer colossal wealth from the clutches of the rich and corrupt to the hands of the poor and middle class. Those who ruthlessly exploited their power, including former presidents and business elites, will finally be held accountable for their actions.

In a move aimed at easing the financial burden on the elderly and vulnerable, Social Security benefits are expected to rise to unprecedented levels. Payments can reach up to $5,000/€ per month, doubling or even tripling the current amounts received, depending on individual circ*mstances.

The Unmasking of the Unholy Trinity

To understand the scale of these changes, we must recognize the Unholy Trinity that has exerted immense influence on global affairs:

  1. The Queen and the City of London (already treated)
  2. The Pope and Vatican City
  3. The false president and Washington DC

Notably, these figures were already removed from their positions of power in 2018 and 2019, and the “fake” president never truly held his position before his passing. This seemingly impossible sequence of events raises profound questions.

The Pope’s health:

Recent observations reveal that the Pope’s health is deteriorating, reinforcing the belief that major changes are underway. The Unholy Trinity narrative points to the Vatican as the next domino to fall.

As we navigate these tumultuous times, it is important to remember that we are spectators in a grand narrative. Theatrical elements are at play and the removal of these “leaders” is a critical chapter in the unfolding of the saga. The Queen has already left and the Pope seems ready for her departure. It is widely speculated that the current numbers in Washington, DC, will follow suit.

Mr. Pool’s cryptic messages:

Mr. Pool’s cryptic tweets add an air of mystery to the unfolding events. The focus is on the Pope, whose fragility has become increasingly evident. The Unholy Trinity, which encompasses the city of London, Vatican City and Washington DC, is falling apart. The Queen’s removal marked the beginning, and the Pope’s imminent departure signals the next phase. The last stronghold of the Deep State, in the form of Biden, is also predicted to collapse.

Gold-backed currency, quantum financial system and debt forgiveness

The financial world as we know it is on the verge of a seismic transformation and it all starts with the adoption of gold and asset-backed currency. Although much of the world already uses such systems, the imminent announcement on September 15th (or September 16th for some) should make it official for all countries.

The traditional fiat currency we have become accustomed to will become a relic of the past. We will no longer handle worthless pieces of paper; instead, our money will be backed by hard assets, mainly gold and silver. This move towards an asset-backed currency is the first step in a larger plan – the Quantum Financial System.

The quantum financial system: a new era of banking

Have you noticed the gradual disappearance of banks and ATMs? It is not a mere coincidence, but a testament to the rise of the Quantum Financial System, a revolutionary financial architecture destined to replace our obsolete fiat currency.

This system, often referred to as QFS, is not just about currency; it covers various aspects of our lives. In addition to finances, it includes the Quantum Voting System, Quantum Education System, and more. It is part of a larger initiative known as Gesara, which aims to bring prosperity and justice to the world.

Debt Forgiveness: A Beacon of Hope

One of the most encouraging prospects on the horizon is the announcement of debt relief. Imagine a world where the heavy weight of bank loans is lifted from your shoulders. While it may seem too good to be true, it is entirely plausible.

Debt forgiveness is a beacon of hope for many who have struggled with mounting loans. While this may not happen on the specified date, rest assured this is on the horizon. The wheels are in motion and the idea of ​​“forgiving” your bank loans could soon become a reality.

Returned Interest Payments: You Deserve More

For years, we have paid interest on credit cards, mortgages and various bank loans, watching our hard-earned money flow into the coffers of financial institutions. But here’s the interesting part: all the interest you’ve paid over the years will be returned to you. Yes, you read correctly!

Not only will you be reimbursed for the interest you paid, but you will also receive an additional 3.5% per year. Think of it as a forced banking system where you can reap the rewards. It’s like having a savings account that silently accumulates wealth at a 3.5% interest rate and now it’s time to cash in.

Returned income tax: getting your hard-earned money back

How much income tax have you paid over the years? If you could calculate the staggering amount, you would be surprised. For many, it is a significant portion of their income, often close to 30-50%. You’ve worked hard for your money and it’s time to get back what’s rightfully yours.

Surprisingly, paying taxes is not as mandatory as it seems. In fact, according to the law, it is voluntary. But who knew? Instead, we were threatened with arrest if we did not comply. The good news is that your income tax payments are returning. The government’s hand will no longer be in your pocket and you will see a boost in your finances.

Trading Our Certificates: Reclaiming Our Value

Did you know that the shadowy cabal has been trading their birth certificates on the stock market for years? Unbelievable, right? But that is not all; they have also handled baptismal certificates, marriage certificates and even death certificates. It’s an insidious scheme that is difficult to understand.

Although the mechanics of these negotiations may escape us, one thing is certain: these certificates have immense value. And the best part? They are all coming back to us, no strings attached. You won’t need to sign up or jump through hoops. Its value, represented by these certificates, is being returned.

Increased Social Security Payments: A Fair Deal for Seniors

For those receiving Disability Payment, rest assured you will not be left behind. While specific details may be scarce, it is highly likely that Disability Payments will undergo positive adjustments.

But the real game changer is for seniors aged 62 and over. Your Social Security payments are expected to skyrocket, possibly doubling or even reaching as much as $5,000 per month. Although this claim may not be officially substantiated, it is a glimmer of hope for the elderly who have long struggled to survive.

Remember when President Trump talked about a better future for seniors?It looks like the promise is about to be fulfilled. After years of financial hardship, seniors may finally receive the financial support they deserve.

In conclusion, a financial revolution is underway and the days of monetary monopoly and debt enslavement are numbered. As the world transitions to a gold-backed currency and embraces the Quantum Financial System, a brighter financial future beckons.

Debt forgiveness, return of interest payments, recovered income taxes and restoration of our certificates are part of this extraordinary transformation. Seniors can also look forward to a more comfortable retirement.

Prepare for a world where your money is safe, your debts are forgiven, and your financial future is brighter than ever. The countdown to financial freedom has begun and it’s a journey that promises to reshape the world as we know it.

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This is a review and memorandum of information on “various financial aid and benefits related to Plan Q” that have been discussed by WH thus far.

Latest information related to “GCR/RV”!

The “GCR/RV” movement has already started on the main stage. We will keep adding the latest information related to “GCR/RV” in the latest order.

Deposit problems are occurring at the large US bank “Wells Fargo”! A sign of GCR! ?

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Currently, the “Silicon Valley Bank Failure”is taking place in the United States. In some places, we are seeing movements similar to a bank run.

As a result of this event, shares of financial institutions (banks) in the United States plummeted. What is needed to promote “GCR”

* US stock market collapse?

you can start.

At the same time as the “Silicon Valley Bank Failure”, a major problem is occurring in the United States (currently ongoing). that is

Deposits to some customers’ accounts disappear in the large US bank “Wells Fargo” (deposits to the account are not displayed)

Such an event.

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What’s happening at Wells Fargo, one of the main banks in the GCR/RV, is highlighted!

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The main banks in the GCR/RV areHSBC and Wells Fargo. In fact, in Japan, HSBC is responsible for GCR/RV.

Wells Fargois the main bank responsible for GCR/RV in the United States.

I believe there is an important meaning behind the shocking problem that is occurring at Wells Fargo, where some customers’ deposits into their accounts have disappeared.

As part of the Alliance’s plan to advance “GCR/RV”

Intentional production by the alliance of disappearing bank deposits (temporary inability to withdraw deposits)

There was talk of the possibility of this being implemented.

This is for the people

The act of “depositing money in a bank” means “transferring the rights to the money” to the bank (there is a possibility that the deposit will suddenly disappear).

The goal is thought to be to make people realize this (element of awakening).

It was said to bean element to be implemented before “GCR/RV” became fully manifest (revealed on the main stage).

At the moment, it appears to be a problem with some customers’ deposit accounts (disappearing deposits), but as an event at a large bank, the impact is significant.

Furthermore, with the current impact of the “Silicon Valley Bank Failure”, it is inferred that “anxiety (doubts) about financial institutions” is growing in the United States.

“Silicon Valley bank failure” and “Disappearance of Wells Fargo deposits” are signs of the emergence of GCR/RV (to the next stage)

I think yes.

Combined with the information (possibility of IQD small denomination banknotes appearing), expectations are rising.

Possibility of small denomination IQD (Iraqi Dinar) notes! ?

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At this time, the story is considered a “rumor that has some possibility,” but when combined with other related information, it is considered “a story with a high degree of possibility.”

I thought I would consider this important information and write it down in my memo. The content is

First, around the 15th Iraqi time, information about the new IQD (Iraqi dinar) small denomination banknotes (small category banknotes) will be released to Iraqi citizens.

It is said that this will be done.

And after that (not much time difference)

New IQD exchange rate released to Iraqi citizens

This is the content (information).

Announcing new measures by the Central Bank of Iraq, which may seem like preparation!

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I would like to highlight an event that supports the possibility of “the emergence of new IQD small denomination banknotes (information)”.

The other day, the Central Bank of Iraq announced that only local currency (IQD) can be used at ATMs in Iraq.

Measures like these were decided and announced.

This is clearly an attempt to “promote exclusion from the US dollar” and “promote the use (and possession) of IQD by the Iraqi people”.

At the same time, it can be thought of as a “preparation” for the smooth circulation of “new IQD small denomination banknotes”.

I feel that we are entering an important period of decision regarding the IQD/RV (Revaluation of the Value of the Iraqi Dinar).

First appearance of the “QFS Debit Card”!

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We reported that financing began for bondholders known as payers, but we have since received new information. that is··

Some payers received (received) “QFS accounts” and “QFS debit cards”

This is the content.

What is noteworthy here is that“QFS debit cards were provided”.

Until now, the existence of “QFS accounts” had been confirmed (there was confirmation information for QFS accounts), but thisisthe first confirmation of “QFS debit cards”.

It can be said that this is a major development (event) in “GESARA & GCR/RV”.

Being issued with a QFS debit card means you will be able to transfer and withdraw funds into your QFS account.

With this, “funding” for the lower level will begin to use Paymaster as a source.

In fact, at this time (on the morning of the 21st Japan time),we have not yet been able to confirm any information thata “Q Phone (QFS cell phone)” has been delivered to a treasurer.

However, I think it’s probably only a matter of time before the Q-phone ships.

Start of financing for bondholders (payers)!

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While the “GCR/RV” is ongoing, financinghas begunto be provided to “large bondholders” called payers.

What is a Paymaster (it seems to go by many names, but I’ll call it Paymaster here)?

It has great titles. The head of a specific group and the first representative to receive humanitarian aid funding.

The funds transferred to the treasurer will be distributed to the people in the bondholder group.

Previously, a small amount of financing was provided to some lenders and bondholders for testing purposes, but this is the first time that the full financing will be provided to all lenders.

“Financing for holders of humanitarian assistance plans (bonds)” included in “GCR/RV” has begun in earnest.

That’s why.

In fact, what was implemented this time was “bond” financing. Please be aware that this does not mean that “currency exchange” has begun.

The “Tier 4” financing process is now more likely to begin between the 20th and 24th US time!

*The content of the “level” financing element is discussed in the article above, so please refer to it.

With the start of large-scale funding for funders, “funding for civil humanitarian assistance plan holders (Tier 4)” will begin this week (20-24 US time). ? This increases the credibility of this information.

Furthermore, it is thought that the “Humanitarian Assistance Plan” through the Holder will be implemented, so there is a possibility that the number of individual debt cancellation cases will increase further before the full Jubilee (debt forgiveness, that’s right ).

Official exchange rate change for the Iraqi dinar!

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A revaluation of the IQD (Iraqi dinar) was carried out on Wednesday, February 8, Iraqi time.

The most recent IQD was “1,470 dinars per dollar” but was revalued (exchange rate changed) to the following value.

● 1,300 Iraqi dinars per dollar: purchase price from the Ministry of Finance

● 1,310 Iraqi dinars per dollar: selling price of dollars to banks through electronic platforms

● 1,320 Iraqi dinars per dollar: from banks and non-bank financial institutions Selling price in dollars to the final beneficiary

The beginning of a gradual reassessment of the value of the IQD! What is the “purpose (reason)”?

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The recent revaluation of the value of the IQD (exchange rate variation, 1300 dinars) is considered the first step towards a gradual revaluation.

The following two factors can be cited as the “purpose (reason)” for carrying out a step-by-step reassessment.

1. Promote the exchange of “US dollars (fiat notes)” circulating in Iraq (held by Iraqi citizens) for IQD (US dollars → IQD). withdraw the US dollar from the market

2. By forcing the Iraqi people to take the US dollar out of their hands and making them hold the IQD, the Iraqi people will not be harmed by the “revaluation” (because it will bring benefits)

Because this is an RV before GESARA was launched, “2” is considered an especially important element.

If we suddenly implement “1 dollar = 1 dinar”, which is the ultimate goal of value revaluation at this time, it will cause great harm to the Iraqi people who hold US dollars.

Before achieving the ultimate goal,it is necessary for the Iraqi peopleto maintain the IQD (and give up their US dollars).

Continuing the gradual reassessment of the IQD value! ?

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Firstly, we reevaluated the value to “1300 dinars”, but it is expected that the value will be revised again next week to “1100 dinars or 1000 dinars”. (There is this information)

After that, will the same value increase be repeated several times or will it be revised all at once to the “defined target value of RV (1 dinar)” and funding for humanitarian program holders (Level 4a.b) will begin? unknown at this time.

The point is

At what point can the US dollar be withdrawn from the Iraqi market (Iraqi people)?

I think yes.

I believe that when the IQD exchange progresses smoothly and reaches its goal, the “Final RV & Humanitarian Program Holder Funding (Tier 4a.b)” will begin.

Personally, to be honest… I don’t think it’s an element (information) that we should be very aware of at this stage (bitter smile).

I would like to note information related to “refunds (benefits)” and “UBI (Universal Basic Income)” that are planned after the launch of GESARA.

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GESARA Refund and UBI Related Status Information!

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Last month, a “world line bifurcation (midrange)” occurred. Keep an eye on the progress so far. It is necessary to check whether there have been any changes related to plan Q.

Checkherefor the latest information on GESARA and UBI refunds. I would like to add an article as a memo.

Current status information

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Currently, trials (implementation verification) of “UBI (Universal Basic Income)”with GESARA in mindare being carried out in some countries (such as parts of the United Kingdom) and regions (such as several states in the United States) around the world.

In particular,UBI (Implementation Verification), which is being implemented in theUnited Kingdom, is currently being implemented in two areas: East Finchley, in the capital, London, and central Jarrow, in the north-east of England.

This is a large-scale UBI verification experiment that compares different urban environments, including large cities, and provides an amount sufficient to live on (£1,600 per month).

This event is of course not limited to the UK, but is a worldwide verification experience with “GESARA” in mind.

Even after the world line (intermediate area) diverges

Situation to determine whether there will be social and operational issues if UBI is implemented

There has been no change to this and we believe it is being promoted.

GESARA cashback and UBI payment integration! ?

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It originally existed as an idea (information), but as I deciphered recent information, I feel the possibility has increased again (materialization).

GESARA cashback and UBI payment integration

It is.

The GESARA refundis a refund of money (income tax, etc.) that has been unfairly exploited in the past, so the amount varies greatly depending on the country, region and individual.

However, the refund system is the same across the world.It is said thata fixed refund will be made to each individual’s “QFS account”created in the QFS.

Likewise, there appears to be no change in the value of the “UBI benefit”,which varies depending on the country, region and individual (age). UBI benefitswill also be deposited intoeach individual’s QFS account.

“Integration of GESARA reimbursem*nt and UBI payments”means that both funds are stored in each individual’s QFS account, so they are virtually indistinguishable.


A “maximum amount” that can be withdrawn per month from the “QFS account” is defined.

There is information that says, and I judge that the information is “true” (I believe that it is highly probable).

We consider this element to be a factor that will effectively unify GESARA reimbursem*nts and UBI benefits.

Unknown factors regarding the definition of the maximum withdrawal amount from the “QFS account” (future edition)! ?

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This is based on the assumption that a maximum monthly amount will be set for the amount that can be withdrawn from a QFS account. Currently unknown elements (no information available) are

“Funds in QFS Account” handling when a large amount of funds is required


There is no related information (information sent by WH) at this time. So this is just my personal opinion, but considering the purpose of “UBI”

Temporary and one-time large withdrawals of funds (exceeding the defined upper limit) from QFS accounts are not permitted.

I believe this will be the mechanism (operation).

I suppose there is the possibility of an alternative “method of operation (mechanism)” for self-defense.

A new “lending” (interest-free) mechanism for funds in your QFS account

It is.

A “loan” in an amount within the funding range of your QFS account. Of course, there is no interest and repayments are made from the monthly UBI (within the maximum withdrawal amount from your QFS account).

*Please ensure there is no misunderstanding (confusion) that the money you earn through your work (deposited into a bank account etc.) is a completely different element to the funds in your QFS account. Therefore, although it is obvious, there is no set upper limit to the amount of money earned.

GESARA refund and UBI related information! Estimated quantity etc.

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Basically, the “refunds (benefits)” and “UBI (Universal Basic Income)” scheduled after the launch of GESARA vary in content (amount, etc.) depending on the country, region and person.

The reason is that the amount of money (increase) that has been exploited by globalists so far differs from country to country and person to person. This is because “prices” and “monetary values” differ from country to country.

In the GESARA world (five-dimensional world), the currency of all countries will eventually have the same value (1:1), but in the initial stage (several years?), it will be adjusted to the current situation (current currency value). It is thought that this will happen.

In this sense, I think thatthe payment methods (split amounts, etc.) of “refunds (benefits)” and “UBI”will gradually change to a certain extent.

“From June 26th” Information about reimbursem*nt (benefits) and UBI (Universal Basic Income)!

The Tesla medical bed that is turning back time! NESARA GESARA initiatives ~ Sources of Financing – Prime Disclosure (47)

We would like to examine and collectinformation that will also be useful for Japan, from the information obtained so far (June 26) that will serve as a guide for the amounts of reimbursem*nts (benefits) and UBI..

*We will update information in the future when new information (e.g. pricing guidance) is confirmed.

1) Information related to UBI (Universal Basic Income) (estimated value)

The Tesla medical bed that is turning back time! NESARA GESARA initiatives ~ Sources of Financing – Prime Disclosure (48)

“UBI (Universal Basic Income)”is a system that provides all citizens with a fixed amount of “livelihood funds” every month.

GESARA World is scheduled to be implemented in countries around the world.

Basic income will be implemented in several countries and regions (states) under the guise of “trial/verification experiments” and “living security”, with limited content (e.g. targeting people under specific conditions). is being implemented.

However, what is considered the closest to UBI (Universal Basic Income) after the release of GESARA is what will be implemented from this month (June).

UK Basic Income Check Experience

It is.

The content (quantity) is

1,600 pounds per month (approximately 278,500 yen at the June exchange rate)


This value is in linewith the price range of 200,000 yen to 350,000 yen/month, estimatedbased on previous information.

2) Information related to reimbursem*nt (benefits) (estimated value)

The Tesla medical bed that is turning back time! NESARA GESARA initiatives ~ Sources of Financing – Prime Disclosure (49)

We used to talk about this as “benefits”, but considering the characteristics (meaning) of benefits, we decided it would be more appropriate to describe it as “reimbursem*nt”. From now on,I would like to refer to this asa “refund”.

The money that was unfairly exploitedby DS (globalists) in the pastwill be returned (scheduled to be repaid in installments over about 11 years) after the launch of GESARA.

Elements eligible for “refund”

* Income tax * Birth certificate title * Interest on mortgages, etc.

are considered the main target elements.

As situations such as income tax and interest on loans (mortgages, etc.) vary greatly from person to person, there is no information that can serve as guidance. (Clear)

However, I was able to confirm the reference information (estimate).

Collage of birth certificate (holding)

It is.

All over the world, when people were born into this world, globalists arbitrarily turned them into securities and turned them into “commodities to be bought and sold”.

Thiscan be confirmed by the fact that“individual birth certificates” are actually traded like securities on the “New York Stock Exchange, etc.”

Recently, information about the “average trading price of birth certificates (securities) traded on the New York Stock Exchange” was published and published.

Your content is

14,393.94 euros per month (average transaction price)

It is.

Calculated annually

Approximately 173,000 euros (annual)


When converted to “yen”

Approximately 27 million yen (annual)

This means that the securities were traded (exploited) like securities.

As I mentioned at the beginning, this is just an “average price”, so in reality there is a wide range of prices (from the lowest to the highest) depending on the person for whom the title is intended.

However, if we calculate using the “average price”,it will beapproximately 270 million yen if the bonds have been traded for 10 years, and approximately 1.35 billion yen if the bonds have been traded for 50 years.


*Will 100% of the total transaction value of “Birth Certificate Titles” be eligible for refund? Or is it a certain percentage?

*Is the number of “Birth Certificate Titles” transactions uniform (averaged) or does it vary depending on the person?

* Is the eligible amount for individual refunds calculated based on the actual number of transactions for each “Birth Certificate Title”?

Please understand that there are some unknown factors, so the “average birth certificate title transaction value” mentioned previously may not be a guideline for individual refund amounts.

Previous GESARA refunds and UBI related information (basic information) are provided in the article below, so please refer to it.

The Tesla medical bed that is turning back time! NESARA GESARA initiatives ~ Sources of Financing – Prime Disclosure (50)

China and Russia are redefining mBridge and “UNITY” for gold

This is one of the main reasons why China and Russia are resetting the bridge and “UNIT” now to gold.It points to the abandonment of the fiat dollar.The US Treasury – Fed will destroy the dollar.So, investors buy gold in the West for a 2% premium, then sell that gold to Russia for a 16% premium in rubles (not dollars). Now investors have a ruble guaranteed by gold.Then, investors take those rubles and reinvest them in Russian gold-backed bonds.What’s not to like about this arrangement?This is how Russia and China defeat the dollar.Now you know why China is arbitraging gold. China is paying in yuan.

Investors take this yuan and reinvest it in Chinese bonds.

Miners no longer sell gold to precious metals banks.

This is what supports “UNITY”

Pay attention to Chinese bond yields

China is using interest rates to control the price of gold

To encourage investors and miners to recycle their yuan back into Chinese bonds.

Putin is traveling the world making trade deals supported by “UNIT”.

It is not backed by dollars.

Nothing can stop what is to come.

intel source:

The Tesla medical bed that is turning back time! NESARA GESARA initiatives ~ Sources of Financing – Prime Disclosure (51)

The Tesla medical bed that is turning back time! NESARA GESARA initiatives ~ Sources of Financing – Prime Disclosure (52)

Connecting with our Star Nations

This Sacred Art was taught to our People from the Andromedan Council of Light. This is a Special Practice to call down our Star Nations, Star families, Galactics. Any Star Race that resonates with you will come from this Call if put into practice. Being consistent and not giving up is the key to success with any Divine Spiritual Art

click here to learn this Galactic Practice

MikeCristo8: The reason for a revaluation of gold

The reason for a gold revaluation is to revalue (empty) paper financial assets.US paper financial assets will not revalue gold higherThat’s not how it worksThat’s why the US dollar is not replenishing itself, because the US doesn’t have the gold it says it has.Therefore, they cannot manipulate paper financial assets to increase the price of gold.What will make the dollar fall is the “UNIT” that controls the dollar exchange rate through its gold reserves.“UNIT” will use interest rates to control the price of gold on the exchange rate, which is the mechanism they will use to bring down the dollar.With China and Russia on a gold standard in “UNIT”, they will manipulate interest rates to drain capital (liquidity) from the US Treasury bond market.This is why the ruble is getting stronger against the dollar .This is why China/Russia last week created the currency pair that is the basis for the gold-backed “UNIT”.China/Russia can control the price of gold by raising interest rates through “UNIT” to bring down the dollar,“UNIT” will attract foreign capital from Treasury bonds (not backed by gold) into the US bond market. China (backed by gold).

Judy’s Note:

What we think we know byThursday. June 20, 2024:

  • Evidently, last monththe Supreme Court heard and made a private ruling on the Brunson case, which alleged that Congress failed to investigate allegations of 2020 voter fraud before certifying the 2020 election. positive decision, it would automatically dissolve the Biden administration and the entire Congress.
  • Before the 2020 elections, Trump created an interim US military governmentto govern the country. The two U.S. governments: (1) a legitimate U.S. interim military government authorized by the Constitution and the Department of Defense under Military Code 11.3, and (2) an illegal, fraudulent, alien-paid and alien-controlled (on the territory alien from the District of Columbia) Biden Administration.
  • On Thursday. June 20, 2024Donald Trump and JFK Jr. made it clear that he had already returned as President of the United States of America, while aninterim US military government remained in office.“Now it’s not just MY TURN, but it’s US, THE PEOPLE’s turn. I AM not only the Commander-in-Chief of the REPUBLIC OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, but also of the SPACE FORCE and the GALACTIC FEDERATION. Let’s make AMERICAN GREAT AGAIN! …The 17thLetterQ (JFK Jr.)Thu. June 20, 2024
  • Early Monday. In the morning hours of June 17, 2024, between 3 am and 6 am,a blackout occurred in Washington DC, near the White House.Police, US troops, military vans, buses and police cars were everywhere loading passengers, taking them down the road and across a bridge and then returning empty to do a repeat. When it was over and seemingly at the Q, fireworks lit up the sky. Reports from those at the scene stated that later that day the White House was completely closed and has remained so until now.
  • Reports say that there were originally over 450,000 accusations against Global Elites across the world. Charlie Ward reported“Of the 450,000 arraignments and courts, we are among the last 5-10,000 to be completed.”Additionally, the Space Force, along with other militaries from around the world, have arrested over 8,000,000 Nazi Cabal Deep State Traitors.As of May 1,another 500,000 sealed indictments were released to arrest judges, lawyers,mayors and governors who have had their names on sealed indictments filed in federal courts across the country since Trump took office in 2016. It was reported that When the Global Elites were met, “The deal they got was that if they gave useful information, they could have a better death or a prison cell for the rest of their lives. Obama gave up on Michelle and then violated her warrant.”
  • This week there were major Internet and network outages on the East Coast, considered a cover for Special Operations (SOF) units arresting Deep State thugs. Rolling blackouts were likely to occur in other areas of the country while arrests were made. Communications would be interrupted for a short period of time.
  • We could see banks collapsenext weekend. The Vatican was never good; they have always had a strange relationship with boys. Very soon there will be a change from the old system to the new Starlink Quantum system. Certain members of the Royal Family and certain politicians are no longer here
  • On March 20, 1854,the US Republican Party was founded in Ripon Wisconsin. Objective: combat the Democratic Plan to expand slavery in America.
  • Fifth. June 20, 2024:BQQQM!!! Bombshell Report from Judy Byington! Prime Code Red Alert: Prepare for ten dark days under military surveillance! Republic restored through a GCR: update from Thursday. June 20, 2024 Republic restored through a GCR effective June 20, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Officer

Expected time of events:

  • In the sun. June 9, 2024 Saudi Arabiarefused to renew the US Petrodollar Inc. Contract and now the US Treasury in Washington DC has been boarded up and painted Trump Orange.
  • Early Monday. Morning, June 17, 2024:Blackout, arrests occurred at the White House.
  • Wed. June 19, 2024 Dinar Revaluation:Iraqi Prime Minister Sudani announced on Iraqi TV that byWednesday. June 19, Iraqi citizens would get their new exchange rate. The Dinar Revaluation was the Kingpin that would trigger a Global Currency Reset to gold/asset-backed currencies for 209 Sovereign Nations.
  • In the sun. On June 23, 2024,the US dollar would depreciate, paving the way for a global financial crisis, according to a banker.
  • Third. June 25, 2024 “Necessary blackout: in one week (from Tuesday, June 18)everything will change. Devastating information that is kept secret from the public. A huge scandal happened this week, so we have it all. Donald Trump promised.”

Global Currency Reset:

Thursday. June 20, 2024 Bruce:

  • Appreciating currencies have finally solidified in recent days– but we don’t know what they are. They were trading higher and now they’re trading exponentially, but they’re moving up to where those rates should be for us and I believe that’s what they’re doing.
  • Today the Redemption Center team was there for a few hours,but the numbers never arrived.TomorrowFri. On June 21st(Summer Solstice) they will come in at overlapping times – and that would allow for our numbers if they did in fact come out tomorrow.
  • Yesterday a banker said– “Wait a few more days” and that would have been a few days and it would have beenFriday– so I think we could get thattomorrow and over the weekend.
  • Fifth. June 20, 2024 Wolverine:“Okay, new rates are expected to be published today(Thursday, June 20) in Iraq and funds are expected to be releasedtoday, Thursday. or Friday. June 21stin the USA. Let’s hope this happens, as we cannot continue like this, as many people are suffering. … Conference Call: “Sounds good.”
  • Wed. June 19, 2024 Intel Guru Frank26:[The new ATMs] are everywhere in Iraq now. It’s not hundreds, it’s not thousands, it’s tens of thousands of them. They are everywhere an Iraqi citizen can walk. They are in their hookahs… mosques, bars, shops… streets… banks… corners, they are everywhere… There will be a huge rush going to the banks.

Restored Republic:

  • On December 7, 2020 (AFTER the election was stolen), Trump announced the Federal Mission Resilience Strategy which called for “the preservation of our constitutional form of government under any and all conditions.”Parts of this Devolution Strategy, if not all of it, are fully implemented at this time. The strategy and execution describe the actions necessary to create decentralized forms of continuity in order to preserve our “constitutional form of government” and ensure that the federal executive branch functions PROPERLY in times of crisis and war. The crisis is specifically called Covid-19 and cyber attacks, but it could be argued that the wording could include “Manchurian Candidates”. Again… All of this was implemented AFTER the 2020 elections. It even appoints who is leading the committees to establish a decentralized form of government and its functions.
  • Fifth. June 20, 2024 Charlie Ward: Kentucky, West Virginia, Ontario Canada, Arkansas, Killeen TX, Ohio, Missouri County, Charleston County, Jackson County have declared a state of emergency.Have you ever seen so many cities declare an emergency within 24 hours? We are in uncharted waters now. There is so much coming in every direction. This is why you all need to prioritize the most important areas of your life right now and consider being less visible and more conscious. Double down on the things you think can safely transport you to the new system. We are still on an unstable bridge and have not yet officially crossed to the other side of this system. We have a lot to look forward to. But we also have a lot that can cause a lot of damage along the way. And this is what will determine how we manage ourselves and resources, once normal routine turns into chaotic waters. So be aware of what is happening and pay attention to what is happening. This year will not end without a bang.

Fifth. June 20, 2024 Q:

  • The 2020 elections will resurface on a HUGE leveland SCOTUS will enter the picture. TRUMP is currently EXPOSING the CORRUPT US JUSTICE SYSTEM.
  • So many things are happening in the USA,including financial COLLAPSE, the CIA, the creation of a Russian War.
  • The White HATS are painting a pictureand putting it all on the US Congressional record. This includes UN OBAMA/Biden funding Iran to bring in extremists to cause chaos in the US (another 911 inside job)
  • The Military Alliance is watching everything, documenting everythingand has hundreds of Iranian/Al-Qaeda/terrorists in Gitmo right now who are EXPOSING planned attacks in the US
  • The only way to take down the UN, CIA, ROCKEFELLERS, Obama, CLINTONS ETC is through Game Theory Operations – letting them play their final cards and THEN EXPOSE THE TRUTH AFTER THE EVENTS AND STOP THE WARS.
  • After the great unrest in the United States(near chaos and civil war), military laws 11.3 of war protocols can resolve the chaos in a few days.
  • The US militarycan be deployed to every city within hours and within days restore order, then come massive arrest wars – the end of the Storm and the declas for all to know.
  • Stay strong, Patriots,I have WARNED many times about the unfolding of these EVENTS, called NEAR CIVILIZATION EVENT, that leads to nuclear standoff, but there are VARIOUS SAFETY MEASURES IN PLACE.
  • Even in Israel, the Deep State cannot winthe war and Netanyahu WILL resign in time and the good governments of the Israeli people. The military will rise up in an incredible coup to come.
  • The final war to end all wars. Only Trump (Cheyenne + Q + Alliance) can prevent World War III.
  • It had to be like this.Sometimes you must walk through the darkness BEFORE you see the light.

Biden was

Trump backwards

US provisional military government in place

Mass arrests in full force – starting at the White House

“Of the more than 450,000 indictments and courts filed and executed against global political elites since 2016 when Trump took office, we are down to the last 5 -10,000 to complete.”

…Charlie WardMonday. June 17, 2024

Prepare for ten dark days under military surveillance!

#IRAQ MOVING TOWARDS TOTAL INDEPENDENCE AS A NATION A New Era in Iraq’s Relations with the West? “Amid growing pressure to dissolve the coalition and withdraw troops, the United States and its partners should continue pursuing good relations with Baghdad — but this time with a lighter footprint and increased regional cooperation.” Currently, Iraq has a “mixed economic system” with aspects of it that is private and many parts of it regulated and governed by the government. They are currently in transition and expected to meet goals to reclaim their independence as the year goes forward. Expectations from previous articles state that they are to become their own market economy by the end of the year. Their move towards independence as a nation and less guidance from government bodies outside of their own is currently in process. © Goldilocks

The Tesla medical bed that is turning back time! NESARA GESARA initiatives ~ Sources of Financing – Prime Disclosure (53)

The trade agreement between Russia and Vietnam

The trade agreement between Russia and Vietnam means that Russia accepts Vietnamese Dong in trade,so now Russia keeps Dong in its currency reserves.Russia converts Dong into rubles and then converts the rubles into “UNIT”Russia makes commercial investments in Vietnam using “UNIT” (backed by gold)“UNIT” backed by gold now replaces the US dollar as foreign currency reserve of the central bank in Vietnam.This is called the internationalization of “UNITY” backed by 40% physical gold, 30% Russian bonds, 30% Chinese bonds, where the currencies of Russia and China are backed by gold.This is de-dollarizationDue to these trade agreements with Russia, I now have reason to believe that “UNIT” is already up and running.Trade agreements being formed. This is why Kim Jung Un is so dizzy! Basically, Putin just raised the North Korean Won from the dead.

And China/Russia are manipulating interest rates in their bond market to drive up the price of gold against the US dollar.

There is NOTHING the World Bank – IMF can do to stop this!

The Tesla medical bed that is turning back time! NESARA GESARA initiatives ~ Sources of Financing – Prime Disclosure (54)

Fun facts about the Stormtroopers of Zimbabwe and Vietnam, Part 1

I’ve noticed that people use my “fun facts” and share them without sharing the entire post, feel free to share them, but share the original post in full please. Delete “your cut version”. Thank you, Guilherme

✅ Two competitors are about to shake up the status quo in the financial world.

✅ Vietnam and Zimbabwe are entering the arena, while Iraq lurks patiently in the shadows, preparing for the ambush.

✅ With Vietnam eyeing the Forex market and Zimbabwe unveiling its gold-backed Zig coin, the stage is set for a seismic shift in the currency arena.

✅ The ZiG Anchor: Gold-backed digital currencies promise to reset and reevaluate exchange rates between traditional Fiat currencies and new gold-anchored currencies.

✅ By anchoring a currency to Gold, countries can stabilize their national currencies against the inherent volatility of Fiat currencies.

✅ This revaluation process involves pegging the value of a national currency to a specific amount of gold, providing a consistent and reliable measure of value.

✅ As a result, exchange rates will reflect the true value of currencies relative to Gold, reducing the influence of market speculation and economic instability.

✅ This mechanism ensures that gold-backed digital currencies maintain a stable value, promoting confidence in their use for cross-border transactions, exactly as Zimbabwe did with its ZiG.

✅ Gold-backed digital currencies offer several advantages over traditional Fiat currencies.

✅ These digital assets combine the stability of Gold with the convenience and efficiency of modern financial technologies.

✅ Advances in FinTech (Financial Technologies) have made it viable to create and manage digital stablecoins that are securely backed by physical gold, ensuring that their value remains stable over time, which is why BRICS is busy with a stablecoin .

✅ Unlike Fiat currencies, which can be subject to inflation and political instability, gold-backed digital currencies provide a reliable store of value.

✅ Gold stablecoins are therefore the anchors for new currencies.

✅ Digital gold stablecoins are backed by physical gold, which means each unit of the stablecoin represents a specific amount of gold held in reserve, therefore your gold-backed security will pay the value of the gold through the gold-backed stablecoin of the BRICS in the currency where you reside or the country where your bank account is located.

✅ This support provides intrinsic value, making the stablecoin a reliable store of value and medium of exchange.

✅ The process of transferring digital gold stablecoins between countries is simplified by blockchain technology, allowing instant and secure transactions without the need to physically move the gold, and we are waiting for the completion of the BRICS blockchain system and its secure gold-backed stablecoin transfer your title payment to your bank account in a stable gold value, while all this is successfully isolated from the SWIFT and Central Bank systems of Kabbalah.

✅ This mechanism not only guarantees currency stability, but also increases the efficiency and security of cross-border payments.

✅ Gold-backed digital stablecoins represent a revolutionary development in the global financial system.

✅ They offer a stable and practical solution for international trade, reducing dependence on volatile Fiat currencies, i.e. your Bond payment cannot lose its value, the main reason to wait patiently for this payment system to complete.

✅ Widespread adoption of gold-backed digital currencies will ultimately challenge the dominance of Fiat currencies such as the US dollar and significantly revalue them downward in exchange rate value, in other words, overthrow the Cabal’s Fiat currencies.

The Tesla medical bed that is turning back time! NESARA GESARA initiatives ~ Sources of Financing

Fun Facts About Stormtroopers in Zimbabwe and Vietnam, Part 2

✅ The future of VND in a gold-backed system of BRICS becomes more imminent.

✅ This change would position Vietnam advantageously within a new global financial architecture that is less dependent on the US dollar.

✅ The US’ strong rebuke of Vietnam’s diplomatic relations with Russia highlights the tensions between the western and eastern economic blocs.

✅ As Vietnam prepares to join the BRICS, it will be able to significantly benefit from a diversified economic network and a more stable monetary system, supported by gold.

✅ In 2023, Vietnam, along with 14 other nations, formally applied to join the BRICS and their application was officially accepted for consideration.

✅Note. As far as our RV/GCR is concerned, the most plausible scenario for the start of RV exchanges will start with the BRICS!

✅ Why? Because, unless some major existential event occurs on a massive geopolitical scale, there is no realistic scenario for all 209 nations on the planet to unanimously adopt a gold/asset-backed global monetary system in the near future.

✅ So how can a VND Exchange/RV work for us? Given that the most plausible and logical way for a country like Vietnam (and Iraq, for that matter, to wait patiently) is to be able to pay for our exchanges at a significantly higher rate than the current rate of 24,000 VND to US$1, 00, is for the current dollar. to be significantly devalued relative to the VND.

✅ Think about it, if foreigners outside of Vietnam hold many trillions of VND, at a new rate of, say, 1.00 VND = $0.10 USD (10 US cents), Vietnam would have to come up with literally trillions of US dollars to buy our VND at the new rate.

✅ This is simply economically impossible, given that Vietnam’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) today is probably around US$450 billion ( -product).

✅ However, if the VND became directly convertible into a gold-backed global currency, the US dollar, along with all other Fiat currencies, would be extremely weak in comparison.

✅ This is where the common commercial currency backed by BRICS gold comes into play.

✅ If Vietnam becomes a member of the BRICS Alliance, the VND would be directly convertible into the new trade currency backed by BRICS gold and therefore, by extension, the VND we all hold would be directly exchanged for the gold trade currency.

(The same goes for the Iraqi dinar and possibly why the 4 requirements are not and will not be announced until the BRICS blockchain with its gold-backed stablecoin is live!)

✅ Furthermore, since the US dollar, the euro, etc., would be almost useless in relation to the BRICS gold currency, we would then have enormous purchasing power in our countries of origin.

✅So how much purchasing power? This would depend on the final structure of how the BRICS would manage the native currency of each of its members into the new common commercial currency, backed by gold.

✅ Consequently, it is not realistically possible to determine what our VND exchange value would be at this time.

✅ But what about IQD? Some speculate that the VND would do RV before the IQD simply because there have been no official announcements about Iraq applying to join the BRICS Alliance, they have just expressed interest ( in-joining-brics/), but this could probably already have been done and approved in secret.

✅ That said, in a recent BRICS press conference, Pres. Putin stated that approximately 30 countries are in discussions to seek membership (, meaning anything can happen at this point. My opinion is that the BRICS Sandman Project will happen at the same time as the BRICS Payment System comes into operation!

“Don’t Blink” – Goldilocks Seeds of Wisdom RV/GCR Update(s) 6/20/24

(Note: If you are looking for more cryptocurrency news, please visit our websiteBitcoin Commando. All crypto news will be posted there. ~ Dinar Chronicles)Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom“Almost two-thirds of countries in the Middle East and Asia Central banks are exploring the adoption of a central bank digital currency as a way to promote financial inclusion and improve the efficiency of cross-border payments.Adopting a CBDC, however, requires careful consideration. Countries in these regions, encompassing a diverse group of economies stretching from Morocco and Egypt to Pakistan and Kazakhstan, each must consider their own unique set of circ*mstances.The Tesla medical bed that is turning back time! NESARA GESARA initiatives ~ Sources of Financing – Prime Disclosure (55)Many of the 19 countries currently exploring a CBDC are in the research phase. Bahrain, Georgia, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have moved to the most advanced “proof of concept” phase. Kazakhstan is the most advanced country after two pilot programs for digital tenge.”IMF

According to conversations Dee, Sam and I had with our CBI contact, Iraq will use CBDC for cross-border trade.

© Goldilocks

Iraq is not ready yet.


Iraq to repatriate all its citizens from al-Hol refugee camp in Syria

BAGHDAD, June 18 (Xinhua) — The Iraqi government decided on Tuesday to return all Iraqis from the al-Hol refugee camp in Syria. al-Hol in Syria, the Official Iraqi News Agency (INA) reported. ) reported.

Karim al-Nouri, deputy minister of the Ministry of Migration and Displaced Persons, told INA that “the total number of refugees in al-Hol camp is more than 50 thousand people from different countries, including 20 thousand people from Iraq.”

He said the Iraqi government has created a high-level committee to examine the security situation of refugees.

Al-Nuri also said that those returning from al-Hol camp would undergo community rehabilitation programs in al-Jada’a camp in Iraq’s northern Nineveh province, stressing that around 3,000 people have so far returned to the their homes in Iraq, according to the INA.

The al-Hol camp is known for housing refugees, with a significant number of them being family members of IS militants.

News in English




Final announcement of MICA standards:

The European Banking Authority (EBA) delivers its final group of MiCA technical standards just before the deadline for June 30, 2024 for its digital regulations to become law.

Section Guidelines and Technical Standards
for Digital Finance and Innovation Type Final Report Main Document ESMA75-453128700-949 Final Report on Technical Standards for Cooperation MiCA (EN) Document Style ESMA

14 technical standards and 3 guidelines were finalized and published. This completes EBA’s delivery of its technical standards under MiCA.

Esma Europa

© Goldilocks

~~~~~~~~~The Tesla medical bed that is turning back time! NESARA GESARA initiatives ~ Sources of Financing – Prime Disclosure (56)The Tesla medical bed that is turning back time! NESARA GESARA initiatives ~ Sources of Financing – Prime Disclosure (57)


“As China dumps Treasury bonds, the Eurozone, Canada and financial centers are filled with immense appetite.”

The division of monetary flows has been occurring for some time, but we are beginning to clearly notice a new continental economic division.

Trade routes have been redirected in recent years and bilateral free trade agreements have been signed.

The emergence of a multipolar Global Economy is beginning to be realized through countries supporting their own payment systems using their own local currencies to the detriment of the World Reserve Dollar.

With a new Digital Monetary System coming into play with real-world assets backed by commodities and easy access to a fractional monetary trade policy, the expectation of a world with solid currency (gold) through tokenized asset values ​​is becoming A reality.

Rua do Lobo|Investopedia

© Goldilocks


ISSA Survey Shows Growing Strategic Importance of DLT Adoption –Ledger Insights – Blockchain for Enterprise

Bank of America Finds Younger Investors Prefer Crypto, alternatives to stocks –Ledger Insights – blockchain for companies


Ripple CEO predicts end of XRP process this summer |Crypto News Flash


Investors around the world are grappling with new trading mechanisms that are beginning to redirect money flows through a new trading system based on digital assets.

The movement of money is not the same. New digital accounting regimes are changing the direction of money based on new re-entries of local currencies traded abroad.

At the end of this month, we will have guidelines, regulations and new laws to change the way we do business.

Don’t blink, it’s happening right before your eyes.

© Nomura’s Goldilocks


Payment systems:

“Stablecoin issuers are quickly emerging as a significant source of demand for US Treasury notes as concerns about Washington’s debt management grow.

* Stablecoin issuers are the 18th largest holders of US debt in the world.

* Of the many cryptocurrency bills in the US political halls, stablecoin legislation has come closest to passing through the US Congress to become law.

Look for stablecoin regulation to move into high gear now due to the information in the article. What are stablecoins backed by? You understood. Goods. More (

BRICS GESARA Alliance of Nations:

BRICS: Another country announces plans to abandon the US dollar. Vietnam is the latest nation to abandon the dollar for international trade, following a recent agreement with the economic alliance’s 2024 president, Russia. More (

Transition of Russia and Vietnam to national currencies in transactions. Pres. Putin noted that in the first quarter of this year, 60% of payments between Russia and Vietnam were already carried out in national currencies. See ( Cross-border payment systems that bypass the Cabal’s SWIFT system…

JUST IN: Thailand officially applies to join BRICS. See (

Russia is dealing with increasing sanctions from the US and Europe, targeting its financial infrastructure and military-industrial supply chains. In response, Russia seeks to strengthen economic ties with non-Western countries. These partnerships focus on energy exports and technological collaboration to mitigate the impact of Western sanctions.

G7 and EU prepare sanctions against banks from third countries that use the Russian financial messaging system. Bloomberg reports that G7 and EU countries are preparing sanctions against banks in third countries that use the Russian Financial Messaging System (SPFS).

The SPFS network includes 557 banks and companies, including 159 non-residents from 20 countries. This system is used by banks in China, Belarus, Armenia, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan, among others. Some banks have already received notifications about possible restrictions on operations carried out through SPFS. See (

BRICS countries are discussing ways to strengthen economic cooperation and reduce dependence on Western financial systems. These discussions include potential agreements on alternative payment systems (plural) to bypass the US dollar, highlighting a shift towards more localized economic strategies. New members will start joining soon. More (

7 Kingdoms:

JUST IN: China warns the United States to stop selling weapons to Taiwan. See (

Zim notes, bonds, agro checks and GESARA benefits:

Currency wars…

✅ Japanese banking giant Norinchukin PUSHES the global financial system with $63 billion in Treasury bonds and SETTLEMENT of European bonds. More ( The music just stopped: Japanese banking giant Norinchukin will liquidate $63 billion in Treasury bonds and European bonds to offset huge unrealized losses. More (

✅ Türkiye and Russia may start using gold as an alternative to the dollar. Due to secondary sanctions, bilateral trade between Turkey and Russia has almost come to a halt. Unlike China and India, Turkey is more closely linked to the US and EU, making it almost impossible to find alternative solutions. However, a solution was proposed within Turkey itself: start using gold.

The value of gold is well known and transactions involving it are not classified as foreign exchange. Therefore, these transactions would not be subject to the current restrictions. Let’s just wait for the good old golden galleons and the brave pirates. See (

RV Iraq and Dinar:

General Opinions:

Social media keypad information providers are eager for new dates, as June 15 and last week’s bond payment dates never materialized.

The fact remains: if the 4 requirements below are not met, the RV of the dinar cannot occur, making payment of the bonds impossible, regardless of what the Gurus predict.

Iraq is waiting, in my opinion, for the BRICS blockchain cross-border payments system, with its gold-backed stablecoin, to be launched to declare its official RV rate. They need the gold-backed stablecoin as explained in my many posts…

Read my next post called Fun Facts about the Stormtroopers of Zimbabwe and Vietnam ( to understand what I’m trying to say…

💥Repost of the 4 Dinar Requirements for RV that Gurus choose to ignore:

1. Public announcement of Iraq’s accession to the WTO.

2. Dinar RV published for 2 days in the Gazette.

3. CBI will announce RV publicly.

4. Announcement that the US will withdraw its troops from Iraq.

Banks and Economy:

Analyst predicts: US will face its own “Bank of England” debt crisis before the November 3 elections. Otavio Costa, macro strategist at Crescat Capital, warned of future problems for the US economy ahead of the presidential elections.

On social media, Otávio draws attention to the deteriorating liquidity of the US government bond index, which is at its worst levels since the 2011 European debt crisis. He believes the stage is set for the US economy to experience your “Bank of England” moment.

More ( I mentioned this as one of 64 markers that bond payments are near. Furthermore, a financial crisis and RV should happen under the Biden administration and not the Trump one.

Swiss banks including UBS Group AG ( are pushing the government to delay Basel 3 global capital rules for their commercial businesses to avoid being harmed after the European Union (https: // decided to postpone.

Switzerland is expected to decide by the end of July whether it will also postpone the implementation date. While several national lenders favor waiting, UBS also argues that without a pause it would be one of the few big global banks forced to adopt trading rules in January 2025, said people familiar with the matter, who asked not to be named because interactions are private.

More ( . Pay attention to Basel 3 and Bretton Woods 3, the two monsters that the Cabal fears! Without Basel 3, banks cannot operate. The Bretton Woods 3 Agreement restores the Gold Standard…


Yesterday I received important news. I will read the news to you:

“Tomorrow Brazil operations will be released with liquidity in the account. Today is the 16th holiday in the USA and the banks did not work and that is why there is no liquidity.

The banking system is organized to welcome new millionaires. Several banks have introduced _____ accounts, _____ maintenance, waiting for the good times. From a very high source (This guy is very big) “Wolvie, my friend, the latest news has been very good.

The cut in dollars is being paid in Asia, this is 100% confirmed information. In Brazil there were three payments on Friday, plus five yesterday. From what I was informed by my contact at the Central Bank, today things will enter a more intense rhythm from 2pm onwards. This time corresponds to the end of the daily meetings in Washington, unless unforeseen circ*mstances occur, but I believe that the payment should not stop.

I also received information from my contacts in Spain, and they have platforms in Brazil saying that their leaders are being paid today.

The owner of the Pentecostal group says that all the projects have already been done and finalized. Now it’s a matter of releasing the funds to the people. She has been the target of many enemies.

She had to negotiate in court to start the payment and finally won, and now she has finished the work that God assigned to her. She is a strong Christian lady. I hope to meet you when I go to Colombia soon.

The big news arrived yesterday, regarding Med beds, this is the news that arrived: “We will have much peace and happiness for the world! I love you and all the blessings to you and your family” (Mauricio)

“If you need healing in the US military medical beds, let me know, I was invited and I can provide it for you and your family as well. This is great news! Thank you very much, Mauricio. Thanks!

All: Medical beds are in area 51! That’s where they are in America, there’s more to it than that, but it’s classified. This is the essence of what I wanted to tell you. Medical beds are real.

Furthermore, Pres Trump will have a patriot rally to Mar-a-Largo in about two months. I think Mauricio is invited, I’m not sure, but all the main patriots, Charlie Ward and maybe Wolverine will be there! (It would be lovely, but I’m not here to compete against anyone).

I also heard from a friend and he got paid. That’s all I can say. He got paid. It was glorious and we toasted him. That’s all I can tell you.

I’m not hearing much from Reno. I’m waiting to hear from Reno, but it’s still early and I hope we hear from there and Bruce can find out more.

Notifications again, it’s stressful. I thought they were going out yesterday. IF bondholders are being paid, then surely 4B should be released soon. People are getting paid and they’re getting bondholder appointments. Brazil is moving.

I also received contacts from Reno to prepare for tomorrow, so maybe tomorrow will be D-day. I love you, stay in faith. It started.

Furthermore, a confidential document arrived from Mark Garrett, a great operator like Mauricio, he said that everything is done and everything is released.

I’ll see if I can summarize this to give you hope: I’ll read the last part, because the rest is confidential – Strategic partner must be confirmed with redemption code (I won’t quote the code). from our sovereign patriot Mauricio, who will be notified and informed through the rate representative, and who will be a known, trustworthy and familiar voice for this next call.

In closing, we, as sovereign and patriotic financiers, want to thank you for being part of your team and for allowing us the opportunity to work with you on this journey that is now coming to an end. Glorious Ending.

We pray that you and your families and endeavors will be richly blessed and we look forward to communicating with you very soon about scheduling your transaction with the bank. With great respect and appreciation, thanking you in advance, Mark Garrett (audio cut off).

I hope to have more news for you. When I get that miraculous call, there will be a live emergency call and I will leave the microphone to Carpathia because she is dying to tell you something, and then there will be the special video of a member in the chosen room, the trumpets of freedom and then opera. I’m going to unmute the room so you can all celebrate.

I want to see photos of you with your champagne! Send photos!

Take care, Wolverine (transcribed by Carpathia)


My dear Chosen Ones, today our Wolverine brought us a message full of Light, Happiness and Hope. Our wait was not easy. Each of you has proven yourself to be the most patient, compassionate and loving individual among the majority of people on this planet.

You never gave yourselfprotect yourself in the face of all adversity. You have remained steadfast and steadfast despite the countless obstacles along the path to happiness.

You stood firm for the truth: The truth of knowing that we would be the ones to free the world from hurt and pain, and shower the world with giving, and ultimately set the world on its path, to “Live!”

In a short space of time, we will have the ability to choose and lead the life we ​​want not only for ourselves, but for the world. And, I know, with the Loving Hearts held in these rooms, that the New Life that each of you will bring to Earth will be the most beautiful in all of existence.

God bless each one of you.


The Tesla medical bed that is turning back time! NESARA GESARA initiatives ~ Sources of Financing – Prime Disclosure (58)

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The Tesla medical bed that is turning back time! NESARA GESARA initiatives ~ Sources of Financing – Prime Disclosure (2024)


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Name: Annamae Dooley

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.